| | March 9th, 2009 Is The Deadline To Enter The Facebook Comic Con's Premiere Costume Competition! 
Lisa Hager-Duncan... Who is the Event Coordinator for the Competition, (and also pictured above), reminded me that the deadline for submittals is coming up soon! The details for entering this event are online at the Comic Con's Event web site! I am copying them here for the benefit of those that have not yet become a member of Facebook nor joined the Facebook Comic Con! The following are the details, but You must enter at the web site itself!! FACEBOOK COMIC CON PREMIERE COSTUME COMPETITION
SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2009 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST (NY)
Held during the GALA PREMIERE LAUNCH of FACEBOOK COMIC CON. MARCH 12-15, 2009 On the Main Floor Convention Hall of this 'Virtual Comic Con'.
Please carefully read the instructions, official rules and criteria to ensure your successful entry and to better understand the procedures.
RULES FOR COSTUME ENTRIES: 1-) All entrants must be registered at Facebook Comic Con. 2-) Entries can be posted in photo or video format. 3-) Only one photo or one video allowed for each entry. 4-) Video entries must not exceed 10 seconds in length.
HOW TO ENTER | WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: 1-) Start planning and creating your costume. 2-) When finished, have pictures or video taken of you in your costume holding a hand-written sign only containing: FBCC COSTUME CONTEST 2009. This ensures that all our contestant costumes are new and authentically produced for this event so the competition is fair to all. 3-) Choose the best photo or edit up to 10 best seconds of video for upload to competition event.
POSTING YOUR COSTUME ENTRIES: 1-) Attend this event through menu at upper right of "this" page. This officially enters you into the competition.(NOTE: You must go to the actual web page for this!! What you are reading right now is just a notice from Michael posted on his blog! See the link here: facebook.com/event.php?eid=48014919300 and follow the instructions there! (Note: eBay doesn't allow 'hot links' in the eBay blog posts to non-eBay pages, so if you are reading this on our Blog's eBay format version, just copy and paste the url into your browser and add the www. if necessary.) 2-) Upload your photo or video to the photos or video section of this event. 3-) Tag your photo or video with the name of the event: FBCC PREMIERE COSTUME COMPETITION. 4-) Caption label your photo or video with the NAME OF COSTUME CHARACTER. 5-) Only photos or videos of costume entries are allowed to be posted. All other postings will be removed. Repeat violators may be excluded from competition event.
START TIME AND DEADLINE FOR POSTING COSTUME ENTRIES: • Start time for posting entries: MON, FEB 9, 2009. 8:00 AM, EST (NY) • Deadline for posting entries: MON, MAR 9, 2009. 8:00 PM, EST (NY)
JUDGES, WINNERS & PRIZES: FIVE JUDGES from the guest list of Facebook Comic Con are: 1.) Dave Ryan, 2.) Amy Fletcher, 3.) Mat Broome 4.) Simon Williams, 5.) Michael D. Hamersky
JUDGING & ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS will take place at scheduled event time: SAT, MAR 14, 2009 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST (NY) On the convention Main Floor Hall (Facebook Comic Con main page) JUDGING CRITERIA is divided into 3 categories. 1-) Uniqueness. 2-) Design. 3-) Execution.
RATING from 1-10 will be given in each category. TEN (10) TOP entries will be chosen as finalists. THREE (3) TOP SCORING entries will receive prizes. HIGHEST SCORING ENTRY will be our Grand 1st Prize winner. PRIZES DONATED BY SPONSORS will soon be announced.
COSTUME COMPETITION ENTHUSIASTS: Let's show the real world how imaginative, fantastic and creative a virtual costume competition can be! Unleash your creativity... and let's have some FUN!
LISA HAGER-DUNCAN: Event Coordinator MICHAEL NETZER: FBCC Director To enter this event you actually need to go to: facebook.com/event.php?eid=48014919300 and follow the instructions there! Please Note: The details posted here were as of this blog posting. For up-to-date details please see their web site! (Note: eBay doesn't allow 'hot links' in the eBay blog posts to non-eBay pages, so if you are reading this on our Blog's eBay format version, just copy and paste the url into your browser and add the www. if necessary.) And Yes, that is My name up there as one of the (impartial) Judges for this Event! You Blog readers are invited to participate in this 'Virtual World Comic Con'... just do so before the deadline is reached! Also, Lisa Hager-Duncan works with Monarch Comics as an editor part time for their Witch Hunter comic book. As she is the events coordinator for this event, any questions regarding the Premiere Costume Competition should be directed toward her. Facebook Comic Con, (a virtual comic con), was recently started by Michael Netzer. Michael is donating all three prizes for the event, by the way, which can be found on Michael's website listed on the contest events page. ~ Michael | | Note From Make It So Marketing: Michael first set up at the 1972 San Diego's West Coast Comic Con. To the left is a photo of Michael at the 1973 SDCC - San Diego Comic Con that was held at the Sheraton Hotel, Harbor Island, San Diego. Click that photo to see 'Our Current World Of Pop Culture'! |
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"
Note: If you work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for review, send to: Make It So Marketing Inc PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013 | | Thank You For Being One Of This Blog's 
NOTE: This Blog Post May Not Be Viewed Properly On YOUR Screen Due To the Changes eBay is Making on the Blog Format At this time OR in the Future! Additionally, this blog post is written for IE Browsers. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768. All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners. If you are a Facebook member and want to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'. |