
Topic: Comic Book Artists
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3327: I met Elizabeth Watasin for the first time at the 2010 Long Beach Comic Con (LBCC) held during Halloween Weekend, even though we had been 'Facebook Friends' since May of 2010. I published a photo of Elizabeth on my Facebook pages later after meeting her, and another Facebook Friend of mine, Matt Levin, asked if I published 'guest blogs', which I will do if asked! Here's Matt's 'guest blog': Michael Hamersky’s blog-photo of Elizabeth Watasin, her book, Charm School in hand, sent me looking for the nine issues I’ve had from long ago, which I read again, and liked again, and want to call more attention to. A black-and-white comic from the best of the good old black-and-white days, published by Slave Labor Graphics, issue one appeared as of April 2000. The story’s about “The Witch,” “The Vampire,” and “The Faerie”—Bunny, Dean, and Fairer Than. Bunny and Dean are in love; Fairer Than is more than Faerie, part dragon, and wants Bunny’s love as her own. Dean is set for the drag race of her life and then to take on Fairer Than. It’s fun. The characters are left to reveal themselves gradually, as is the multi-“monster” world they live in (Dean’s chief dragsters competition are the werewolf boys). It’s elegant to look at. Watasin’s sense of layouts creates nicely framed pages, and balances black and white spaces skillfully. Her faces are individual and emotional, are charming. Her dialogue’s natural and in fact is at times exciting. You can read it for yourself at Elizabeth Watasin’s Charm School website-- read issues 2-8 at Elizabeth Watasin's Charm School. Her site says she’s working on issue 10. CS Vol. 1, (as pictured in the blog-photo), republishes Charm School #1, 2, 3, a complete story arc, 'The Wrecking Fairie'. Elizabeth reports that “Charm School” is on the backburner until she can figure out how to best bring the conclusion to the last story arc and any possible future CS stories to her readers.
----------------- Matt's works can be found at his Facebook Profile Page, via this link. You should be able to view them, even if you aren't a Facebook Friend of his. If not, then send him a message! I, (Michael), have blogged about several of Matt's works, either his Walking Man series, or his contributions to anthologies from the Trees and Hills Comics Distro publishing group. A 'current' listing of the links where this Blog has mentioned Matt and his works can be found here. Currently there are about 219 results, where the blogs have been picked up by others! My thanks to Matt for submitting the above 'guest blog'. I had been thinking about blogging a review blog on 'Charm School' or 'Action Girl' or 'Carnival Anthology' after reading them, but decided that after reading Matt's great reveiw blog, that I should run a special 'Spotlight On...' blog on Elizabeth instead! A few of Elizabeth's works can be found in this Grand Comics Database link, but it needs to be updated for sure! (Side Note from Michael: Since the GCD is done on a volunteer basis, several works are not included until the volunteers index the works or submit the covers to the publications. It is always a good thing if you are a comics creator to be sure to either do it yourself, or bring this to the attention of those at the GCD. I see this reference base as one of the top used references for comics, if not THE main reference base!) I want to thank Elizabeth for introducing herself to me in person at the 2010 LBCC. She was with Sandra Chang-Adair in Artist Alley, and noticed my coming by that section looking for possible topics for this Blog. I appreciate her introducing me to her previous works, and look forward to seeing her upcoming creations as well. Matt has already provided a link to her 'Charm School' web site, but I'll repost it here: Elizabeth Watasin's Charm School. I don't see a Facebook Fan Page for her works yet, so I'll show the following additional links for her, Elizabeth's DeviantArt page, and her animated work in film, of which I wasn't totally aware of! Elizabeth's works via the IMDb. As you will see there, Elizabeth has been involved in some really Big 'mainstream' animated films! Add that to her works in the printed sequential art field, and she's a real 'power house' and someone YOU should get to know! If you see her at a comic-con, stop and say hello! If you don't get to many comic cons and want to see the 'Charm School - Book One' shown above in a published printed format, the link here will provide you with the means to do so: Charm School Book One: Magical Witch Girl Bunny (v. 1) ---------------- The above was my 'Spotlight On... Elizabeth Watasin', (with a BIG assist from Matt Levin!), one of several 'Spotlight On' blogs I've done over the years... Matter of fact, YOU can check out the 'Spotlight On...' blogs by clicking this link where there are over 929 different links served up by Google! There aren't THAT many individual posts, but the blogs have been picked up and re-posted by many others, including the person 'Spotlighted' at this Blog! Some of those include (but not limited to): Ray Anthony-Height, Phil Ortiz, Bruce Durham, Scott Shaw!, James Pinard, Elisa Feliz, Amanda Stevens, Tonya Kay, Bryan Reesman, Robert Roach, Christian Meesey a.k.a. Messimo, Erik Andresen, Jeff Balke, and Joe Pepitone a.k.a. JoepeP. -------------- My thanks again to Elizabeth Watasin for her time at the 2010 Long Beach Comic Con, her giving me a few of her previous works, which she does have for sale at comic cons that she exhibits at! PLUS: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over 3,325 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog! BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! We currently have over 2,150 'Followers'! Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! And for those of YOU that haven't yet...I would appreciate it if YOU would!!! ~ Michael D Hamersky, of 'Michael D Hamersky On Comics' - my New Facebook Fan Page, and Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing - my Facebook Group Page which is under the 'virtual umbrella' of 'Facebook Comic Con'! Plus of course this blog...!