
Topic: Comic Book Artists
I have previously blogged on the above artists individually because they took the time to illustrate and submit sketch cards for this worthy cause, and because that was either brought to my attention or I found out about them while looking at the listings. There are so many contributors that it is not possible to individually name them all... and that says a lot for the Great turnout from the comics industry for this benefit! So here are the links once again that will take you the eBay listings for each of the above pictured artists: Just click here to see all four of Herb Trimpe's sketch cards on auction! Harold Cupec's 4 sketch cards from his 'Pugnuggle Tales' which you can see by Clicking Here. Daniel Miki's two set of collage sketch cards, and see this link for Greg Harms set of four 'Twilight' sketch cards! Here are the details for the benefit from the 'Comics For Cures' web site as this blog post is published: Blue Line Art has been organizing their second annual exhibition and auction of original sketch card art to benefit the American Cancer Society. Their first event in March of 2008 showcased 200 artist with over 1200 sketch cards. They raised over $7,400 for the American Cancer Society and are hoping that this current event will be bigger and better in raising funds. There will be a public exhibition at Comics 2 Games, Florence, KY location on April 4th 2009. The auction of all the original art cards will go online starting the week before the Sketch Card exhibition and will end that evening. All proceeds from the sale of the cards will go to the American Cancer Society. Bob and Mike Hickey, founders and owners of Blue Line Art, are organizing this fundraiser in honor of Bob’s wife Katie, a breast cancer survivor. Blue Line publishes Sketch Magazine and Graphic Novel Scene and sells Blue Line Art boards to both comic book companies and individual artists. The Hickey family has long been aware of the generosity of the comic book community. All involved are looking forward to another successful event that celebrates the diversity of comic book artists’ unique talents and their heroic spirit of helping those in need!
There are a thousand plus total listings of other sketch cards in this special event to raise funds; please check out the following link to take you to the eBay page where all of those auction listings are listed until the end of the auction time: The listings start to end on Apr-04-09 17:37:46 PDT! (Note: Make It So Marketing is NOT affialiated with Comics For Cures, nor any of the sponsors of the benefit auction. This is for review / mention purposes only, and to hi-light several artists' contributions to the fund raiser.) Note: There are other well known artists who have submitted sketch cards that I didn't have time to blog about. They are: Neal Adams, Kevin Graham, Danielle Corsetto, Dave Simons, Adam Hicks, David Petersen, George Calloway, Scottie Watson, Mark Stegbauer, and more! So Comics fans... don't delay looking and placing your bid on these items! As of this blog post time, there are still many cards starting at $1 with the current highest sketch card at a bid of $71! So there are many that anyone can afford still at this time! For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our own online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! ~ Michael |