
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE IS (GUEST) BLOG #3944 - Catching up with my comic book reviews this week... This comic book was received at the recent 2013 Comic-Con International: San Diego, (aka SDCC). At the top right is a photo of Rebecca Thompson, Kerry G Johnson, and myself holding copies of this comic book series, including issue #5 of Spectra. I've previously blogged about this comic book series, starting back in August of 2010. It was in Blog #3214, where I reviewed issue #1 that I received at the 2010 SDCC. So what is issue #5 about? Here's what the publisher says on the web site: "Follow Spectra in her next adventure. It’s wintertime, and the swim team of Tesla Junior high has gone to Pasadena, CA for their yearly winter training camp. The state championship meet is coming up, where they will face the unbeaten Edison Middle School Wizards of Menlo Park, IN. Coach Henri Toueaux will stop at nothing to secure a new trophy for his office and he doesn’t care who he leaves in his wake, including his team. Follow Spectra and her gang as they use her laser powers and their knowledge of fluid flow to stop H. Toueaux from crossing the line from motivating coach to evil villain." As for 'My Take' on this issue... The front & back cover is a double page spread and in foil. Pretty sharp looking! Grabbed my attention right away! Inside front cover - Basically used as the indicia. Splash Page - A lot of text, but gets right to the storyline! Interior Pages - A short story, just 12 pages, but it comes across pretty good. The artwork is once again a fine meshing with the word balloons and storyline. The inside back cover is 'Seven Myths About High School Pysics'. A fine text piece. Once again I found this 'promotional' comic book to be a worthy read in this comic book series. It comes across with a lot of good information, but not presented in a 'preachy' sort of way. It is a smooth presentation, one that should hold a school kids attention, as well as an adults. As for my comic book grade for this issue... I'm giving it a Near Mint (NM) 9.4 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. The odds are that you won't find this comic book at your local comic book shop, as it is basically a promotional piece published by APS Physics / So I'm going to list a few links that talk about the comic book. Physics Central page on Issue #5. Kerry G. Johnson's Facebook Fan Page. The APS Physics Facebook Fan Page!
You could always download a copy at this link. I'm not for sure what convention Rebecca & Kerry will be at next, but that is where I received my copy, so you could check out their convention schedule to possibly obtain a hard copy. ~ Michael
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