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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Cons

"Don't You Dare Miss Model Leah Samonte.... LIVE As 'Lava' ....

And Pick Up a Copy of Lava #1"

That was what the promotional flyer read, as it was passed out while we stood in line outside the Convention Center!   My sons and I were waiting to enter the 1997 San Diego Comic Con ten years ago this summer, and were anxiously waiting to get inside to see all there was!

Leah Samonte was there to greet all those who entered the 'Independents' Section of the Con, (actually the Small Press area), and of course I had to have my sons get their picture taken with the model.... Dads do that you know !!

Naturally at their young ages they were a bit embarassed to have their photo take with a great lookin' gal, but every year at the Con they were put up to it!  I told them one day they would look back and be glad they had pics like that of good looking women with them!

The name of the comic that Leah Samonte was promoting was LAVA #1 which was from the publisher 'CrossBreed Press'.

In the early to mid 1990's 'Good Girl' and 'Bad Girl' art in comics was the latest 'Hot' Fad, and there were plenty of models that had comics books based on their adventures. Most of the comics sales were sold based on the 'hot' photo covers or exagerated artwork inside.

This comic book on 'Lava' had art by Ruben Gerard, and was written by Max Espinoza.

The boys and I had a great time during that 1997 SDCC, and this is just one of the memories we have. Tina and I have several 'Bad Girl' and 'Good Girl' comics listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store for sale!  Thanks for reading this comic book blog post!



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Andrew and Mike with 'Lava'! She definitely was 'Hot Stuff' !!!


Lava's own (one and only) comic book from 1997 !





Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:39 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, April 28, 2007 7:49 AM PDT
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Friday, April 27, 2007
No Man Escapes Alive...
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Comic Book History

No Man Escapes Alive...

From The Vault of Evil !

This was a 1970's HoRRoR comic book series from Marvel Comics with twenty-three issues in total.

The series ran from February 1973 to November 1975 and is but one of several reprint HoRRoR and MoNSter comics that Marvel published after the Comics Code Authority, (CCA), loosened its' stringent rules and policies.

The comics were originally published at 20 cents cover price, and moving to 25 cents cover price by the end of its' print run.

Several of the stories reprinted were from pre-Marvel Comics days, when the company was known as Atlas Comics.

The comics today range in price from $12.00 to $60 in Near Mint (NM 9.4) unslabbed 'raw' grade.

The 3rd party graded (CGC) comic to the top right is issue #1 and in NM- 9.2 grade, has averaged $43.00 during the last 12 months in value, and had hit a high of $93.00 at one time. 

Vault of Evil was started during the time that Marvel Comics was flooding the newstands with titles, trying to increase its' market share!

The HoRRoR / MoNSter genre increased in volume of sales for Marvel and also DC Comics during the early 1970's. Even Dell Comics, with their 'Dell Comics Are Good Comics' motto, were printing HoRRoR comics as evidenced by the the CGC graded comic 'Ghost Stories' to the right!


For those interested in checking out HoRRoR and MoNSter comics we have several unslabbed and CGC graded comics listed in our eBay Featured Comic Books Store and eBay Pro Store.


Thanks for viewing this comic book blog post.... and feel free to comment!

Plus don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Superhero for PRESIDENT in our poll... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly on the bottom right!



Click Here For VAULT OF EVIL Comics!


Click Here For HoRRoR Comics!




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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:10 PM PDT
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Wanna Play Some Fun and Games Inside Today ?
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Comic Book History

Wanna Play Some Fun and Games.... ???????

Well, that is exactly why these "Fun and Games Comic Magazines" are so hard to find in high grade.... So many kids scribbled, wrote, cut out, and otherwise messed up most of these for future collectability !!! 

The thirteen issue series of these magazines ran from 1979 - 1980, and even I gave several copies to my kids when they were younger to learn the Marvel Universe better by filling out the crossword puzzles, etc !! 

We just recently ran across a collection of these hard to find comic mags, and have listed them for purchase at this time....

For those interested in Marvel Super Heroes, we have several hundred comic books in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.

Thanks for reading our comics comic book blog and feel free to comment !


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Vote For YOUR Favorite SuperHero For  President Above!

Posted by makeitsomarketing at 11:28 AM PDT
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Why Am I A...
Mood:  loud
Topic: TV Shows

...Quantum Leap Convention Fan ?

Well... I went to the first 'Creation' sponsored Quantum Leap Con in Los Angeles, and then attended each sucessive one that the QL Fans put on in LA, Pasadena & Burbank. Why?  Because it was great knowing I wasn't the only one that thought  QL was great and I could share that experience with hundreds of others !!!!

I bought all the QL fan magazines, and there were at least four that ran for a few years! Plus the fan fiction, some of that was really strange, especially when they cross overed with other TV Shows !!

Naturally, being a comic book collector, I bought all the Quantum Leap Comics as they came out, and picked up extras for the stars to sign at the cons, and the artists and writer of the comics. The comic book series ran for 13 issues, plus one special reprint, and an annual. The comic book started in September 1991 and ended August 1993.

However the Quantum Leap Conventions continued running after the close of the comic books, as evidenced by my badge, (below), from the Leap Con '95.


I really miss those QL Conventions, they were jam packed with actors and actresses that had guest starred on the TV show and it was great meeting them and the two featured stars at the con each year!!



For those interested in seeing Quantum Leap comic books, we have several of those comics listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store!

Thanks for reading this comic book blog post! Feel free to post your comment !



Plus don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Superhero for PRESIDENT in our poll... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly on the right!


Quantum Leap Rocks!  

The above comic book is from Quantum Leap volume 1   #4 from April of 1992!


Writer: Steven Dorfman
Illustrator:Mark Jones & Andy Price
Lettering:Vickie Williams
Coloring:Scott Rockwell
Editor:George Broderick, Jr.



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 10:25 AM PDT
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The LAST Boy On Earth
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book History


Was The LAST Boy on Earth!

Kamandi was a DC Comics comic book character created by  artist and writer Jack Kirby in the early 1970's.

The majority of Kamandi's appearances to date occurred in the first comic book series Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth, which was published from 1972 to 1978.

Kamandi was portayed as a young 'hero' in a Post-Apocalyptic future, which was set in a parallel Earth of the DC Universe's future.

It was set in a period after an event called "The Great Disaster". In that period humans are a persecuted minority in a world ruled by intelligent, highly evolved animals.

If that sounds familiar to you, then remember that an earlier 1968 movie 'Planet of the Apes' also portrayed an animal-ruled world!

Indeed, the cover of Kamandi #1, showing a demolished Statue of Liberty, was posibly inspired by a similar scene in the 'Planet of the Apes' movie just before it ended!

However, if you were to think that Jack was copying the movie, he actually had drawn a similiar theme in a comic book story in 'Alarming Tales' #1 back in September 1957.

In that comic book Jack drew a story entitled "The Last Enemy." In the story, he has a man traveling in time to the year 2514, where he finds that humans are extinct! That time traveler finds that the world is ruled by tribes of intelligent tigers, dogs, and rats!

Jack's drawings of these intelligent animals are very much similar to his later drawings in Kamandi 15 years later.

This series was one of the last that Jack wrote and drew for DC Comics before going back to Marvel Comics.

For those interested in checking out the Kamandi comics run we have several unslabbed and CGC graded comics listed in our eBay Featured Comic Books Store and eBay Pro Store.

Thanks for viewing this comic book blog post.... and feel free to comment!

Plus don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Superhero for PRESIDENT in our poll... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly on the bottom right!



Click Here For Kamandi Comics!


Click Here For Sci-Fi Comics!





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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:38 AM PDT
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