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Friday, April 13, 2007
Well.... If Wal-Mart Has Them....
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Then They Must Be on

 eBay Too !!

Toys from the next Spider-Man Movie that is...  

The Amazing Spider-Man is my youngest son's favorite comic book!

He and I will be checking out the new toys from Spider-Man 3 both on eBay and the aforementioned store, as we both can't wait to see the movie with all the villains!!

And.... yes I still have my personal Fantastic Four 'action heroes' collection MIB, (Mint in Box), and no they are NOT dolls... LOL !!

For those interested in Spider-Man comic books, we have quite a few comics listed from Amazing Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man and other Spidey series in both our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 10:59 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, April 13, 2007 11:01 AM PDT
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Underground Comix Price Guides
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book History

We have been asked again about prices for Underground comix...




Cover B Limited Edition featuring an
original Odd Bodkins painting
by Dan O'Neill.

Adults only.

Print run: 500

$39.95 (FUG-002)


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 ...and if we stock any in our two eBay stores.

We sell what we know best, and Underground comic books were around when Michael first started collecting comics.  However they were not allowed in Michael's house when he was a kid in the 1960's, and the genre actually never interested him, although he did run across them in high school.  Thus we don't stock this genre of comic books. 

However, for those of you that have interest in the genre, the first new Underground and Adult comix price guide in a quarter-century has recently been published. Veteran Underground creator, publisher and retailer Dan Fogel provides a realistic and very informative guide to prices and how to determine printings. Comprising over 1800 titles and 5000 individual issues.

Fogel's Guide also boasts comprehensive insider articles and information unavailable anywhere else. As a bonus to UG fans, Larry (Dr. Atomic) Todd's infamous comix classic "Vampironica" is reprinted for the first time, alongside a new story "The Hard Hand", by Fogel and Carnal Comics artist Randy Vogel. Fogel's Underground Comix Price Guide is a 224-page trade paperback, with a black and white interior and 8 pages of color.

To order your copy today visit Hippy Comix by clicking on the cover to the left, or check out eBay for copies!! 

PLEASE NOTE: These are 'adult' publications and are sold to adults only.

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Just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly !


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:38 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, April 13, 2007 8:40 AM PDT
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Special Guest Appearance...
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Cons

Roy Thomas,

Comic Book Writer...


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... Will be a Special Guest at the upcoming San Diego Comic Con International show July 26-29, 2007 !

Roy is recognized as the first fan to make it as a 'Pro' back in 1965.  I remember when he first started writing, taking over some of the titles that Stan 'The Man' Lee had to let go as the Marvel Comics line was expanding.  Indeed it was Roy 'the Boy' Thomas who pioneered for other fans to break into the business. I especially enjoyed his run on the Avengers, and the Invaders for Marvel. 

I first met Roy at an earlier SDCC, where pictured to the left, he signed several Fantastic Four Comics for my personal collection. He was fun to talk with, and I enjoyed meeting him in person. It is hard to believe that Roy 'the Boy' is now 66 years of age and supposed to be officially  'retired'!! 

For those interested in comic books that Roy wrote, both for Marvel and DC Comics , please check out our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:36 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, April 13, 2007 7:37 AM PDT
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I Am..... IRON MAN.....
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies

I AM.... IRON MAN...


Dum dum da da dum....        the Black Sabbath song of the same name from 1970 runs thru my mind when looking at the photo to the right.

Yes, it's one of the first photos of the now in production 'Iron Man' movie with  Robert Downey Jr (as Iron Man), Gwyneth Paltrow (as Pepper Potts), and Terrence Howard (as War Machine),  in the Jon Favreau-directed film.

This is the first film in which Marvel Entertainment provides the financing through its arrangement with Merrill Lynch, so this needs to be a blockbuster film!  It looked like a good movie script at the SDCC, but the casting so far is a little strange in my opinion!  And now it looks 'back to its' roots' for inspiration!  That's the first thing of this movie that I personally like so far !!!

As a reminder, Marvel Entertainment has recently cast Paltrow to play Virginia "Pepper" Potts, who is the personal assistant to Tony Stark, the millionaire playboy, whose alter ego is Iron Man.

Pepper Potts was first introduced in the comic book, Tales of Suspense #45 in September of 1963 !  See bottom right for comic book cover. There will have to be some changes made to Gywneth for her to look even close to how she was portrayed in the comics....

Then again, Kirsten Dunst is a blonde who plays a redhead in the Spider-Man movies, and the new female character who plays Gwen Stacy is a red-head that plays the blonde part.... So Go Figure.... That's the Magic of Hollywood !!   

Gywneth starred in 'Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow', which I really enjoyed... so I am willing to give her a chance at this role in Iron Man. Just as I am more willing to give this movie a chance, with it going back to the original armor to start out with... (maybe in flashback??). 

 For those interested in the Invincible Iron Man comic books, we have a few listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.

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Iron Man above in his cast iron first suit, and below with it painted with gold color to stop scarring little kids!  Seriously !



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:28 AM PDT
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
Where's H.E.R.B.I.E. ???
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Comic Book History

Where's HERBIE....???

We have the Silver Surfer... 

...coming to Earth in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie.... but where's Herbie and more importantly who's Herbie ??

Herbie was brought in during one of the cartoon periods of the FF on TV,  (1978), when the 'powers that be' producing the cartoon thought that kids shouldn't be emulating the Human Torch, who would 'flame on' when using his superpower! Plus they couldn't get the cartoon rights to the Torch, who had been optioned out separately...

In the comics, H.E.R.B.I.E. was created by Mister Fantastic and Master Xar of an alien race.  They hoped that the robot would aid their search for Galactus.

As could only happen in comics, what neither of the creators realized, was that Dr Sun, an imprisoned enemy of Master Xar,  was able to escape  by jumping from an alien computer to H.E.R.B.I.E.'s robot body.

Thus, this robot was Dr Sun's sleeper agent, whom he could control whenever he wished. 

The scene to the top right shows Mister Fantastic and the Thing confronting H.E.R.B.I.E. who was under Doctor Sun's control.  After besting them and the other two members of the FF, Dr Sun then abandoned H.E.R.B.I.E.'s body and transferred his consciousness into the Baxter Building's main computer, which would allow him to control the entire building!

However, Mister Fantastic broke free and was able to lock Dr. Sun away from the rest of the computer system.

It was then H.E.R.B.I.E., now himself again, realized that Dr. Sun could always simply return to his robot body. Not wanting the villain to return again like so many other comic book villains,  the  robot heroically threw himself into the computer, destroying it, Dr. Sun, and himself!!!      What a story!!

For those interested in Fantastic Four comics like the one to the top left, we have several listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.   Sorry, we don't stock the cartoon shows, they are usually found at Comic Book Conventions, or at times on eBay. 

Thank you for viewing this pop culture / comics blog post.... feel free to post YOUR comment below!  And don't forget to VOTE in our poll, just click on the easy button that yours truly is holding in the pic below!



H.E.R.B.I.E. stood for:

Humanoid Experimental Robot B-Type Integrated Electronics...... whew, what a mouthful !!!

HERBIE had the ability to connect to any computer system, electricity generators, etc.
He carried lasers,
and various hidden tools and features as what was needed in the cartoons, almost like Felix the Cat and his bag of tricks.




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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:23 PM PDT
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