
Topic: Comic Book History
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"
Nine years ago, (tomorrow) I set up my first simple web page... a very basic one at that. I had just learned how to do it from my children who had been dabbling in html at their local school. Soon I was placing articles up on the web, from what was then my passion, 'genealogy' ! Right after that I posted my first comic book mail order lists that had previously only been in print form!
Shortly after that I would buy additional domain names, more as the years and competition drove domain name prices lower and lower! January of 1999 I joined eBay to basically buy what I couldn't find locally for my collection. I then put my dad's craft business on the web, his 'whirlbirds', and others' businesses that I grew to know from working out at craft shows in Southern California, so many that I built a 'CraftersMallOnLine' to give additional publicity to. Additionally I built other websites, and learned to do SEO for those site and my own! Meeting and marrying Tina has expanded those horizons, and we are having more and more fun in these endeavors. Today, she and I blog on eBay and additionally these blog posts are copied to our new blog web site,, for additional distribution to the World Wide Web!
It's been a fun ride these past nine years on the www, and I want to thank my kids for getting me started!
Thanks for reading this popular culture blog post! Feel free to comment below !
| The Below Picture Is An Example of a Cover Page of My Now Defunct Family Genealgocial Newsletter.
I Was Able to Combine Comics Books and the Internet Back in 1998 When I First Started Web Page Generating. Below is a Caricature Used On One of the Price Lists Generated !! Today I Use The Web to Sell Comics, Create Blog Posts, and Run Polls Like the Below Newest Poll .... "Who Is YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain?? Just click on the pic below to enter your vote! |