
Topic: Comic Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3113: For those of you that are finding this blog for the first time...Last week I blogged about who was going to be at the Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con in Orange County, California; both media guests and comics creators. Well, as I mentioned on this past Monday's blog...we are back from that show, and the fifth blog in a series that I want to post here is still timely after Wednesday night's BIG Announcement on my Facebook member and Group Pages, (as seen near the bottom of this entry)! That's because Malachi Throne, who portrayed an unusual role in the 1960's Batman TV Show, is the Feature of today's blog!
False Face was the villain in episodes #17 & 18 in the First Season of the Batman TV Series that started airing January 12th of 1966. So he was an early villain in the TV Series. When the series first aired there was some concern that another Batman villain, that of Two-Face was thought to be "too gruesome and violent" to be a villain on a show that was aimed at both a younger audience and adults! So False Face was used instead. However the plastic mask was kind of scary in itself! Originally the character False Face was to be done with makeup, but for whatever reasons the plastic mask was used.
There have been earlier interviews with Malachi about these two episodes, so I'm not going to repeat the why and how this was done. Instead I'll just mention that this was the only time that the villain False Face was seen as a guest villain of the week during the three seasons the show was on. For more on the series itself, please see this Wikipedia entry by clicking this link. As a side note...The original series ran on the ABC Network from January 12, 1966 – March 14, 1968. There were 120 episodes aired during the three seasons that the show was broadcast. Of course most 'mainstream' people are aware that there are comic books, graphic novels, TV Shows both live action and animated, plus Feature Films that have featured Batman. False Face has not had a series in the DC Universe, such as The Joker has had, but you can see that there have been multiple series and one shots published on Batman, as seen in this link in the listings provided by the GCD a.k.a. Grand Comics Database!
Okay... enough about Malachi Throne as 'False Face' on the Batman TV show... What about the man himself? Well...I had met Malachi briefly over at Richard (Captain Galaxy) Herd's booth when the con was just setting up on Friday. (I'll post those new con photos in a future blog post.) So when I walked by Malachi's own booth later, I re-introduced myself to him and met his wife Marjorie, who are both shown in the top left photo of this post. Malachi was born December 1st of 1928. The earliest listing of acting credits for Malachi on the IMDB shows a 1959 date. Just like Yvonne Craig, (whom I blogged about yesterday here), Malachi acted on several western TV Shows that I watched during their first airings, including 'Death Valley Days', 'The Big Valley', 'Laredo', and the 'Wild Wild West', just to name a few here. Add to those, the other non-western TV Shows including 'Combat', 'The Outer Limits', 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E.', 'Time Tunnel', 'Star Trek', and 'Lost In Space', I must have seen him many times on TV during his long career. So it was very nice to meet him in person at last! For a complete list of Malachi Throne's appearances both on TV and in Film, please see this IMDB page. For those of You that couldn't attend this convention, I'll be blogging about more media guests and comics creators in the days to come... If You can't wait for my posts, you can check out more of who was there at Wizard World Anaheim by joining their Facebook Fan Page right here for one, AND / OR You can go direct to their web site to see who else appeared there at: Wizard World Anaheim. My special thanks to Malachi Throne for taking the time to pose for photos for this blog post and talking about his appearance on the 1966 Batman TV Series with me! I would post a link to his web site or fan page, but I did not learn of any when meeting him...There is one that says it is the 'Official Malachi Throne Web Site', but I have not been able to verify that as of this posting. That one centers on his Star Trek and Batman appearances. Which reminds me why I am posting another Batman related blog post today, after running one about Yvonne Craig yesterday...
"Michael D Hamersky is happy to announce tonight, (after hinting for a while), that the book he has contributed to will be released in October of this year! “Gotham City 14 Miles” is an anthology of critical essays about the 1960s “Batman” TV show! The book is being published by Sequart and is edited by Jim Beard! I'll keep you posted it gets closer to release! Here's a link to the New Fan Page:!" So the above BIG Announcement was what I have been hinting at for several months now in this blog, and at my Facebook Group Page (a.k.a.! As you can tell... I'm pretty excited about seeing this book being scheduled for print. My thanks to Jim Beard for asking me to be one of the essayists in his book! AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,100 total posts in number!~ Michael D Hamersky @