Continuing My Series On Creators that will be at the Comic Con International San Diego 2009, AND whom I think You should make a point to stop and see...
Is Scott Shaw!, who will be at his booth, which is next to Sergio Aragones's booth of course, PLUS at multiple panels / programs this year at the SDCC!
For those of you that aren't aware of Scott's background, you can find this writeup from him on his Facebook member account Wall: "An experienced professional cartoonist writing and drawing comic books, animation, advertising and toy design, I'm also a historian of comics and cartooning."
I've taken my older kids to Scott's Oddball Comics Slideshow for several years running while they still lived at home. They would always get a kick out of it when it played in the evening! Now, my wife Tina and I attend the Slideshow, although it is usually scheduled earlier in the day in recent years at this Con.
Scott has sent me the following schedule for those of You that would like to see the programs he is either hosting or participating on:
It’s preview night! I’ll be setting up business at Table #I (rhymes with “eye”) 08, right next to Sergio Aragonés! Throughout the convention, I’ll be signing my comics, doing complementary cartoon sketches for kids 12 and under and promoting new projects! Look for my ODDBALL COMICS banner!
Secret Origins of Comic-Con! -- 11:00-12:30 am --Room 2: How did it all begin? Those who were there in 1969 (most of them teenagers at the time!) have the behind-the-scenes story of the very first meetings, the first mini-con, and the first Golden State Comic-Con at the U.S. Grant in 1970. Panelist include Richard Alf, Barry Alfonso, Greg Bear, Dave Clark, Roger Freedman, Ken Krueger, Scott Shaw!, and Mike Towry, with William R. Lund as moderator.
The Cartoon Art Museum Sketch-A-Thon Funderaiser with Bobby London and Scott Shaw! -- 3-4pm -- Table #1930: Bobby and I will be drawing sketches for Comic-Con attendees in exchange for donations to San Francisco’s stellar Cartoon Art Museum.
Quick Draw! with Mark Evanier, Sergio Aragonés, Floyd Norman and Scott Shaw! – 11:15-12:30 am – Room 6BCF: We say it each and every year, but it's true: Quick Draw! is the most fun panel you can visit at Comic-Con. Mark Evanier puts Sergio Aragonés, Scott Shaw!, and this year's guest artist, Disney Legend Floyd Norman, through their paces as they draw on the big screen. If you haven't seen this amazing display of cartooning magic, this is the year for you: join the fun!
Oddball Comics -- 3pm – 4:30pm -- Room 7AB:
As seen in the pages of GEEK MONTHLY MAGAZINE, cartoonist Scott Shaw! (CAPTAIN CARROT AND THE FINAL ARK, BART SIMPSON COMICS, SIMPSONS SUMMER SHINDIG) brings back his ever-popular digital slide show featuring "the craziest comic books ever published!" See why Stan Lee said, "Wow, True Believers, I thought I'd seen it all, but Scott Shaw's hysterically hilarious Oddball Comics is the wildest, wackiest exposé of some of the craziest comic books I've ever seen! Or, to put it mildly, Scott's outrageous opuses are a blast!"
DIG COMICS screening – 6:30-7:15 – Room 26AB:
Director/host Miguel Cima, associate producer Cory Blake and on-camera interviewee/animation director Scott Shaw! discuss Miguel’s passionate quest for the answer to “Why does America ignore comic books as a legitimate form of entertainment and art?”
THE ANNUAL JACK KIRBY TRIBUTE PANEL – 10 -11 am – Room 4: Fifteen years ago, Jack Kirby -- "King of the Comics" -- left us, but his vision and creations live on to inspire everyone who comes into contact with his work. Mark Evanier (author of KIRBY: KING OF COMICS) moderates this annual tribute to the King. Joining Mark this year will be actor/writer/musician Bill Mumy, editor Steve Saffle, inker Mike Royer, Kirby family lawyer Paul S. Levine, a few surprises and the reunion of five of the six members of “The San Diego Five-String Mob” (go figure!), a group of San Diego Comic-Con’s founding members who Kirby immortalized in the pages of SUPERMAN’S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN (William R. Lund, Mike Towry, Roger A. Freedman, Barry Alfonso and Scott Shaw! – minus, unfortunately, John Pound, who had to cancel.)
So when I titled this blog post "Scott Shaw! Will Be Busy As Ever At The 2009 SDCCI !" I wasn't kidding, wuz I ???
A Personal Note: My dad worked at the San Diego Zoo for a short time in the Zoo's accounting department. Scott's dad had been working there longer and was well known to the Zoo's personnel. Scott, who is a year older than myself, also worked there as one of his first jobs. I worked at the Zoo starting in my last year of high school and through college. Talk about a 'small world', and San Diego wasn't that small in the late 1960's!
BTW, if you are not one of the 125,000+ persons that are attending this great comic book & pop culture convention this month, then you should take a look at both of Scott's websites for fun and great deals: and
However, if you are attending the San Diego Comic Con International later on this month, then please find and then hi-lite on your program map to see both Scott Shaw! at his booth and at the panels / programs he'll be at. You'll be glad You did! I know I will as always!
Please Note: Days and Times of signings /programs / panels / doors opening etc., are subject to change at any convention, so double check that when you get there! There is a daily updated printed schedule that is available onsite!
For those that don't know... the 2009 SDCC / CCI-SD is being held at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
The address is: 111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA. Dates of the Con are from July 23rd through July 26th, with a Preview Night July 22nd for 4 day Badge Members Only! However as this blog post 'goes to press' ALL memberships have been SOLD OUT already!
BTW, unless we are onsite all day & night during a comic con... we do blog daily on comics and pop culture news and events! Check out our daily blog posts, new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store!
Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!!
~ Michael
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"
Note: If you work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for review, send to: Make It So Marketing Inc PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013
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