
Topic: Comic Cons
Bret M Herholz... Sent out word to his fans that he... " will be on hand Sunday April 5th to sign copies of my books Diary of the Black Widow and The Spaghetti Strand Murder as well as doing sketches all day long. So if you're in the Boston area, come on out and see me sometime!" I wanted to mention the above because the convention will be running next weekend, and with better weather in a lot of areas, more folks are making longer travel trips now. Besides, Bret M Herholz is just one of several other creators that will be at this Comic Con to make stopping in worth your while! Just to name a few: Dick Ayers (One of my favorite Jack Kirby inkers!), Paul Gulacy, Mike Lilly, Bob and Kim Shaw, Matt Ryan, Dave Simons, Hector E Rodriguez, and more!Here are the particulars for this upcoming comic con which you can also find out more by visiting the con's web site at: Saturday and Sunday April 4-5 2009| 10am-5pm | Back Bay Events Center | 180 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA | $10 (Note: A complimentary item for this mention / review was NOT provided by the creator nor the comic con!) For those of you that are new to our blog today, we also have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!~ Michael |