
Topic: TV Shows
11-23-09: Just noticed that this archived blog post is seeing a lot of views. Please Note: the links to the eBay Blogs no longer work, because eBay closed down ALL of the eBay blogs via their platform on 10-31-09. The only blog version that is being updated is this one you are viewing:
JJ Abrams Is A Big Reason This Show Is Such A Success! For JJ Abrams Fans, Jennifer Garner starred in Alias TV Show also created by JJ. She went on to do Elektra Movie (Movie Poster shown above!) | 'Lost' TV Show 05-16-07 ' Greatest Hits ' Tina and I were watching Disc 7 of Season One last night, which had bonus material from that season. We saw the program from the San Diego Comic Con, where the TV show was first previewed. We both remembered getting to the big hall early and seeing up close the cast and the crew including JJ Abrams, knowing that something was up by all the buzz in the big hall (4,000 seats) before anyone even came on stage! Great memory jogger on this DVD for us! 'Greatest Hits' was the theme on this past week's show... as written down on paper by Charlie during the whole show. Desmond tells Charlie that he visioned that Claire and her baby get into a helicopter and leave the island, but Charlie has to die first! This time Desmond believes that he will not interfere with his vision and allow Charlie to do what he must to ensure that the Claire and the baby leave the island, even though Charlie will perish in doing so. The Greatest Hits were actually Charlie's 5 best moments in his life, and the five scenes that make the list gives more insight into Charlie's past with flashbacks! As to the rest of the 'Lost' cast, they are surprised by a warning that the 'Others' are coming ahead of schedule, that night instead of the next morning when they would be more prepared to fend them off! NEXT WEEK: The Season Finale ! For those interested in TV shows like 'Lost', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store . Just click on the link provided! Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector, so some of this may be of a more general scope in nature! Of course not everything is given away for those that have not seen the episode yet! Also, don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly to the left ! Michael |