
Topic: Comic Book History
It's been a while since I blogged about this... But once again someone has asked me about a comic book they have from this reprint series from 1966, thinking that it is the original issue from 1961! They look so close to the original issues, (minus certain pages and a price on the front cover), that mainstream folks quite often are 'conned' into thinking that they have the originals! I am re-posting the following blog from March 5th, 2007 where I went into this subject: The above Golden Records featuring Marvel Comics characters were originally issued in 1966 with a record and a REPRINT of the issue that the character(s) were originally featured in.Too often the comic book is found without the record, and is either believed to be the original printing or is 'passed off' as being the original to non-collectors who think they have found a 'Great Deal'. When looking just at the cover of the comic book, when pictured in an auction listing, the one BIG thing that will differentiate the reprint from the original is that the reprint will NOT have the cover price of either 10 cents or 12 cents on it. (Please see the Fantastic Four #1 at the top left for the REPRINT copy issue. The photo shown below that is the ORIGINAL printing. It HAS the cover price of 10 cents printed.) The above example is just one of the pitfalls of buying online from someone who is not normally a comic book seller, as how would they know without a Comic Book Price Guide? There have been other reprints throughout the years, but the above 'Golden Record' reprints look so close to the original until close-up inside the pages inspection, (as they also don't reprint the original ads as well as the cover price!). As a last note, the above 'Golden Records' and the reprint comics also do have value.... just that the reprint comics don't command the full value that the originals do! A 'Fine' 6.0 graded reprint is 'price guided' at $42 while the original in 'Fine' 6.0 grade is 'price guided' at $1,455 ! (Note: these prices were in effect at the time of this blog post's original publishing.)
So please folks, be aware that these reprint issues are out there, and end up quite often on certain auction sites for sale... They are not worth even close to the value of the original prints! For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!~ Michael |