
Topic: Other Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE: This is the SECOND in a series of THREE Clases on this subject: MASTER CLASS SERIES IN COMICS WRITING - You know... I am really impressed with what MoCCA offers to their members at a discounted rate, and even to non-members for just a little more! Makes me wish we lived or could commute easily to NYC just to attend the programs and workshops that are sponsored by this organization! Anyways here's the scoop on what this Master Class Series in Comics Writing per the invite I received: Type: Education - Workshop The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art – MoCCA is proud to announce the spring offerings from its Education Department. Organized and headed by Senior Vice-President of Education, DANNY FINGEROTH, the season’s initial offering will be: MASTER CLASS SERIES IN COMICS WRITING March 16: CHRIS CLAREMONT March 23: TOM DeFALCO April 13: DENNIS O’NEIL Series Cost: $100 | $90 for MoCCA members CHRIS CLAREMONT, TOM DeFALCO, AND DENNIS O’NEIL will each hold a master class session in comics writing. These three extraordinarily accomplished writers have written some of the highest profile and most acclaimed comics of all time, with bodies of work that have played significant parts in defining the modern versions of The X-Men (Claremont), Spider-Man (DeFalco), and Batman (O’Neil). Each of them will condense the most important things they know about writing into highly-concentrated (and entertaining!) lecture form. This is a rare opportunity to hear these top names in the field speak about what makes for great comics writing. Here is a bit more on Tom DeFalco who is hosting the 2nd class on March 23rd: TOM DeFALCO, a former editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics with over thirty books currently in print, has written comic books, graphic novels, short stories, prose novels and books like Spider-Man: The Ultimate Guide and Comic Creators on Fantastic Four. He was also a major contributor to The Marvel Encyclopedia and The Marvel Chronology. DeFalco has recently worked on Star Wars: The Clone Wars for Titan Comics, The Man From RIVERDALE for Archie Comics, Flash Gordon for Ardden Entertainment, The Flying Fool for Moonstone Books, The Super Seven for Stan Lee Comics and, of course, The Spectacular Spider-Girl for Marvel Comics. MoCCA Education Programs: All classes are held at MoCCA, except where otherwise noted. To register for a class, please call 212-254-3511, Tuesday through Fridays, 1AM to 5 PM. However you can see what else this event is about by checking out further the link shown below: My thanks to Ellen Abramowitz for sending me the Facebook Event Invite! AND...My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over 3,000 in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @