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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
On A Rampage....
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies
On A Rampage... the Incredible Hulk's Cousin, the SHE-HULK,  as Portrayed By BRIGITTE NiELSEN in the Not Filmed Comic Book Based Movie

In an earlier blog post I showed how Brigitte Nielsen, (born July 15, 1963 in Denmark), became very popular in the 1980s with B-movies, most notably as the lead character in Red Sonja, (1985), due to her stature (she stands at 6 ft 1 in, or 185 cm, tall) and sultry looks.

She made the Red Sonja character her own, but there was no sequel, and she went on to other movie projects with Sylvester Stallone, who became her husband.

However, in the late 1980s, Marvel Comics approached Brigitte to pose for photographs dressed as the comic book character She-Hulk.

Brigitte had previously impressed the company with her prior portrayal of their character Red Sonja and accordingly they hoped she would prove just as successful in a new movie venture.

Unfortunately the photos that were produced did not enlicit a large amount of investors in the potential film and Marvel was forced to scrap the project.

The top right photo shows Brigitte modelling a skimpy outfit and I 'photoshopped' the photo to reflect a greenish hue about her, as the She-Hulk is green like her cousin the Incredible Hulk!  You can see that Brigitte definitely had the body double of the She-Hulk at that time!

There are very few pics of Brigitte dressed as the She-Hulk, with the one to the middle right being one of those.  As you can see by comparing the middle photo to the picture in the comic book  cover bottom picture on the right, Brigitte would come across very well as the She-Hulk, alter ego of Jennifer Walters, who is a lawyer in her day job.

Sadly nothing became of the She-Hulk movie with Brigitte, and there does not appear to be any interest in producing one at this time....  instead we are getting  Ant-Man, Iron Man and some other characters in possible pre-production.

She-Hulk is currently being published in a new mini-series comic book, which would make it about the fifth time a solo series  featuring her has been attempted !   

I personally enjoyed the second comics series, which had John Byrne write and pencil the series, where She-Hulk would break the 'fourth wall' and talk to readers of the comics, knowing that she was in a comic book with her adventures being told.  Kind of a strange humour book, but when reading the comic it makes more sense...

For those interested in She-Hulk comic books, we have listed them in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store. Thanks for viewing this comic book blog post and feel free to post YOUR comment below  



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:50 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 4, 2007 4:55 PM PDT
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ELVIRA, Mistress of the Dark..... AND....
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows
ELVIRA, Mistress of the Dark.... AND... Comic Books! 

Ok, we all know that Elvira was a hot hostess for HoRRoR movies....

Would you believe she is also on her second comic book series ??!!

She had a DC Comic Book Series, 'Elvira's House of Mystery' in 1986 that ran for 11 eleven issues.    Currently she has a comic from Claypool Comics which has over  161 issues published so far and was started in 1993!

For those that aren't aware... Elvira is the alter ego of Cassandra Peterson who was born September 17, 1949.

Elvira gained fame on the Los Angeles television station KHJ wearing a black, gothic, cleavage-enhancing gown as host of Movie Macabre, a weekly horror movie presentation, from 1981 - 1993.  

Her wickedly vampish appearance was offset by her comical character, quick witted personality and Valley girl-type speech.  Although when portraying the   Elvira character she wears a large black wig, Peterson herself is a natural redhead.

I lived in LA during the early years of Elvira being on TV, moved back to San Diego area and watched her go on to nationwide fame. She has had several tie-ins to Halloween events, which she naturally fits right in with! 

At a recent SDCC program, (2001),  Elvira presented a feature showing of her latest movie 'Elvira's Haunted Hills' which I sat thru most of it.... it was the right type of crowd to see the movie with !!   

Besides her movies on DVD and a licensed comic book, Elvira has a MySpace Page, and an offical web site. Not bad for someone who took over the Fright Night Show from 'Sinister Seymour' in LA all those years ago !!

 For those interested in Elvira comic books, we have a few listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 3:09 PM PDT
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Our Take On American Idol's Show Last Night... 04-03-07
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: TV Shows

Our Take On American Idol's Show Last Night... 04-03-07

...Yes, we do have our thoughts on American Idol's show from last night to post today !

And again, you get both Tina's and my thoughts on the performances !

Reminder:  Tina and I come from different music backgrounds and musical tastes.  She's an East Coast girl and I am a Navy Brat from the West Coast with Midwest Roots!  I'm a 'Baby Boomer' and Tina was born at the tail end of the 'Boomer' generation, so she is much more influenced by the following generation's music ! 

Tina's recap of the night first:  The Idols shined by simply singing great classic songs without the usual 'pop' embelishments.

The comments follow: 



ContestantTina's ThoughtsMichael's Thoughts
1- Blake


A little too 'cool' jazz for my taste. Heated up half way through.


Just not there for me.
2- Phil



I closed my eyes and thought It was Harry Connick Jr... of course when I opened them again.... yikes!!



His best performance so far.. I voted for him for the first time!

3- MelindaShowed us her sexy side on this number!


Not as 'special' as Tony B thought she would be for me.


4- Chris R


His best so far - if he would only just sing the song - he can do well. A great update!


Best performance this season for him !!
5- Jordin


Very lovely. Controlled great performance.


Pretty darn good !!
6- Gina


Heartfelt, lovely rendition.


Looking better each week, but performance was flat for me...
7- ShanjayaReminds me of Fred Astaire - he couldn't really sing either !Dashing... actually sang good tonight for him!  Won't be voted off this week....
8- Haley



She's pretty - but I haven't watched the Miss America pageant since I was a little girl.


Great outfit !!!
9- LaKisha


Tony was right.. she should have dropped the riff at the end,... otherwise fantastic !

Her usual good performance, but nothing different...


Well, that's it for last night's performances...

We don't sell American Idol Magazines or Photos, but for those interested in Rock N' Roll Comics, we have several comic books of that genre in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store and eBay Pro Store.

Thank you for reading this blog post, and feel free to post your comment below !

Michael (and Tina)

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Actually Simon,    It was Pretty Good Last Night! 

Last Season's Winner, Taylor Hicks!  

Michael selling comic books at the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) in 1973. 

Michael and Tina @ eBay Live 2005. 

Paula, hot as always !!

Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:58 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 4, 2007 9:00 AM PDT
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
X Marks the Spot !
Mood:  flirty
Topic: TV Shows

Gillian Anderson....

As Agent Dana Scully of the X-Files... 

... is one of the main reasons that the TV Show lasted so long, and was sucessfully transferred to comic book format in my opinion.

Gillian was born in 1968. She moved to New York when she was twenty-two, and started her career in theater.

She moved to Los Angeles in 1991, spending a year auditioning. Although she had once vowed she would never do TV, she ended up on a few shows including the Class of '96.

As a result of her guest appearance in Class of '96, Anderson was sent the script for The X Files at the age of 24, by Chris Carter.

The TV series eventually ran for nine seasons, and included one theatrical film.   

Her role as Dana Scully kept the show 'grounded' in my opinion, so as to keep it interesting for a more mainstream viewing audience. Sometimes these sci-fi shows garner too much of a cult following that turns off the mainstream viewership and ends up withe show having a shortened run.

I remember the first X-Files Convention held in San Diego, the comic book was a very hot commodity and hundreds were signed as conventioneers stood in line for those signatures! 

For those interested in the X-Files Comic Books, we have several comics listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.

Thanks for reading this comic book blog post, and feel free to post your comment below !!


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:55 PM PDT
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The Mighty Thunder God
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Comic Book Movies
The Mighty Thunder God Thor in A TV Movie...

...occured almost twenty years ago in the 1988 TV Movie, 'THE INCREDIBLE HULK RETURNS'.

The plot was as follows:   The Hulk hadn't surfaced for two years. David (Bruce) Banner had created a device called the Gamma Transponder, which would rid him of his Gamma radiation.

The device ended up being almost stolen along with Bruce's 'girlfriend' Maggie Shaw, (played by Lee Purcell), being kidnapped. Don Blake, (played by Steve Levitt), a former colleague of David's, has possession of a mystic hammer which can summon Thor, (played by Eric Allan Kramer). To save the day, David must abandon being cured and rely on Hulk 'sand Thor's powers.

Marvel had given the rights to Thor to the producers of the show, and just didn't have the power to make this 'Thor' incarnation anywhere close to the comic book character!

The Thor character depicted in this TV movie bore little resemblance to the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name. This was also the first and only time that truly supernatural elements had been used in the universe of the Incredible Hulk TV series, which started in 1977.

When the Incredible Hulk TV Show first came out I was newly married... and just couldn't watch the series, as it was not even close to what I had liked in the comic book. 

I would give it another try each time when the new TV Movies would come out, but this one with Thor was mighty terrible, (pun intended)!!   

It took years for Marvel to finally get it right in the movies... while DC Comics had great hits with their Superman and Batman movies in the 1970's & 1980's. I am so glad those bad Marvel movie days are finally over!!!! 

For those interested in the Mighty Thor comic books, we have several listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.

PLUS click here for the Incredible Hulk comics!

Thanks for viewing our comic book blog post, and Feel Free to Post YOUR Comment!      Michael  

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:23 PM PDT
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