
Topic: TV Shows
Here At MISM's Pop Culture Blog With 39,000+
Virtual Visitors Who Have Viewed Our Blog Posts So Far!
We hit the 39,000th mark of visitors with exactly 113,400 total page views at 06:29 AM PDT today, December 16th, with a visitor from the USA checking out our February 1st, 2007 archived blog post on Terri Hatcher As Lois Lane blog post ! With the busy shopping season going on, we have been listing and blogging right along! And so many of you have been visiting our new and archived posts which we are thankful for! As of today, we are averaging 434 visitors a day to our blog posts, especially archived blog posts! As a matter of fact, last Saturday December 8th was our 'Biggest Visitor Day' in our blog's history with 567 visitors! And Monday December 10th was our Third Biggest Visitor Day with 505 Visitors! For that, we want to thank all of you for taking the time during your busy day or night to visit us! For those readers that are new to us, here is a little background on our Blog: This Blog started June 7th 2006 shortly after eBay announced the new blogging format. On July 15th 2006 we added on a stats counter as we found most viewers read but didn't comment and we wanted to know if we were being 'read' at all and from where! We also started expanding our pop culture topics as we found that more and more bloggers finding us, enjoyed several of the TV Shows that we also enjoyed. Thus 'Our Take' on episodes on TV Shows that we watch was born! Unfortunately the WGA Strike is affecting those blog posts starting this past week! We will NOT be covering the new 'reality' or 'game' shows... with the exception of the two we have already been following (Survivor & Next Great American Band)! If there are topics we don't discuss but could fit our pop culture - comic books - sci fi - TV Show - Movies related theme, feel free to e-mail us! Sorry, but our comments option is turned off due to spammers from 'China' hitting our blog posts and so many other eBay Bloggers in recent weeks! That problem has not been rectified as of today... To view our most recent blog posts, just click on the photo 'squares' in the left column to view those topics! Also for those that have emailed us regarding our older archived blog posts being distorted: Please be aware that eBay techs have revised the blogging format, thus our pre September 15, 2007 archived posts may be hard to read... sorry about that, but it is out of our control here! Thanks for reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post! Michael (and Tina)
Thank YOU for being one of our Note From Make It So Marketing: Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale! |