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I met Joshua Cozine of Stranger Comics at the recent 2009 Long Beach Comic Con while he was at The Antidote Trust booth. Joshua, (the Editor), is shown at the top right of this blog post holding both covers of the first issue of The Untamed: A Sinner's Prayer. Back on September 7th I blogged about issue #1 of the series. (Click here for that post. Today I'm blogging my thoughts on issue #2 of which the front cover is seen on the top left of this blog. First, here's what the Press Release tells what issue #2 is about: A Stranger has returned to Oasis. A deal has been made. Seven souls for seven days. Now he is holed up in a tavern cared for by a girl not old enough to remember his past. She radiates an innoncence that defies his thirst for vengeance. But there is another soul to collect, and he shall find it within the brutal and blood soaked underbelly of the town. The Pit Fight Arena!The credits for this issue are as follows: Writer: Sebastian A. Jones
Those reasons were reinforced with this issue! The artwork flows on each page and with the coloring complementing the tone that the writer is conveying with the written words. There is more dialogue in this issue than the previous one, but not where it is 'interfering' with the artwork. There is a good mix of scenes and text on each page. And I as a reader don't feel that this mini-series is being 'stretched out' in any way to take more of my dollars just to continue on the seven day journey, (seven issues). Which is a good thing! As a reader I want entertainment value for my dollars. The two issues printed in this mini series is a 'class act' so far. If you have missed the first issue, you can actually see it animated now at:, just click the 'Watch' box at the web site! For more info on issue #2 of this series from Stranger Comics, please check this page:! I look forward to seeing 'Day 3 of 7' of this mini-series.... Oh, and Yes that is Dale Wilson of DWAP Productions standing behind Joshua Cozine in the top right photo of this blog post. I have blogged about DWAP's Caffeine Dreams comic book series before: (Click here !). Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown! Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!~ Michael @
I met Laura Rosenberg of at the recent 2009 Long Beach Comic Con while she was at the PSA vendor booth. Even though I don't 'collect' sports cards, I still have some from my 'youth', plus several non-sports cards sets of comic book characters and TV shows. So I made the time to check out what PSA had to offer in third party grading for cards as I knew that PSA has a good 'rep' in the industry. (I had not seen them represented before at other comics cons.) Laura pointed out the current issue of the SMR (Sports Market Report) magazine, and it immediately was one that I wanted! The cover had one of the 1966 Batman TV Show Cards featured in a PSA encapsulation. So I got that issue to read later. I'm glad I did! There was also a back of the magazine feature of the 1966 Green Hornet TV Show card set! I'm a 'little' excited about the upcoming 2010 Green Hornet Film as well. So this article and the Batman cards article were good reading for me! And neither article was about sports cards in this 'Sports Market Report' magazine! That's why you can't judge a book (or magazine or comic, etc.) by their title! Here's what else is in this November 2009 issue, (of course there's Sports Cards info!): FEATURES •The Baby's Set – The Top 1975 Topps Football Set COLUMNS •Taking My Hacks: Stretching the Truth COLLECTING GUIDES •A Note About Pricing MARKET REPORT PRICES •Baseball Cards My thanks to Laura Rosenberg who took the time to show me what PSA is doing for those that have non-sports cards as well as sports cards! For info on this issue and other back issues of the SMR, check this page: or look for it at Your LCBS or sports collectible shop! Of course there is also additional info on how You can submit your cards to PSA for 3rd party grading as well! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown! Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!~ Michael @
I met Richard A Hamilton at the recent Long Beach Comic Con while he was at 'The Antidote Trust' booth. Back on August 22nd I had blogged about the first issue of this 3 part comic book series, (click here for that post). He remembered the blog post and asked me if I had seen the next two issues of that series. I hadn't, but told him that with the first issue being so good, that it had a good start and would remember to look for the final two issues. That's when he told me that the three issue mini-series was being 'collected' into a Trade Paper Back (TPB). Now the mini-series is available as a TPB for those of you that didn't get all three issues of the 'floppies' (single issues) either! Here are the details for this collected mini-series: (Writer) Richard A. Hamilton (Art) Jeremy Dale, Rob Jones Format: GRAPHIC NOVEL (TPB) Okay, if You have already clicked on the link above that would have taken you to my earlier blog post on the first issue of this series... You would know that I loved the premise, the writing, the artwork... everything actually about the first issue. So, having now read the TPB, I was able to finish the story arc that was presented in the first issue. You know... it didn't disappoint me! The story was funny AND entertaining, the pencils by Jeremy Dale were just right for this series, and Rob Jones complemented the artwork by inking it. Colors by Jelle Van Den Brink added to the whole presentation. I for one enjoyed seeing this in a TPB (graphic novel style) format! This was a fun read... and I would say it would be for those that don't always want their comics in a 'grim and gritty' style. I also appreciated the 'winks' to the well known Dynamic Duo, who in this story are portrayed as 'The Cowl' and 'Kid Cowl'. To order your copy direct from the Dial 'C' For Comics people, check this page: look for it at Your LCBS, as this just hit the stands last week! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown! Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!~ Michael @
Michael McClain sent me a preview copy of his upcoming comic book series "Nyssa: War". Michael was inspired back in 1997 to start his own comics studio, and publishes a few titles at this time as M-Studios Publishing LLC. I have already blogged about one of those titles, Ray Leonard's "Guytron", (click here for that blog post.) First off, let me post what the first issue of the Nyssa: War series is about. Here is the description of the story: Nyssa is © and ™ to MICHAEL McCLAIN (M-Studios) All rights reserved. They called her Nyssa--a hired assassin, a warrior who walks the path of lost souls, fighting the demons of her dark treatment soul. She travels through the gates of hell to vengeance against those who have destroyed her family name. She learned to kill without mercy--that the road of a samurai. Nyssa Story Synopsis Nyssa (bodyguard) boss (G-Marco) pass on a assassination job and--- now he's the target. Nyssa and Rain (Nyssa best friend and business partner) have to protest him and save their own rear. This series will be done by the end of 2009. Okay, now on to my thoughts of this first issue: The cover art shown above at the top right of this post is without the logo and the lettering that would come with it. The artwork does make an impact on the casual browser that would see it at their LCBS. The additional logo and text adds to the cover. The finished cover would make me pick up the comic book at my LCBS to see what it is about. Turning the front cover page... I find that on the inside front cover there are two house ads, one for 'Battle Blood' and the other for 'Guytron'. I'm going to stop for a moment and address something here that I will be mentioning later. This could / should have been an intro page to the story line that is being presented. I for one have never read the earlier Nyssa comic book mini-series and had no idea what this series is going to be about... The splash page does what it is supposed to do. Make a 'splash' impression in front of you, as if you were at a newstand or a LCBS and make you want to spend your $ to buy this and take it home with you to read and possibly collect the rest in the series. The art style was presented by Michael McClain. I happened to like it in this story. The style was different enough, yet also familar, that it was easy to follow the storyline. The coloring by Virginie D Menard added to the illustrations. Just the right amount of coloring to give it a certain 'feel' of likability. The lettering done in-house flowed with the art & colors, which is what it is supposed to do. Nest comes the writing... Here is what I found that detracted from my having full enjoyment from reading the first issue. And that is going back to what I wrote earlier. The inside front cover should / could have been an 'intro' to the characters that are in this story. The splash page and the initial pages take off like I already knew the characters and their background history to each other. However, as I said earlier, I didn't know these characters. That being said... If I had read the earlier Nyssa mini-series, I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more. It was still a good read, just that I 'felt' I was missing 'something' from not having read the earlier continuity... One additional note: there are only 16 interior pages to this comic. The front inside cover and the back inside cover are both house ads. Nothing wrong with that, except as I mentioned the front inside cover could have been an intro page to new readers, which would have been more helpful. This mini-series is projected to be four issues. With the current price of $3.99 for most comics, mainstream and indie comics, I would have preferred to see a few more pages of story. All in all, I found this first issue to be drawn in a style I liked, the colors and lettering were fine, and story line flowed to the last page, which of course is "To Be Continued". Hopefully the following issues will address 'the newbie' to the Nyssa character and other characters involved in the series. To order your copy in the future, or to order the earlier Nyssa series, check this page: . Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown! Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!~ Michael @