
Topic: Comic Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3404: This past weekend, Tina LoSasso and I attended the 2nd Annual Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con, held at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Orange County, California. I wanted to make sure that we attended this comic con for several reasons. One major reason was that we had attended the 1st Anaheim Comic Con last year, and obtained photos of several actors & actresses who had played roles in the 1966 Batman TV Series. I had told each of them that there was a new book coming out at the end of 2010 that I would have written a chapter for. They were gracious enough to pose individually for pics, plus ones with myself. This year I wanted to share with them the fact that the book had come out. I was able to do so with Julie Newmar and Lee Merriwether, who are pictured above. Also with Malachi Throne, of which that photo will be shared at the special photo album. I met Julie Newmar before the panel started, at her own booth, and she was pleased to see this book, and brought to my attention that her own book will be coming out soon! It is titled: 'The Conscious Catwoman Explains Life On Earth', and I'll post a link to that when it is available for pre-order. Somehow, Tina was able to guide me off the exhibit floor before the panel started! So, Tina and I caught the 'intermission act' of 'Jedi Elvis' before the 4PM special Panel on Batman. Thus we were able to obtain front row seats, as seen in the 3rd photo from the top right of this blog post. (Tina is holding the GC14M book, while I take a pic of the crowd before the panels starts.) There are more pics of the stars who came in for the panel, which will be shared in due time at the special photo album link. I don't just upload photos, as I have promised the actors and actresses that I would also include links to their books and / or next projects, so that is why it takes a bit of time. The special Batman panel started timely after 'Jedi Elvis' left the 'building', (wink!). There was an introduction on the special event by the moderator of the panel, and then he proceeded to bring in the guests, Lee Meriwether, Julie Newmar... Followed by Burt Ward, and then Adam West! The audience loved each and every one of them, and showed it by tremendous applause! Lots of camera flashes went off, and it was a great beginning! Right away, the panel took multiple questions from those standing at the mic in the center of the room. When too many of the early questions were asked of just Adam and Burt, the moderator posed a question to Julie about her upcoming book that she already mentioned to me. There were more questions asked, and Lee was asked her fair share of questions by those standing at the mic. Tina and I noticed that Adam 'played' Batman a lot during this panel, answering a lot of the questions as if he was still in the role. He appeared to have great fun replying this way to those asking questions. Whatever tensions had been between Burt and Adam in the past seemed to have subsided, as when the question about Burt's own book, 'Boy Wonder: My Life in Tights Lee Merriwether was the 'purrfect' panel guest. I have appreciated her roles in so many of the TV shows that I've liked during the years, including Time Tunnel. She explained how her role as the Batman film 'Catwoman' came into being... Stating she was being filmed by the 3rd day of her accepting the role. Great story with mentions of Frank Gorshin, and Cesar Romero. Julie told several stories also... And kept her fans in the audience enthralled as always! The four on the panel came off the stage to cut the special 45th Anniversary cake, and gave the audience additional chances for photos by the cake before leaving. Because there was another panel scheduled right away in the same hall, Jerry Milani moved the cake table to outside of the hall, where I proceeded to take more pics and share a piece of the 45th Anniversary Cake with Tina! Afterwards, I caught Lee Merriwether as she was leaving the Comic Con, and asked for her photo with the GC14M book, which was happy to do, as I had told her about it last year as well. That's about it, exept for additional pics I'll be sharing at the special photo album on the Anaheim Comic Con. I have been at this blog post for several hours already...! My thanks to all of those involved in organizing and presenting this panel. It was one of the highlights of this year's Anaheim Comic Con for me! ------------------------- Again, here's the links I want to point out for you about this special panel and on the Anaheim Comic Con itself: First, here's my special photo album on the 2011 Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con that is at my own Fan Page. Second, special photo album on the 2010 Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con, that I wanted to share with you on my own Facebook Fan Page. There are several Batman actors / actresses that attended last year that are shown there and / or my blogs since then. Third, here's the link to the Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con Facebook Fan Page, where the guests and creators who attended are shown and talked about. Fourth, here's the link to the 2011 Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con event page on Facebook, where you can find out reactions from attendees on just this event. More Facebook event pages for those exhibitors that set up their own event pages can be found in this link. Fifth, here's the link to the Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con's own web site, where there is even more info on where and how you can purchase tickets for next year's con. Lastly: The pics that were uploaded during this con went to my personal Facebook Profile Page, which is now maxed out for me to add anyone else. However the majority of the digital camera pics are being uploaded to my Facebook Fan Page - Michael D Hamersky On Comics, which is titled '2011 Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con', so that ALL web users can see, as it is a 'public' web page. I encourage YOU to click the 'Like' icon there for easy access each time, and to bookmark it. Again, my thanks to those at Wizard World for making this a Fun Event to attend once again, especially Jerry Milani and Stephen Shamus! We are looking forward to attending the upcoming Wizard World Los Angeles Comic Con in September, that was just announced this past week!
BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! We currently have over 2,407 'Followers'! Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! And for those of YOU that haven't yet... I would appreciate it if YOU would!!! ~ Michael D Hamersky Note: My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...! If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at: Web Page Note: This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safari, Netscape, Firefox and the other browsers serve the page up differently, sorry about that!The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768 on your laptop or desktop computer. NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.
To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to: Make It So Marketing Inc., PO Box 130653, Carlsbad, CA 92013 ![]()