Topic: Comic Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3106: Stan (The Man) Lee will be at Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con...'NUFF SAID! Which would be so true, except I have a blog post to fill! Suffice to say that Stan Lee is The Man who helped turn the comics industry around in the early 1960's along with other co-creators of what became the Marvel Universe.
As a matter of fact, when I started blogging my 'Whom I Am Thankful For' series of blog posts at Thanksgiving time, Stan was the first person that I blogged about in this comics / pop culture blog. Here's a link to the latest Thanksgiving blog post from 2009 that recaps that original blog post and others, including Jack Kirby that I've added since: Whom I Am Thankful For 2009! In other blog posts about this upcoming Wizard World in Anaheim, I've posted links to bios. I'm not going to do that here today, as Stan Lee is so well known to comic book fans and mainstream movie goers. However, I am going to post a link here to Stan's Facebook Fan Page, where his publicist posts updates as to what Stan is doing, and where You can post comments and even wall posts! There are currently over 24,000 Fans there. His first Facebook presence, his 'Member Page' was maxed out at the 5,000 limit of 'Friends' in less than a week! Here's the link to the Fan Page: Stan Lee Facebook Fan Page! Anyways, if YOU plan to be in the Southern California area THIS UPCOMING WEEKEND, and are a fan of Stan Lee, or any of his creations, be sure to check out this 3-Day Comic Con in Anaheim, California! But Please Note: Stan will be there ONLY on SATURDAY! Here is the prelim info that you will need:
Where: Anaheim Convention Center Hours of the Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con: Fri: So how do YOU get tickets, ask information and be interactive with this Wizard World Comic Con Anaheim? Well... You can do so by joining their Facebook Fan Page right here, AND / OR You can go direct to their web site here to see who else is appearing and buy tickets online: Wizard World Anaheim. Okay, that's it for this blog post this morning... Be Sure to check out the above links and make plans to attend at least ONE of the THREE Days in Anaheim! I will be there at least Friday and Sunday, and Tina will be there at least on Sunday. We hope to see You there also... Feel free to stop me and say hello if you want. I'll be wearing one of my blue polo shirts with the '' name embroidered on the front left pocket area! My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,100 total posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @