
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3329: I received the 6th and Final issue of the series: The Killer: Modus Vivendi from Archaia Entertainment in the mail recently. Which was great, because I've been reading this series since issue #3 and been blogging about it. (See my posts for #3 & #4 - #5. The following is what Archaia provides as the promo blurb: In the final chapter of THE KILLER: MODUS VIVENDI, political tensions are on the rise as nations seek to claim the rich oil deposit discovered in Cuban waters. Amid the swelling political climate, the Killer lends Mariano a helping hand, dispatching a group of drug-dealing Hell's Angels who've crossed Mariano and his boss in a nasty way. Despite the distraction, the Killer knows a silent war is beginning between nations. How long will he be able to avoid being drafted into the conflict? Time may be running out faster than the Killer thinks. So what is 'My Take' on this sixth and Final issue of the series? The storyline that was revealed in this issue continued to interest me. This has been a well written series since I first started reading it in issue #3. As mentioned in my earlier blogs, I don't normally start reading limited or mini series that have already started... Something about coming in after the film has already started in a theater! However, I made an exception for this series, because the artwork was rather unique and grabbed my attention right away! The darker colors used in this series definitely added to the tone of this series. Issue #6 gave me the finale, the 'punch line' if you will, to have made reading this series worthwhile! But then on the final panel of this 6th & Final issue... I find a 'To be continued in The Killer Volume Four' text blurb. Wait a minute... Volume Four? I already knew there had been an earlier series of 'The Killer', (which I haven't read), but now it seemed there was another volume where the story would be continued? That didn't set right with me... Yes, I would like to read another volume of 'The Killer', but didn't this say Issue #6 of 6? This is the only thing that didn't set right with me after reading this far. I realize that this series is being translated from a foreign language series in some format, but still... Other than that final panel, I found this series to be a satisifying read. The translation into English was very readable, the artwork different enough to make this genre of story more than readable, and the colors kept this series going smoothly on eight cyclinders throughout the series. I'm only going to 'downgrade' this issue half a grade, because of the fact that 'the story' is 'to be continued', which I wasn't expecting to see in the final panel of a 'final issue'. I'm not knocking this issue per se, just the fact that as a reader, I'm told in the last panel: 'To Be Continued' in another volume. However, since this series does NOT have any ad pages, then I'm thinking where would the translators / editor of this series have placed the fact that there is another volume that continues the adventures of 'The Killer' from this point in time. Plus I'm not aware of what sort of format this was originally published in. So this may have been the best point in time to stop the complete storyline, and start a new volume. To give credit... The storyline presented in issue #1 of this series does wrap up with issue #6, so a 'complete' story is presented in this series. So maybe I'm being a little 'picky' here, so which is why I still think this series (or volume) itself is worthwhile for YOU to pick up and read in its entirety. The Killer: Modus Vivendi - #6 of 6 - For mature audiences. It went on sale: December 2nd at your LCBS - Check it out! Review Rating: 9.2 NEAR MINT MINUS (NM-) out of a possible 10.0 Comic Book Grading scale. Retail Price $3.95 Page count: 32 pages Format: saddle bound, 6.625" x 10.25", full color Mature Readers (series contains Nudity, Graphic Violence and Adult Content). -------------- Here is the link to Archaia so that YOU can purchase either the single volumes or the collected works so far, if YOUR LCBS doesn't have them in stock. Here is the Facebook Fan Page for Archaia Entertainment, which I suggest YOU 'like' also to keep up with what this publisher is presenting next. My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over 3,327 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog! BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! We currently have over 2,165 'Followers'! Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! And for those of YOU that haven't yet...I would appreciate it if YOU would!!! ~ Michael D Hamersky @