
Topic: Comic Book Artists
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3786 - I was reading another of the back issues of Alter Ego, (No. 33 published in February of 2004), yesterday, and came across a two page memorial spread on John Tartaglione... I knew that John was a comic books artist, as I had read many Marvel Comics that had his inkwork in them. I had liked his work on those pages, and had wondered about him at the time, but during those early days there wasn't an internet to find out more about him. Alter Ego had a two-page write up on him, as a memorial, as he had passed a short time before, (January 14, 1921 – November 12, 2003). He is best known for best known for his inking on Marvel Comics during the 1960s - 70s - 80s, but had started in the comics field back in the 1940s at Harvey Comics. John then went to Bailey Publications where he worked on 'Copy Boy'. By 1949 John was at Timely Publications (Marvel Comics' forerunner), where he worked on horror, adventure and crime comics. In 1952 John started working on romance comics at Atlas Comics (also Marvel Comics' forerunner), and had several pseudonyms there. I've mentioned the Atlas Comics Implosion of Spring 1957 several times in this blog... John was also caught up in this event, so he went on to Charlton Comics and Gilberton, where he worked on Classics Illustrated. Sometime in the 1960s, John was working at Dell Comics, on Ben Casey, Burke's Law, John F Kennedy, and Lyndon B Johnson titles. In the mid-1960s John was back at Timely (now called Marvel Comics), where he was the inker on several features, including the Hulk in Tales To Astonish, Daredevil, Captain Marvel, Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos and others. That is where I knew his work the best. It was in the 1980s that John worked on two comics that gave him a more international appeal: the biographies in comic book format of Mother Teresa and then the Life of John Paul II. John retired, but was still working here and there in the comics industry. Matter of fact, the week he died, his daughter finished his cartoon strip where he was inking Larry Lieber's pencils on the Spider-Man newspaper strip! There are very few public photos of John, the one I used for this blog shows him at the right, and Joe Sinnott at the left. Joe is a very talented inker also, as seen at his web site. Here is a list of John's published credits, as seen at the Grand Comics Database. You can read more about John's life at his Wikipedia entry. I thought I would post a blog about John today, while the memorial pages are fresh in my mind. Because if you read Marvel Comics, like I did back in my early days as a child... You would have been reading some of his works. ~ Michael
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