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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
My Take On: The Brain Eater's Bible by J.D. McGhoul with Pat Kilbane
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


Michael D Hamersky On Comics Reviews:

The Brain Eater's Bible

By J.D. McGhoul with Pat Kilbane!

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Above Photo:  J.D. McGhoul couldn't make it to the 2011 Long Beach Comic Con (LBCC) Expo, so Pat Kilbane represented 'The Brain Eater's Bible' book at this comic con!



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3424:

Walking by the table that Pat Kilbane was at during the 2011 Long Beach Comic Con Expo... I did a double take of Pat.   Thinking that I had met him at another comic con earlier, I said hello to be friendly, not realizing he wasn't a comic book creator.

What I realized after stopping and seeing the placard to the left, I realized it was on MAD TV that I recognized him from.

I'm sure that my wife, Tina, would have recognized him from her favorite TV series, Seinfeld!  (Yes, Tina, he was the "anti-Kramer" in the Superman-themed Seinfeld episode "The Bizarro Jerry"!)

So I stopped and chatted with him about the item he was holding in his hands, as seen in the top right photo.

Quite honestly, as I also told him, I'm not all that much into 'zombies', even though two years ago, it seemed like 5 out of 10 comics / graphic novels / etc. that were given to me at comic cons or mailed in for possible review were on zombies!  It seemed that every third blog of mine for a while was on the topic of zombies!  Sheesh!  For not being a fan of zombies... It sure seemed that I was!

So anyways, I looked at the back cover of the book to see what it was about, and found this...

“What is wrong with me!?”

That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it?  You woke up in a drainage ditch covered with skin ulcerations and nasty flesh wounds.  Your body is numb and your memory is foggy.  Someone tried to give you medical attention, but you repaid their kindness by savagely killing them and eating their brain.

You are a zombie, my friend, just like me.  Though most zombies are slow and stupid, the fact that you are reading this tells me that you are different.  Some of us are.  welcome to the PAC virus acopalyse.

THE BRAIN EATER'S BIBLE is a field manual and manifesto for the reanimated dead, filled with over 200 full-color photos, diagrams and anatomical drawings.

Okay...!  Now that got my attention! Pat could see that it did, and after realizing I have the #1 'followed blog on Facebook' for comics / comic books / graphic novels.... Plus strong followings on my Facebook group and fan pages... He gave me a review copy for possible mention.

I added that book to the 'To be read & possibly reviewed stack' at my home office.  I recently opened the book and was somewhat amazed / aghast / and thunderstruck after starting to read the inside pages of the book.

Great production value, even though the topic is not near and dear to my heart.... Or for that matter, my brain, (pun intended!).

Yet I couldn't hardly put the book down each night... And found myself finishing it a few days later.  

I have to say... The research and presentation of the topics in this book are quite amazing!

Here's the Chapters titles:

1) Eat Brains,  2) Know Your Body, 3) Hunt, 4) Know Your Enemy, 5) Move Your Head, 6) Infect Others... With multiple subsections and of course 'Journal Entries'.

It truly is a full-blown 'bible' for the 'Newly Reanimated Zombie'!

I mentioned I was reading this book at the latest Semantink's Comic Savvy meetup, and although it isn't a comic book or graphic novel, there was an immediate response by many at the meetup that night!  So now that it is read, I'll probably bring it in for others to see at the next meetup!

So I know this book has to be appealing to those that are really into Zombies!I'm not, but darn, this book is really so 'cool' that it is a sure-fire hit for those that are!

My review rating for this book with illustrations and photos is a VERY FINE / NEAR MINT (VF/NM) 9.0 out of a 10.0 possible comic book grading scale.

Hardcover: 160 pages
Publisher: Mythodrome, Inc. (March 18, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780984632909
ISBN-13: 978-0984632909
ASIN: 0984632905
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.2 x 0.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces.

Here is the link to purchase the book, now that you know that you gotta have it: Brain Eaters Bible: Sound Advice for the Newly Reanimated Zombie

Oh, and for those of you that are on Facebook... Here is the link to J.D. McGhoul of the Brain Eater's Bible Fan Page!

My thanks to Pat Kilbane for bringing this book by himself and 'J.D. McGhoul' to my attention at the LBCC Expo! 



My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,424 total posts in number!  I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!

BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app!  We currently have over 2,446 'Followers'!  Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! 

And for those of YOU that haven't yet... I would appreciate it if YOU would!!!

~ Michael D Hamersky


Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...!

If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at:  


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NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Comics Creators: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email or mail us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc., PO Box 130653, Carlsbad, CA 92013

 Also, if you are a Facebook member, I would have liked you to send me a 'Friend Request'. However, I have reached the maximum limit of 5,000 Facebook Friends and Fan pages already, so I've added a New 'Facebook Fan Page' so that even more of YOU can 'Like' what I am doing, and be interactive with me and others there.  Here is the link to that 'Facebook Fan Page': Michael D Hamersky On Comics! Please click the 'Like' button on that page! 
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 6:15 AM PDT
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