
Topic: Comic Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3111: Last week I blogged about who was going to be at the Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con in Orange County, California; both media guests and comics creators... Well, we are back from that show, and the third blog that I want to post is about seeing one of the actors that I really enjoyed watching on another one of Irwin Allen's TV Shows... David (Al) Hedison of 'Voyage to The Bottom of the Sea' fame!
The original series ran from September 14, 1964 – March 31, 1968 on the ABC Network. We still had a black and white TV set in Alaska, but that was OK because the premiere episode was shown in black & white, (even though it was filmed in color)! I soon picked up the Gold Key Comics that featured this TV Show... they were favorites of mine for years! Here's the link to the GCD where you too can see the front covers of the 16 issue run. The comics were published from December of 1964 until April of 1970, just before I graduated High School. That was a long time period of time for the comics being printed, although there aren't that many issues in the run as they were published almost on a quarterly basis! David of course is known for much more than just 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea', but hey, this is a comic book oriented blog, LOL!
For a complete list of David's appearances both on TV and in Film, please see this IMDB page. BTW, to show you how popular Irwin Allen's TV Shows were... The third season of 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea' ran simultaneously with two more Irwin Allen-produced TV series: the second season of Lost in Space and the premiere, (and only) season of The Time Tunnel. (Not too subtle hint about a future blog post... I also have photos from this same convention of a certain actress who starred in Time Tunnel to post here!) My thanks go out to Diane Kachmar, who is pictured at the top left of this blog post. Diane is the co-author of a book with David Goudsward titled 'The Fly At Fifty', which has a foreword by David Hedison. Diane C. Kachmar is also a University Librarian at Florida Atlantic University. She maintains where YOU can purchase David Hedison signed photos, etc. BTW, Diane is the author of Roy Scheider: A Film Biography (2002). You can also visit her on the web at Author's Den. She is one busy gal as you tell! For those of You that couldn't attend this convention, I'll be blogging about more media guests and comics creators in the days to come... If You can't wait for my posts, you can check out more of who was there at Wizard World Anaheim by joining their Facebook Fan Page right here for one, AND / OR You can go direct to their web site to see who else appeared there at: Wizard World Anaheim. Again, my thanks to Diane and her husband, John Kachmar, for being so nice to me during my time at their booth with David Hedison! AND my thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,100 total posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @