Topic: Other Cons
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': Congrats to Andi Ewington and the Com.X people who I met in person at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con (LBCC)... They will be at the First United Kingdom Release of the '45' this week! Below are the details of the event for the UK readers of this Blog so they can possibly make it to see Andi and the others attending: 'The 45' Com.X Signing Description: To celebrate the UK release of their much anticipated new release 'The 45', Com.X will be showing up in full force to sign copies of the book for fans. Guests include Com.X publisher Eddie Deighton, writer of 'The 45' Andi Ewington, writer of 'Cla$$war' Rob Williams, writer and artists of 'Razorjack' an colorist on 'Watchmen' John Higgins and artists Charlie Adlard (Walking Dead), Lee Carter, Matt Timson, Sally Hurst, Ben Oliver (Young X-Men, The Authority, Ultimate X-Men), and Jon Sloan. They will be appearing at Forbidden Planet in Cardiff from 1pm to sign copies of their work. So what's the work about? "Forty-Five is a series of Superhero interviews documented by James Stanley. As a soon-to-be father, James wants to find out what lies in store for his family if his unborn child turns out to have a Superpower. Having decided to forego the test that would determine whether his child is carrying the all-important "Super-S" gene, which differentiates the genetic makeup of a superhero from that of a normal person, James sets out on a quest to interview forty-five super-powered individuals in the hope that their experiences may better prepare him for the birth of a child that is potentially gifted with extraordinary abilities. On his journey, he encounters characters from all walks of life; from single mothers struggling to raise gifted children, to rebellious super-teenagers, all the way through to those reaching the end of their lives. But what starts as a voyage of personal discovery becomes something far more ominous when he crosses paths with an organization known as XoDOS." "Each page of art has been illustrated by a different comic artist, with no predetermined brief given; just the written page as guidance. The concept is unlike anything you've seen in comic books so far; it truly is an original attempt at redefining what people expect from a comic book format." The List of the 45 Artists involved with this project include, (but not limited to): John Higgins My congrats to Andi Ewington, with whom I have been communicating with since early last year. It was great to meet him in person at the October 2009 Long Beach Comic Con, (photo at top left of this post), and discuss his then still upcoming book. For my earlier blog post on meeting Andi and others from Com.X, please see this archived blog post: "Have YOU Take THE PATH?". You can check out the upcoming event in Cardiff at this link: "45 First UK Signing Event". PLUS, You can become a Member of the '45' Facebook Group Page by following this link and joining: "Forty-Five". My thanks to both Andi Ewington and the Com.X people for the time they spent with Tina and myself at the 2009 LBCC. And for the promo literature for the earlier mention / review in this Blog, plus what was sent for this 'Main Feature'. PLUS: Thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts! We usually blog on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, book signings, and other pop culture news and events, such as the one blogged about here today! Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'. And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this article! ~ Michael D Hamersky @