TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3181: Today I'm pleased once again to have as guest blogger, Vinnie, who is writing 'His Take' on the The All New Super Friends Hour Season One - Volume One DVD Collection that we bought to view. Due to the length of the running time on this DVD, Vinnie will be posting a Part II in the future: [SPOILER ALERT: This whole blog post is a 'Spoiler Alert', but that is because Vinnie goes into some detail in his review blogs. This is more of a review of the collection from a tween's POV.] My Take On: The All New Super Friends Hour - Season One - Volume One on DVD! This is part 1 of my 2 part Blog post. This is about The All New Super Friends Hour: Season 1 Volume 1. This set contains 7 episodes, each with 4 diferent cartoons in them. In between those cartoons, they have riddles and fun segments where a Super Friend will have you put together 2 words, and ask you to decode it. A Super Friend will also either show you a magic trick, and how to do it! Along with those 2, they might also show you tips to stay healthy and safe. Each episode has 4 cartoons: First, a short with a team up of either Superman, Aquaman, Batman and Robin, or Wonder Woman. Next there is a Wonder Twins 'short' where Zan, Jayna and Gleek are the only Super Friends appearing in that cartoon. Then, there is a half hour story with all the Super Friends and the Wonder Twins. Finally, there is a team-up with either Batman and Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman, or Aquaman teamed up with a featured guest star. My thoughts about this are that it is very entertaining. Between every cartoon there are the mini-toons that throw in a change of pace. Those are usually puzzles and riddles which make the mind think, magic tricks to get the imagination working, and helpful tips to keep you healthy and safe. My favorite type of the 4 cartoons were the team-ups where the Super Friends, Wonder Twins, and Gleek would solve a problem because you get to see all of them using their special talents. It is a real eye candy seeing Aquaman summon sea creatures as his minions, Wonder Woman with her magical lasso, Superman able t carry or break through everything with ease, along with all those "Super" talents he has like Freeze Breath, X-ray Vision, and many others, Batman and Robin's Bat Utility Belt which carries everything for those situations, the Wonder Twins with their shape-shifting ability, and Gleek, the buck-toothed, blue colored primate with his Woner Tail and oposable thumbs to carry the bucket Zan is usually carried in when in water form. The DVD was released quite awhile ago. It originally hit in DVD format on January 8, 2008. I am writing this Blog in a 2 part Blog post because the total runtime for both discs in this DVD set is 323 minutes- nearly 5 & 1/2 hours. That wouldn't really be a realistic amount of time to cover in one sitting; but just about right if divided into 2 nights. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Blog of The All New Super Friends Hour: Season 1 Volume 1. That will be sometime in the future. Thanks for reading! Now, take it away Michael!. -------------------------------------------That's the end of today's guest blog by Vinnie...My thanks to him for sharing here today what we watched this weekend! We don't have any for sale in our online store but YOU too can enjoy this DVD collection by clicking on the link that follows here: The All-New Super Friends Hour: Season One, Vol. 1 If YOU liked his review on this DVD, you may enjoy reading his reviews on: The Ultimate Underdog Collection Volume 1, Planet Hulk, Coraline, Ponyo, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Sonic the Hedgehog TPB Vol 1, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, just to name a recent few! AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,180 total posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @ Note: Our online comic book store carries many different genres of comics, magazines, and graphic novels, including Funnybooks, Sci-Fi, and MoNSTer Comics at: