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Tuesday, May 4, 2010
My Take On: Distortions Unlimited #1 by Daniel Crosier and Peter Palmiotti
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


'My Take' On:

Distortions Unlimited #1

by Daniel Crosier and Peter Palmiotti


Click Here to see our BLUEWATER COMICS for sale!


Click Here to see our MOST COLLECTIBLE listings for sale!

Click here to see all the HoRRoR and MoNSTer comics we have in our online store for sale! 
Above: The Front Cover to Distortions Unlimited #1 - by Daniel Crosier & Peter Palmiotti! 

At The Top Left: The Bluewater Comics Logo!

At the Bottom Left: Photo of Daniel Crosier.



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3124:

I am taking a break today from blogging about the recent Free Comic Book Day Event and Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con that I recently attended. I want to catch up on some publications that have come in for review... 

One that caught my eyes was 'Distortions Unlimited #1' sent in by the writer / penciler / colorist - Daniel Crosier.

This three issue mini-series should be available on the shelves of YOUR LCBS, but I was not aware of it until this first issue was sent to me.

So what's it about?  Here's the Press Release:

Bluewater Productions presents a unique horror comic that revolves around existing full-scale monster and alien animatronics in the new series titled “Distortions Unlimited.”

The three issue series is based off of licensed characters crafted by Distortions Unlimited based in Greeley, CO. Distortions is world-renowned for creating shocking props, masks and animatronics that have been the mainstay of the dark amusement industry for the last 30 years. The company is best known for reproducing the 16ft queen alien from the film “Alien” cast from the original molds, as well as designing the stage props for music industry icon Alice Cooper’s Brutal Planet tour.

Daniel Crosier, writer and illustrator on the series, has a unique connection with the project. “I grew up near the Distortions studio in Greeley. I used to tour the studio when I was a kid and was fascinated by their creations. I suggested to Darren Davis the president of Bluewater to partner with Distortions to develop another horror comic. Darren liked the idea, so we approached them with the concept. Distortions was enthusiastic about the partnership and green-lighted the project.”

The entire series focuses on Distortions’ Rage animatronic. Described as half Neanderthal, half beast, and all fury, the Rage is one of Distortions’ most popular characters. Ed Edmunds, president of Distortions elaborates of the protagonist of the books. “Rage has been a fan favorite for years. The sheer size of the piece commands attention and really gives people a good scare. He’s a great character to base the series on.”

The first issue of the series delves into the horror unleashed on the earth with the collapse of a mine. The plot was crafted with multiple, intertwining layers that combine fantasy and true-life events ripped from today’s headlines.  Local Denver celebrities, Uncle Nasty and Matt Need from Clear Channel's KBPI and Allana Rizzo from Rocky Mountain Fox Sports Net have lent their likeness to the project.

Crosier will bring a unique look to the books by illustrating with his watershed technique. All covers and interior pages of the series will be created with graphite on wood poplar panels. Crosier’s influence for the series is Dark Horse’s “B.P.R.D. 1946”. The books will have a high contrast, distressed, organic look.

The creative team will also include veteran inker Peter Palmiotti. Palmiotti has worked for a variety of comic publishers including Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and Image.

Here are my thoughts on this first issue of a the series:

First of all, the front cover 'grabbed' me, (pun intended). If I had found this on the shelves of the LCBS and I was just casually browsing what was 'New This Week', this would have gotten my attention.

Plus the fact that it was from Bluewater Productions' Comics line, of which I have enjoyed the vast majority of titles and their individual issues thus far.  That would have been an additional incentive to open up to at least the splash page.

However, I'm the kind of reader that likes to look at the credits.  So besides Daniel Crosier and Peter Palmiotti, I also see that Jaymes Reed is the letterer for this isue. So that is a plus also for me.

The 'Splash Page' really isn't a 'splash page' in this first issue.  There are several pages right off that use only horizontal panels to start telling the story.  Interesting concept, but does it grab my attention? The sequential art better be darn good with immediate story telling to keep my attention...

It does, and I read further.

The layout and story line continues, drawing me in to the story.  All too soon the issue is finished.  To be continued...Okay, I want more.

There is a one page pinup, tagged to be a 'Bluewater Bonus Pin-up Page by Daniel Crosier.  Okay, I'll go along with that.

Then there are two ad pages for 'Distortions Unlimited'.  Until now, I wasn't aware of the history of this.  Does it give away some of what is going to happen next issue?  Probably, but I don't know yet in what way...

Those who have been reading this Blog for a while will know that I am not 'big' on current HoRRoR and MoNSTer comics, even though I sell them and older comics in this same genre.

That's because all too often, most of them are 'over the top' intheir presentation visually and textually.

This first issue of 'Distortions Unlimited' does not present itself in that way.  Thus I would be 'open' to pick up the second issue in this series.  Indeed, the front cover and the interior presentation 'grabbed' my attention enough that I would look forward to seeing the second issue!

Check with YOUR LCBS to see what issues they have available in this series.  The latest issue I see publicized is issue #3.

Please Note:  I am aware that this comic book title has been reviewed in 'Fangoria' and 'Rue Morgue'.  Those of YOU that are aware of what genre those magazines cover should make a note of that.  However, I did not see any 'over the top' graphic / text conveyed in this first issue.

BTW, I have not blogged about this writer / illustrator so far in my Blog's history.  So here is a little bit of a bio on Daniel Crosier:

"Denver, Colorado based artist Daniel Crosier has exploded onto the comic book scene in the last few years.  Illustrating and writing multiple comic book projects with a variety of well-established publishers, Crosier’s distinctive approach, incomparable perspective and vibrant personality has the industry taking note.

After a near death experience due to a lifetime bout with chronic asthma and allergies in his early 20's, Crosier launched into his art career with unyielding vigor and tenacity as only someone offered a second chance could. Crosier secured a degree in fine art from Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in Denver, CO with an emphasis in drawing and sculpture.  This background in fine art has encouraged him develop a watershed wood burning technique for illustrating his latest comic book project,  “Bartholomew of the Scissors” from Bluewater Productions.   Crosier has illustrated and burned the entire four-part comic book series on 88 wood panels.

Crosier explains what encouraged him to start illustrating and burning on wood. "I have a background in fine art, and have always opted for alternative mediums. I really liked the idea of incorporating wood grain into my drawings. When I began getting published in the comic industry, it seemed like a natural transitions to do some covers and pin ups on wood. It stuck. People really seemed to like the organic feel of the work."

“Bartholomew of the Scissors” features gothic horror elements with innovative twists.  Similar to the new  “Vince Prince Presents”  and “Distortions Unlimited” series which Crosier will also be involved with as a writer and illustrator from Bluewater Productions, the primary focus is on innovative storytelling technique and exceptional art opposed to gratuitous gore."

Crosier’s Work:

    * http://danielcrosier.deviantart.com/
    * http://www.thothengine.net/
    * http://www.facebook.com/daniel.crosier/


You can also interact with the creators of this comic book series. If YOU are a Facebook Member feel free to 'Like' / 'Fan' them at their Facebook Fan Page by clicking here!

My thanks to Daniel Crosier for submitting the 1st issue of this comic book title!

AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,100 total posts in number!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

Note: Our online comic book store carries many different genres of comics and graphic novels, including HoRRoR and MoNSTer titles at:





Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

 "Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"



Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:



Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing Inc.
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013





Check Out More Of Our Own Endeavors:  

Yeah, that's me in the photo shown to the left, taken at the 1973 San Diego Comic Con!

I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 SDCC at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL 

Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)!

You can view our table and interact with us there on Facebook by clicking this link

So if YOU are a Facebook member, please 'join' our Facebook Comic Con - Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, links to this blog, and other wall comments that we post every day!


 Also, if you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.

Talking about comics: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works for a possible mention / review!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed. Just click on the link provided in this paragraph!

~Michael @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safarai, Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.
NOTE; All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:40 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 4, 2010 7:26 AM PDT
Post Comment | Permalink
Monday, May 3, 2010
CNN Was There For Free Comic Book Day...
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Cons


CNN Was There For Free Comic Book Day 2010...

And YOU Can View The Videos From Southern California Comics Where I Was Blogging / Facebooking The FCBD Event!

Click Here to see our DC SUPERHERO COMICS!


Click Here to see our MOST COLLECTIBLE listings for sale!

Above Uppermost Photo: Kristin Juan, Store Manager with Customer.

Above Immediate Photo: Peter Jones, Collector.

Click here to see all the SUPERMAN items we have in our online store for sale! 
Above Photo: Chris Morrow, iReporter for CNN.com interviews Jamie Newbold, Owner of Southern California Comics in San Diego, California, in front of the Million Dollar Display Case!
Below Videos: First Tab - Interview with Jamie Newbold!
Second Tab - Interview with Peter Jones, Private Collector!



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3123:

I may be blogging a little more about this Free Comic Book Day Event than I usually would blog about one...But that's because this event from last Saturday, May 1st, is reaching many different audiences due to the different venues of media that were there because of the RARE COMICS that were on display, as well as the Free FCBD Edition Comics that were being distributed!

Yesterday, I blogged that 'The Media Was There For Free Comic Book Day!'.  Those included in order of attendance:  ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com (myself), CNN -iReporter, MonkeyTossTV.com, and XETV Channel 6 - the CW Network affiliate.

As of this morning, CNN is the only one that has videos up that I can link to, so I elected to post their videos here first. 

Laurence E Gibbs from MonkeyTossTV.com says they will be uploading their filming on Thursday as part of their weekly updates.  XETV Channel 6 did not have their video online as of this morning, even though I viewed their edited video Saturday Night on their 10:00 News Show. When these other videos are online, I'll mention them at least on my Facebook Group Page at: http://www.Hamersky.com

Earlier last week I blogged about 'Where The Action Is' for Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) that was to be held on Saturday, May 1st.... Because I knew where at Least ONE Copy of Action Comics #1 would be displayed for viewing at a Local Comic Book Shop, (LCBS).

Then last Saturday morning I knew that: "It DOESN'T Take A DETECTIVE To Figure Out It's DOUBLE The ACTION' at this same LCBS, because I saw both Action Comics #1 featuring the 1st Appearance of Superman, AND I saw that there was Detective Comics #27 featuring the 1st Appearance of Batman!

And then yesterday, (Sunday) I blogged about 'The Media Was There For FCBD' as mentioned above.  After that, Tina & I left for a 'Cinco de Mayo' party, and I just logged back on this morning first to post Monday's blog before going on to my normal activities...

So that's all the links so far! For more photos, announcements of winners of my FCBD prizes given away by ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com, and future updates...Those will be posted on my Facebook Group Page, at http://www.Hamersky.com unless I see another reason to blog here about this weekend's event!  

(ADDITIONAL NOTES From Michael: Also, I want to mention the physical Event host's web site, SoCal Comics's web site can be found at: http://www.SoCalComics.com

PLUS: Last year Tina and I drove over almost all of Metro San Diego for the FCBD 2009. See these links, 2009 FCBD Part 1 & 2009 FCBD Part 2 for my reviews on what all the participating stores were doing last year. This year, I only blogged and Facebooked from this one location. 

My thanks to Jamie Newbold for extending the invitation to me to set up a table at his shop to blog about the MILLION DOLLARS COMIC BOOK DISPLAY held during Free Comic Book Day at his LCBS in San Diego!

AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,100 total posts in number!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

Note: Even though I have attempted to both blog and Facebook from this location on Saturday, I still have lots more to post, but the majority of the photos / info will be posted on my Facebook Group Page at: http://www.Hamersky.com. Also, some of the FCBD Edition comics that were distributed at FCBD Events world-wide will be found for sale at our online comic book store in the next few days at:





Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

 "Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"



Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:



Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing Inc.
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013





Check Out More Of Our Own Endeavors:  

Yeah, that's me in the photo shown to the left, taken at the 1973 San Diego Comic Con at the Sheraton Hotel at Harbor Island in San Diego!

I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 SDCC at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL! Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)!

You can view our table and interact with us there on Facebook by clicking this link.

So if YOU are a Facebook member, please 'join' our Facebook Comic Con - Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, links to this blog, and other wall comments that we post every day!


 Also, if you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.

Talking about comics: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works for a possible mention / review!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed. Just click on the link provided in this paragraph!

~Michael @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safarai, Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.
NOTE; All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, May 3, 2010 8:44 AM PDT
Post Comment | Permalink
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Media Was There For Free Comic Book Day!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Cons


The Media Was There For Free Comic Book Day 2010!


Click Here to see our DC SUPERHERO COMICS!


Click Here to see our MOST COLLECTIBLE listings for sale!

Above Photo: Michael D Hamersky who was hosting an 'Online Facebook Event' for ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com web site, stopped long enough for a couple of photos. But who wouldn't, when the opportunity to hold over One Million Dollars Worth of Comics for a photo op?! You can see Michael's laptop set up to Blog / Facebook from in the 2nd photo.

Click here to see all the SUPERMAN items we have in our online store for sale! 
Above Photo: Chris Morrow, iReporter for CNN.com interviews Jamie Newbold, Owner of Southern California Comics in San Diego, California, in front of the Million Dollar Display Case!
Below Photos: First Lower Photo - Monkey TossTV.com was there filming the display cases and Jaime also!
Second Lower Photo - Channel 6 XETV - CW was there to interview Jaime.  I caught this as it was aired in edited fashion last night at 10:13 PM PST!

Click here to see all the earlier FCBD Comics we have in our online store for sale!

Click here to see all the earlier FCBD Comics we have in our online store for sale!



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3122:

Earlier last week I blogged about 'Where The Action Is' for Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) to be held on Saturday, May 1st.... Because I knew where at Least ONE Copy of Action Comics #1 would be displayed for viewing at a Local Comic Book Shop, (LCBS).

Then yesterday morning I knew that: "It DOESN'T Take A DETECTIVE To Figure Out It's DOUBLE The ACTION' at this same LCBS, because I saw both Action Comics #1 featuring the 1st Appearance of Superman, AND I saw that there was Dective Comics #27 featuring the 1st Appearance of Batman!  

I have already blogged about the fact that were hundreds of attendees at this Free Comic Book Day Event in person, plus several hundred more that 'attended' online at my 'Online Free Comic Book Day Event'!

What I didn't mention yet was that the Media was there also!

So I'll just list the 'Media' in order of who arrived there first!

First, I have to include myself, Michael D Hamersky, of ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com, since I was Blogging and Facebooking the FCBD Event 'Online' for those that couldn't attend one near them, and / or wanted to see the Million Dollars Worth of Comics ALL in One Place!

Secondly, Chris Morrow, an iReporter for CNN.com arrived, and interviewed the owner of the LCBS, Jamie Newbold, in the 1st video.  Then she also interviewed one of the two private collectors who owned the comics, Peter Jones, who is shown in the 2nd video. Here is the link to her videos on CNN.com! Which since yesterday has gone from 7 views when I first posted it on my multiple Facebook Walls to 20,000 as of this posting!

Next came some of the members of MonkeyTossTV.com, who were there for a while filming for their web site.  I have several photos of them to post, but with a 'Cinco de Mayo' party to go to in less than 2 hours from now, I may just include them in a blog post as well...or just on my Event's Facebook Wall at http://www.Hamersky.com.  At this moment, I don't see a link to send you to view the videos they should have posted soon on yesterday's event...In the meantime a few of those attending are shown at the middle right photo section of this blog post!

And lastly, but not least, was the reporter / cameraman from Channel 6 - XETV - the CW Station here in the San Diego area. He was later in arriving, but was there to film the Million Dollar Plus Display Case, before the Event was over.  Tina and I saw the Edited Film on the 10PM News, which aired approximately 10:13 PM.  As of this post I don't see the link to send you to so you can view the interview also... When that is posted online, I'll make a note of it here...

So in wrapping up this blog post this morning... I'll be posting updates and more photos on what else happened at my 'Online Event' on Facebook itself titled: "Blogging & Facebooking From a Free Comic Book Day Event (FCBD)". I will also be shipping to the lucky winners from yesterday, several copies of FCBD Edition Comic Books for Free, (including the shipping)!

You can find all of that info, updates, and photos at my Facebook Group Page, which has an easy access url link:



Also, I want to mention the physical Event host's web site, SoCal Comics's web site can be found at:


(PERSONAL NOTE From Michael:  Last year Tina and I drove over almost all of Metro San Diego for the FCBD 2009. See these links, 2009 FCBD Part 1 & 2009 FCBD Part 2 for my reviews on what all the participating stores were doing last year. This year, I only blogged and Facebooked from this one location.) 

My thanks to Jamie Newbold for extending the invitation to me to set up a table at his shop to blog about the MILLION DOLLAR Event during Free Comic Book Day at his LCBS in San Diego!

AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,100 total posts in number!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

Note: Even though I attempted to both blog and Facebook at this location yesterday, I still have lots more to post, but the majority of the photos / info will be posted on my Facebook Group Page at: http://www.Hamersky.com. Some of the FCBD Edition comics that were distributed yesterday will be found for sale at our online comic book store in the next few days at:





Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

 "Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"



Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:



Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing Inc.
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013





Check Out More Of Our Own Endeavors:  

Yeah, that's me in the photo shown to the left, taken at the 1973 San Diego Comic Con at the Sheraton Hotel at Harbor Island in San Diego!

I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 SDCC at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL! Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)!

You can view our table and interact with us there on Facebook by clicking this link.

So if YOU are a Facebook member, please 'join' our Facebook Comic Con - Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, links to this blog, and other wall comments that we post every day!


 Also, if you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.

Talking about comics: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works for a possible mention / review!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed. Just click on the link provided in this paragraph!

~Michael @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safarai, Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.
NOTE; All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, May 2, 2010 12:00 PM PDT
Post Comment | Permalink
Saturday, May 1, 2010
It Doesn't Take A DETECTIVE To Figure Out It's Double The ACTION...
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Comic Cons


It Doesn't Take A DETECTIVE To Figure Out

It's Double The ACTION!


Click Here to see our DC SUPERHERO COMICS!


Click Here to see our MOST COLLECTIBLE listings for sale!

Click here to see all the SUPERMAN items we have in our online store for sale! 
Photos This Page: Are Courtesy of Jamie Newbold, Owner of Southern California Comics, and the two private collectors of these comics!

Click here to see all the earlier FCBD Comics we have in our online store for sale!

Click here to see all the earlier FCBD Comics we have in our online store for sale!



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3121:

Earlier this week I blogged about 'Where The Action Is' for Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) on this Saturday, May 1st.... Because I knew where at Least ONE Copy of Action Comics #1 would be displayed for viewing.

This Morning I know that: "It DOESN'T Take A DETECTIVE To Figure Out It's DOUBLE The ACTION' at this same LCBS, because I see both Action Comics #1 featuring the 1st Appearance of Superman, AND I see there is Dective Comics #27 featuring the 1st Appearance of Batman!  

In addition to having on display the above pictured Golden Age Comics that most people have never seen in real life, just photos, Jamie and his Store Manager, Kristin Juan, have brought in several of the 2010 Special Edition FCBD Comics for FREE distribution on this Special Saturday!

And if they run out of those before closing time today, there will be several back issues of regular titles that will also be distributed Free!

So for those of you who don't realize it, Action Comics #1 is a 'Holy Grail' for many comic collectors, and the ever increasing prices on that comic keep it out of the hands of most of them!

Indeed, the most recent news in the Comics World has been the fantastic prices realized at auction for two other graded copies of this comic book! Just 'google' that and you'll see what I mean!

The Fun officialy starts today at 10AM Saturday, May 1st, and is expected to end by 5PM when the store normally closes.

There will be possible photo ops, as well as FCBD Comics and other comics distributed as well by Southern California Comics.

I will be posting those photo ops at my Facebook Event Page for viewing during and / or after the event.

PLUS, since I am conducting an 'Online Event' on Facebook itself titled: "Blogging & Facebooking From a Free Comic Book Day Event (FCBD)" I will also be distributing and mailing to lucky winners for FREE, several copies of FCBD Edition Comic Books!

Check this link: Blogging & Facebooking From a Free Comic Book Day Event (FCBD) to click the 'ATTENDING' Button, even though YOU will be there only 'virtually'! To be eligible to 'Win' you have to click the 'Attending' button, as 'Maybe Attending' and 'Not Attending' do NOT qualify you to be eligible!

For location and store hours today, see below:

Southern California Comics (SoCal Comics) 

8280 Clairemont Mesa Bl. #124
San Diego, CA. 92111
(858) 715-8669

Saturday, May 1st of 2010 is FCBD: 
Hours 10 AM - 5 PM

SoCal Comics web site: http://www.SoCalComics.com

PERSONAL NOTE From Michael:  Last year Tina and I drove over almost all of Metro San Diego for the FCBD 2009. See these links, 2009 FCBD Part 1 & 2009 FCBD Part 2 for my reviews on what all the participating stores were doing last year.

This year, I am only blogging and Facebooking from this one location only.  I invite you to stop by in person, and say hello after seeing why I call this blog: 'It Doesn't Take a DETECTIVE to Figure Out It's DOUBLE the ACTION!  Matter of fact, I am set up just opposite of Both of the Action Comics #1s and Detective Comics #27 that are on display!

I am Blogging and Facebooking from before the start of the event which officially starts at 10AM and will be here onsite till at least 2PM. Depending on the response for this 'Online Event', I may be still here at 'closing time' when the shop closes... we'll see! Note:  All times quoted are PST as the Local Comic Book Shop (LCBS) is located in San Diego, California.

For those of YOU 'attending' via the online event, here is a link to compute what time it is in YOUR area when the Event is running:


My thanks to Jamie Newbold for extending the invitation to me to set up a table at his shop to blog about 'It Doesn't Take A DETECTIVE To Figure That It's DOUBLE the ACTION' in San Diego!

AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,100 total posts in number!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

Note: I will attempt to be both blogging and Facebooking while at this location, plus I will be distributing some neat promos that have arrived before FCBD starts on Saturday. BTW, Tina's and my online comic book store can be found at:





Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

 "Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"



Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:



Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing Inc.
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013





Check Out More Of Our Own Endeavors:  

Yeah, that's me in the photo shown to the left, taken at the 1973 San Diego Comic Con at the Sheraton Hotel at Harbor Island in San Diego!

I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 SDCC at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL! Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)!

You can view our table and interact with us there on Facebook by clicking this link.

So if YOU are a Facebook member, please 'join' our Facebook Comic Con - Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, links to this blog, and other wall comments that we post every day!


 Also, if you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.

Talking about comics: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works for a possible mention / review!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed. Just click on the link provided in this paragraph!

~Michael @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safarai, Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.
NOTE; All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, May 2, 2010 4:55 AM PDT
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Friday, April 30, 2010
It's DOUBLE THE ACTION On Free Comic Book Day...
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Comic Cons



At the 2010 FCBD (Free Comic Book Day)

In San Diego, California On Saturday, May 1st!

Click Here to see our DC SUPERHERO COMICS!


Click Here to see our MOST COLLECTIBLE listings for sale!

Click here to see all the SUPERMAN items we have in our online store for sale! 
Above: Jamie Newbold, Owner of Southern California Comics in San Diego! 

At The Top Left: Just ONE of the TWO Copies of Action Comics #1 That Will Be Displayed for Viewing at the Store on FCBD!

At the Bottom Left: Michael D Hamersky of Comic Book Collectors Blog will be Blogging and Facebooking at This Location From 10AM Until At Least 2PM On Saturday, May 1st 2010. Plus Sporting the New Logo!

Below:  Just a few of the Comics of the Special Edition FCBD 2010 comics Being Distributed for Free at SoCal Comics on Saturday!

Click here to see all the earlier FCBD Comics we have in our online store for sale!



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3120:

Earlier this week I blogged about 'Where The Action Is' for Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) on this upcoming Saturday, May 1st.... Because I knew where at Least ONE Copy of Action Comics #1 would be displayed for viewing.

Now I know where: "It's DOUBLE The ACTION' at the same LCBS, because Jaime Newbold, owner of SoCal Comics informs me that there will be TWO copies of Action #1 on display at his store tomorrow! 

In addition, Jamie and his Store Manager, Kristin Juan, have brought in several of the 2010 Special Edition FCBD Comics for FREE distribution on this upcoming Special Saturday!

Plus, there will be several back issues of regular titles that will also be distributed Free, in conjunction with the FCBD Comics!

Lastly, there Could be even another Golden Age Key comic book on display for viewing that day!  I'll let you know when I see it tomorrow... but here's a clue:  There's been two comic books sold at over a million dollars lately that's been in the news... Action Comics #1 and ________?  I'll fill you on Saturday when I see it there for sure!

But first... back to 'DOUBLE the ACTION'!

For those of you who don't realize it, Action Comics #1 is a 'Holy Grail' for many comic collectors, and the ever increasing prices on that comic keep it out of the hands of most of them!

Indeed, the most recent news in the Comics World has been the fantastic prices realized at auction for two other graded copies of this comic book! Just 'google' that and you'll see what I mean!

The Fun starts at 10AM Saturday, May 1st, and is expected to end by 5PM when the store normally closes.

There will be possible photo ops, as well as FCBD Comics and other comics distributed as well by Southern California Comics.

PLUS, since I am conducting an 'Online Event' on Facebook itself titled: "Blogging & Facebooking From a Free Comic Book Day Event (FCBD)" I will also be distributing and mailing to lucky winners for FREE, several copies of FCBD Edition Comic Books!

Check this link: Blogging & Facebooking From a Free Comic Book Day Event (FCBD) to click the 'ATTENDING' Button, even though YOU will be there only 'virtually'! To be eligible to 'Win' you have to click the 'Attending' button, as 'Maybe Attending' and 'Not Attending' do NOT qualify you to be eligible!

For location and store hours, see below:

Southern California Comics (SoCal Comics) 

8280 Clairemont Mesa Bl. #124
San Diego, CA. 92111
(858) 715-8669

Saturday, May 1st of 2010 is FCBD: 
Hours 10 AM - 5 PM

SoCal Comics web site: http://www.SoCalComics.com

PERSONAL NOTE From Michael:  Last year Tina and I drove over almost all of Metro San Diego for the FCBD 2009. See these links, 2009 FCBD Part 1 & 2009 FCBD Part 2 for my reviews on what all the participating stores were doing last year.

This year, I will be blogging and Facebooking from this one location only.  I invite you to stop by in person, and say hello after seeing 'DOUBLE the ACTION!  Matter of fact, I'll be set up very close to Both of the Action Comics #1s on display!

I will be Blogging and Facebooking from before the start of the event by 10AM and will be there onsite till at least 2PM. Depending on the response for this 'Online Event', I may be still there at 'closing time' when the shop closes... we'll see! Note:  All times quoted are PST as the Local Comic Book Shop (LCBS) is located in San Diego, California.

For those of YOU 'attending' via the online event, here is a link to compute what time it is in YOUR area when the Event is running:


My thanks in advance to Jamie Newbold for extending the invitation to me to set up a table at his shop to blog about 'DOUBLE the ACTION' in San Diego!

AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,100 total posts in number!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

Note: I'll be blogging and Facebooking while at this location, plus I will be distributing some neat promos that have arrived before FCBD starts on Saturday. BTW, Tina's and my online comic book store can be found at:





Now Celebrating the 11th Year On The Web!

 "Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"



Click Here add This ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com to Your list of NetworkedBlogs! 

Note: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:



Click Here to see our Facebook Comic Con Dealer Table!

Make It So Marketing Inc.
PO Box 130653
Carlsbad, CA 92013





Check Out More Of Our Own Endeavors:  

Yeah, that's me in the photo shown to the left, taken at the 1973 San Diego Comic Con at the Sheraton Hotel at Harbor Island in San Diego!

I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 SDCC at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL! Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)!

You can view our table and interact with us there on Facebook by clicking this link.

So if YOU are a Facebook member, please 'join' our Facebook Comic Con - Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, links to this blog, and other wall comments that we post every day!


 Also, if you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.

Talking about comics: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works for a possible mention / review!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed. Just click on the link provided in this paragraph!

~Michael @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


WEB PAGE NOTE:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safarai, Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768.
NOTE; All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, April 30, 2010 6:06 AM PDT
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