At The Very Top: A publicity photo of Tonya Kay. Directly Above: Tonya Kay signs her Tarot Witch of the Black Rose issue #59 at the Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach, CA, featuring performances by the LaLas! | |
Above: Special edition pin up by Jim Balent, crafted for San Diego Comic Con and now available at Only 250 ever printed. Look at that magickal symbolism in the back! Below: Just the lastest aired appearance of Tonya Kay on Television. This one was on the Special Madonna Tribute Episode of 'Glee' on FOX TV on April 20th of 2010! 
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TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3117:
I've been following Tonya Kay's career since first seeing her on the TV Show: "Stan Lee's Who Wants To Be A Superhero" back in 2006... Which she appeared on during the first season of the series. A while back I became Facebook Friends with her, and had the opportunity to meet her at the Comic Con International: San Diego and blogged about that meeting, as well as other posts since then. (See this link for those previous posts.) Recently, Tina and I saw her appearance on one of our favorite TV Shows, 'House'. Yeah, we actually watch non-comics based TV Shows, LOL. Then last week Tonya had an appearance on the Madonna Tribute episode of 'Glee', as seen at the top right of this blog post. Well, enough dilly-dallying around...It's time for a "SPOTLIGHT ON...Tonya Kay" blog post! So, first here's a little bio that has been produced for her web site, that I am going to post here, as you will be able to click on the links to see her actual works / videos: "This Magickal Child from the Michigan farmlands has been performing since age 4 and playing Cosmic Muse even longer. A raw-food-athlete dancing 3 years in the Off-Broadway phenomenon STOMP, Tonya Kay is living proof of what a child raised in love grows up to be.
Tonya Kay has quickly become a household name and pop culture icon with her appearance as the reoccurring lesbian burlesque dancer who beats up boys, CASSIDY, on Comedy Central's "Secret Girlfriend", performing her bullwhip burlesque solo on Showtime's "Live Nude Comedy" and co-starring on ABC's "Criminal Minds" as TARA, the lovely teen vampire. Tonya Kay has appeared on American Idol with Rhianna, the History Channel's "More Extreme Marksmen" and the "Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien". Look for Tonya Kay this year co-starring on House M.D., TBS's Uncle Nigel (starring Gary Cole), and the Hallmark movie of the week Wish List. Also look for Tonya Kay on comic book stands as the star of Jim Balent's Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose issue #59- this is a huge year for the most dangerous woman in Hollywood!
You will also recognize Tonya Kay as Stan Lee's fruit-eating superhero, CREATURE, on the original season of SciFi's "Who Wants To Be A Superhero", co-starring on CBS's"NUMB3RS" as the street racing netcaster, NITROGURL, starring in Trace Adkins (Video of the Year, CMT 08) and Death Angel music videos or playing sold out shows at Madison Square Garden on tour with pop-hit band, Panic! At The Disco. Every audience and every medium is Tonya Kay's following.
In only a short period of time, Tonya Kay has broken into the indie film scene palying the lead comedic role, I ROCK, in feature film "Bold Native" (released summer 2010) the lead FLOWER in scifi/horror film "OffWorlds" and unforgettable supporting roles such as gun-toting drug lord, SLOAN, in "3 Days Gone", international traveler, SAMARA, in "The Things We Carry" (Best Feature Wild Rose Film Festival) and the biki-clad feature in"Fully Loaded", directed by Shira Piven.
Tonya Kay's nontraditional modeling work will appear with fellow vegan, Russell Brand, in major motion picture, Get Him To The Greek (follow up to Forgetting Sarah Marshall). Also look for Tonya Kay modeling in National Geograhic, Modern Drummer Magazine, Movie Maker Magazine, Veg News Magazine, Panic At The Disco poster, True Nature album cover, Equinox Gym billboards (Jan 2 and NIKE stores.
What sets Tonya Kay apart from other actresses is her proficiency in danger arts. A trained aerial stuntwoman with De La Guarda (Off-Broadway/Las Vegas), Tonya Kay also cracks whips and throws knives with Jack Dagger, flag dances with NYC's Axis Danz, and stilt dances with Trey Knight's Stilt World. She has performed her danger arts on stage next to Rhianna, Ellen Degeneres, Margaret Cho, William Shatner and Harry Anderson and was seen by 11 million viewers spinning fire poi in the semi-finals of Simon Cowell's America's Got Talent.
In her dance career, Tonya Kay has danced professionally with the Mark Goodman Tap Co (LA), Peggy Spina Tap Co (NYC), and Deca Dance hip-hop theatre (NYC). She has toured the United Kingdom and United States too many times to count with names such as Kenny Rogers and the Rugrats!, and is the creator of the all-rhytm urban drum circle XTREME RHYTHM THEATRE.
Currently, Tonya Kay is shooting the role of KIELLE, the bisexual hardcore artist in "Silver Lake" webisodic, is playing VIBRATA in Reprise Theatre's production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To The Forum and will be cracking whips live at Disney's El Capitan Theatre in early summer.
When not on stage, Tonya Kay is a compulsive gypsy, roadtripping this continent in her waste vegetable oil fueled Jetta, traveling to wild lands to work with the endangered Asian elephant, seeking out organic farmer's markets, luxurious bath tubs, and the extra-ordinary experience. It is the Creature's life passion to push evolution, shape reality, exist in love and go all the way. Whew! That's a lot already, and her career is just gaining more traction all the time! For more of what Tonya has already accomplished, and what other items are in the works, please see this IMDb link: Additionally here is the link to Tonya's own web site: Plus here is an online store from Tonya: And last, but certainly not least, her own Facebook Fan Page: My thanks to Tonya Kay for providing me with photos and info so I could "SPOTLIGHT...' her here today... AND looking forward to see more appearances by her on TV and film, and maybe a comic book or two?! AND...My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over 3,100 posts in number! Oh, and as an Addendum: I've stated before, a person doesn't have to be a writer or artist to be eligible for being 'Spotlighted' in my Blog. If You are someone that is in comics, (or pop culture), in some manner, or know of someone that has been behind the scenes for a long time and deserves to be 'Spotlighted', feel free to message me or email me about it! The following are just a sampling of those that I have recently 'Spotlighted' in my Blog: Bruce Durham, Scott Shaw!, Bryan Reesman, Robert Roach, Amanda Stevens, Christian Meesey a.k.a. Messimo, Erik Andresen, James Pinard, Elisa Feliz, and Joe Pepitone a.k.a. JoepeP among others in the recent past!
~ Michael D Hamersky @ Note: Comic books and graphic novels based on the TV Shows like the ones mentioned above, can be found at our own web site for sale at:
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"
Note: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:
Make It So Marketing Inc. PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013 | |
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Talking about comics: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works for a possible mention / review!
I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed. Just click on the link provided in this paragraph! ~Michael @ |