
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3218: Earlier this week I viewed the revised front cover to the upcoming book 'Gotham City 14 Miles'. I've blogged about this book a few times as I have definite interest in seeing it published later this year. That's because 1 of the 14 Essays being printed in it is mine! So those of you that are my relatives, and are reading this blog, you could suspect what you may be receiving from me during the upcoming Holiday Season as a gift, LOL! Here's just a little more of the update from Sequart as to the book itself: Gotham City 14 Miles offers the 1960s Batman TV series the critical reevaluation it deserves. Its essays examine Batmania, camp, the role of women, the show's participation in '60s counter-culture, its many celebrated actors, its lasting cultural effects, and other critical subjects. From 1966-1968, on both ABC and in movie theatres, America embraced Batman as a campy cultural icon. The nation thrilled to deathtrap cliffhangers and phrases like "Atomic batteries to power!" and "Same bat-time, same bat-channel!" But in the ensuing decades, many vilified the show as an embarrassment that needed to be swept under the rug if Batman -- and super-heroes -- were to be taken seriously. Having won this battle for legitimacy, perhaps we can now return to Adam West's Gotham, to the unapologetic fun of colorful, cackling villains hatching bizarre schemes, and deadpan heroes ridiculously climbing walls. And perhaps we may find it not only fun but rich with deeper cultural meanings. Here's who is involved with this project: Gotham City 14 Miles: 14 Essays on Why the 1960s Batman TV Series Matters - edited by Jim Beard; introduction by Jim Beard; afterword by Jeff Rovin; essays by Becky Beard, Jim Beard, Joseph F. Berenato, Timothy Callahan, Chuck Dixon, Robert Greenberger, Michael D. Hamersky, Michael Johnson, Paul Kupperberg, Michael S. Miller, Will Murray, Peter Sanderson, Jennifer K. Stuller, Bill Walko, and Robert G. Weiner; cover by M. Mrakota Orsman. Here's what a reviewer of the upcoming book has said: "I now have a new book for my 'Five I'd Take to a Desert Island' list. Gotham City 14 Miles is the perfect companion to my favorite pop-culture phenomenon of all time!"" Here's the publishing info so you can start thinking about a possible mention to your friends, or even for yourself! 300 pages / ISBN 9780578064611 / $22.95 MSRP So yeah, I do have a vested interest in seeing this book do well! But it sure looks like a fun read! And No...I don't have my preview copy yet, but I like what I've seen so far! I'll let you know more as the weeks go on about this book. In the meantime feel free to check out the Facebook Fan Page for Gotham City 14 Miles and 'liking' it! Thanks again to Jim Beard, my Editor, for asking me to participate in this enterprise of his!
Here's the promo blurb on this book: "The definitive, unauthorized study of Christopher Nolan's 2005 film, paying particular attention to how it draws upon comic-book source material. Darius examines the evolution of Batman's origins, as well as previous attempts to film that story. His scene-by-scene analysis, addressing changes from the script, themes, and comics correlations, expands the reader's understanding through crisp, insightful language. Also explores the film's realism in contrast to past Batman films, the film's reception, and its box office"!
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