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Friday, December 14, 2007
Amazing That's What It Is !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book History


Click here to see all of our current Spider-Man listings! 

Above is a scan of one of the most popular issues of the Amazing Spider-Man run!  

Click here to see all of our current Marvel Superhero listings!

Above is a scan of one of the few issues that was part of the short-lived 'Marvel Pop Art Productions' period. Take a look at the top left of the book!  

For all of our Spider-Man comic books, magazines, or other pop culture listings, just click on the photo above!  





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Note From Make It So Marketing:

Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!

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Amazing Spider-Man Title Is Now On Sale Three Times A Month!



This is the comic book series that took its' name from the Amazing Fantasy comic book where Spider-Man first appeared in issue #15 in August of 1962! 

The Amazing Spider-Man series ran for 441 issues from March 1963 to November 1998 in its' first volume.

The craziness of catering to collectors wanting new #1s created a number of different Spider-man titles during the speculative craze. However, Volume 1 was restarted with issue #500 in December 2003. 

Amazingly, this comic book series started with a throw-away character in a comic book title that was going to be discontinued anyways. Even the publisher, Martin Goodman, didn't see how a superhero character based on a spider would sell...and here we are in 2007 with a FOURTH Spidey movie being talked out!!!  

Superheroes had already started a revival at DC Comics in 1956 with the Flash appearing in ShowCase Comics. By 1960 DC had the Justice League of America in its' own title, with the team made up of several individual superheroes who either had their own title, or would be 'showcased' for a while before getting one.

The company that would be called 'Marvel Comics' was printing romance, westerns, monster, war and sci-fi comics with NO superheroes.

Stan Lee was asked by his publisher, Martin Goodman, to write a superhero team book similar to the JLA, and he and Jack Kirby came up with the Fantastic Four.

Upon that success they then came up with the Incredible Hulk, and Ant-Man in Tales to Astonish and Spider-Man! 

The series created by these two have given me great enjoyment for over 45 years.  Thank you Stan & Jack! PLUS a BIG Thank You to Steve Ditko, who with Stan Lee, co-created Spidey! 

Steve just celebrated his 89th birthday last month, and Stan has his later this month!

Thanks for reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post!



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 2:06 PM PST
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