
Topic: Comic Cons
Josh Mills... Was kind enough to share with me several of his photos taken in Seattle and at the Emerald City Comic Con after he and his wife, Alexandra, arrived safely back home! I have blogged previously that Josh would have a table at the 2009 ECCC and that if you were going, to stop in and say hi... and check out his newly published 'Sketchbook'. What is really neat by viewing the photos that were emailed to me, is looking at the Con through the eyes of a comics pro and his wife. I am only able to share four of the photos here in the blog post, but if you are a Facebook member, then check out the rest he has uploaded at his 'Photos' section there! Of course there would be photos of Josh and Alexandra at this Con in his uploaded photos, and those photos tell of the excitement that was felt by both of them during this weekend convention. Josh was early at his table to help others set up, as seen in the topmost photo. I myself, as a dealer, have felt the 'urge' to arrive early to a show and set up. So that is good to see a comics pro feel the same urge to arrive early! In the next photo, Josh was joined by others in the comics field, which reminds me of how fun it is to have friends stop in at your table! Pictured are Aaron Kuder and Doug Hills with Josh. Of course it's not all fun fun fun at a con.... The third photo shows Josh sketching an illustration for a fan. Of course if you enjoy doing that, then it is fun to see your fan's face light up when he/she takes possession of the sketch after you are finished with it! And I couldn't resist publishing the photo of Alexandra meeting Mike Mignola for the first time! Reminds me of me finally meeting comics pros who hardly ever came out to the West Coast, like John Buscema! Again, if you are a Facebook member, then Josh has several more photos uploaded to his Facebook Member Page. Of course there are photos of costumed fans walking around and posing... but I usually publish too many of them here in my Blog already! Yeah, sorry no pics of Wonder Woman this post, LOL! Also, the 'Sketchbook by Josh Mills' is still available from the first printing. Josh told me before he left for the ECCC that... "The con price is $10 and this comes with a small sketch as a bookmark. The page count is 24 pages". You can check his web site to see when it is available for purchase again. Josh is expecting to have a table at the upcoming 2009 San Diego Comic Con International, (SDCC), in July, so you can also see him there to purchase and say hi! Josh's web site is: The 2009 Emerald City ComiCon ran this past weekend, April 4th thru 5th. For details on next year's convention you can view that con's web site at: http://www.emeraldcitycomicon.comBTW, I already blogged about 7 other creators that also were attending this same con... Click here to see that post! Thanks Josh and Alexandra for sharing your ECCC 2009 photos with me and my Blog readers! For those of you that are new to our blog today, we also have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!~ Michael |