
Topic: TV Shows
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3143: Today I'm pleased once again to have as guest blogger, my wife, Tina LoSasso, who mixes in a little bit of a comic convention we were at in April, with her thoughts of the upcoming Series Finale episode of 'LOST' tonight: [SPOILER ALERT: None - as Tina has NOT seen the Series Finale as of this blog posting!] LOST: Thanks for the Memories! Like most fans, I'm drowning in a sea of mixed emotions right now. Incredibly excited to see what happens tonight and, at the same time, I'm dreading my tv life without LOST. After last week's 'What They Died For', I'm confident that 'The End' will make all these years of watching pay off big. From the moment that poor sap got sucked into the plane engine in the pilot, I was hooked. I like my shows to surprise me... show me something I didn't see coming during the opening credits. I fell in love with LOST and its castaways when we got a glimpse into their lives off-island via those Season One flashbacks. Finding out what they were like, why they were on the plane, What Did Kate Do, that Sun studied English so she could leave Jin (!) - this was rich stuff indeed. After last season, it seemed we'd had flashbacks on everyone - Rose and Bernard, even Ana Lucia, Nikki and Paolo (ugh). Everyone except the Man Who Never Ages, Richard Alpert. Where did he come from? How does he stay so calm? Where did he get the guyliner? What wrinkle cream does he use? At San Diego Comic Con, "Darlton" promised answers. When they asked us if we wanted a Richard flashback, the crowd went wild. The beautiful, answers-filled, emotion-packed "Ab Aeterno" was the result. Michael and I had the pleasure of meeting Mirelly Taylor, (pictured above), who played Isabella, Richard’s wife. Her illness and death propels Richard to the Island. This wonderful episode showcased Nestor Carbonal’s talent. But, what an amazing job Mirelly did coming into the series at this late date, in a one-shot, and making us believe in her character. Her final scene speaking to Richard via Hurley had Michael and I both in tears. (And we never cry over the same scenes in anything!) What will I miss most about LOST? Besides the anticipation of what the # are they going to do to us this week, I’ll miss connecting with other fans over the show. My favorite times at SD Comic Con have been at LOST panels – and hanging out in line for hours and hours beforehand! This past year’s event was perhaps the best of all – at least since the first – probably because we knew it was the last. Fans out-did themselves in crazy costumes. One woman even dressed as a representation of The Island – I loved the little plane hanging from her hat! I’ll never forget the two Hurleys in Dharma jumpsuits. When they caught sight of each other and started running towards the other, it was Desmond and Penny all over again! (If you haven’t seen them, check out the YouTube video of the panel; they both talked to the real Hurley during the Q&A. In the real world, it’s been fun discovering that someone is a LOST fan. Once you know, it doesn’t take much to get them going and you discover a whole new side to them that you never knew. How very LOST! I hope everyone enjoys tonight’s finale. Michael and I will be hunkered down for the duration 7-11:30 and taping Jimmy Kimmel. Here’s hoping we can all sleep tonight so we can get up and go to work in the morning and talk about LOST one last time… -------------------------------------------That's the end of today's guest blog by Tina...My thanks to Tina LoSasso, and Mirelly Taylor who spent time with us at the Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con talking about her role in LOST! You can find out more about Mirelly Taylor at her websites: Mirelly Taylor's Facebook Fan Page AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,140 total posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @