
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': I wanted to blog about this promotional comic book, which is a preview of the upcoming graphic novel of the same name, to be published by Insomnia Publications this Summer of 2010! What I've shown above is the front cover to the preview comic book which prints the complete first chapter to "Quarantine", which is to be a full 146-page graphic novel (GN) release in the Summer of 2010. When the GN is released, it will also be available through Insomnia Publications as well as Amazon for digital download on the PSP. So what is this preview comic book / graphic novel about? Here's what Michael Moreci sent me: "Quarantine" by Michael Moreci, Monty Borror, Lauren Anne Sharp, and Jim Campbell. In a small town in the Upper Penisula of Michigan, a virus is released into the water supply, transforming people into vicious killers - the "infected". The military shuts down the borders - no way in, no way out. A group of survivors trapped within the town must survive against the infected, against the odds, and against each other. Presented as a 146-page original graphic novel, Quarantine aims to carry the torch of the zombie tradition, yet break away from it as well. Because the heart of the story isn't just survival - it's about the cost of survival. Through the struggles of the characters and the choices they are forced to make, Quarantine is a microcosm examination of society. It's about compromising values and morals and the threat of becoming something you are not." There's more to the promo blurb, but you should get the gist of the storyline from the above paragraphs. So what did I think of this preview comic book, which by the way, is published in a full sized 24 page comic book format with color interior pages?! Well, once again it's zombie time... I seem to have been sent several publications in this vein in the last few months. However this one, like the other ones I chosed to have blogged about, stands out from the rest. Why this one? Well, because of the storyline and the art. Please don't preliminarily 'grade' this publication by its' cover. The cover shown above is actually the same artwork as interior page three in this comic book preview. Not saying the art used as the promo cover isn't good, but it isn't the projected final cover for the upcoming graphic novel. The final cover artwork is currently being drawn by by Keith Burns (Blood Psi, Herogasm). Plus the interior artwork and especially the colors used meshes very well with the storyline. Add the fact that it isn't overwritten. Just enough word balloons used with moving the story along in this, the first chapter. This chapter one of the full story is well paced and would entice me to check it out further when it comes out in graphic novel format. Which is what a preview comic book should do! In the meantime, YOU can do some checking on your own while also waiting for the release date. Here's the Facebook Fan Page link for: Quarantine - The Graphic Novel. Check it out and then become a 'fan' if this grabs your attention. And be sure to check out the full details for the special contest they are running there. Here's just a teaser for it: "We want you--yes, you!--to get infected. From now until March 10, we here at Team Quarantine are running a contest. The grand prize? How does getting immortalized in a comic book sound?!" Here's the web site for the writer: Finally here's the web site to the publisher so you can order it from there as a download when it is released if you prefer to have it that way: My thanks to Michael Moreci, for sending this preview comic book to me! PLUS: Our thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts! We usually blog on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, book signings, and other pop culture news and events or topics, such as the one blogged about here today. Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'. And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' section shown below this feature article at the right hand side!~ Michael D Hamersky @