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Thursday, May 17, 2007
Who Created the Silver Surfer ?
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book History

Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott 1972!

Jack Kirby & Joe Sinnott 1972 


 New Upcoming Silver Surfer Stamp! 

Silver Surfer Stamp    


NEW Poll !

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 Jack Kirby

Created the Silver Surfer !

The Silver Surfer is currently being shown in movie teaser trailers as the next star 'villain' of the upcoming Fantastic Four Movie: 'Rise of the Silver Surfer'.

The Movie is coming YOUR way June 15th in theaters near you so mark your calendars! 

For those that aren't familiar with the Surfer, he first appeared in the Fantastic Four Comic Books, issues #48 thru #50, in what is known as the 'Galactus Trilogy' in 1966.

According to the multiple stories around the creation of the Surfer, Stan Lee wrote a synopsis about the most powerful being ever in the Universe, (Galactus), coming to our Earth to consume it for its' energy!

Jack Kirby, (pictured standing at the left in the photo at the top left column in 1972 with inker Joe Sinnott), was the artist and co-plotter of that Trilogy. He thought that such a powerful being would have a herald, one who would search out planets for Galactus ahead of time before Galactus got hungry.  Jack came up with the idea of the Surfer, and Stan  added 'Silver' and wrote the dialogue of the Trilogy.


The Silver Surfer has proven so popular since Jack's creation that he has had three volumes of comic books, and will featured on an upcoming USPS postal stamp later this year! (See middle photo first column for sample stamp).


For those interested in checking out the Fantastic Four comics with or without the Silver Surfer, we have several unslabbed and CGC graded comics listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.

Thanks for viewing this pop culture / comic book blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below regarding the movie/comics!

Don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain in our NEW poll... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly on the left!




Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:




Check out Our Take  on American Idol's performances each week by clicking the photo below! 

  American Idol ...Vote Often!


Check out what happened and our thoughts on this show by clicking the photo below! 


  American Idol ...Vote Often!



If you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 


   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



For the latest Transformers Movie blog post... click on the comic book cover below!



The TRANSFORMERS Movie Is Coming!


Update on the TV Show with our opinions! Just Click on Hiro of Heroes' photo below! 


  American Idol ...Vote Often!




Vote for YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain in our Poll & View more info on the movie below! 


   A Review & A Poll!



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:07 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:24 PM PDT
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Results From American Idol TV Show 05-16-07
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows

Lost Is Finding Its' Way! 



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 Results From American Idol

 TV Show  05-16-07   ' The Final 3 '

Well, It's Done.... America sent home Melinda last night!  

It had to be a nation-wide shocker as almost all newspaper 'judges' and blog posters were saying it would be Melinda and ____(fill in the blank)____ !

Tina and I were as shocked as Simon was.... but not as disgusted. We too thought it would be Melinda and ____(fill in the blank)___, although we both wanted the 'blank' to be Blake.

Please see the previous American Idol blog post 'OUR TAKE' on our thoughts of this past Tuesday night's performances, (all nine songs).   

The following are MY thoughts only, as Tina is on a special project today:

I too felt like Randy Jackson that Melinda was consistent, but unlike Randy I just didn't see that 'xtra' that would make her stand out from the rest of the contenders. Looking at all of my previous blog posts on this show during the season, I see that I liked Melinda's performances and she would usually be in the top third tier in what I thought were the best performances of the night.  She was technically sound, and if she sang and moved more like she did on her last song 'I'm A Woman', she could have become my favorite. I reserved judgement on who my favorite(s) would be until this week when we were down to the penultimate Final 3.  I know that Melinda has her fans, and I feel that she has a good recording career ahead of her. Best of luck to her!  

NEXT WEEK:  The Season Finale / The Finals  !

For those interested in TV shows like 'American Idol', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store .  Just click on the link provided!

Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector, so some of this may be of a more general scope in nature!   Of course not everything is given away for those that have not seen the episode yet!

Also, don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly to the left !



Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:




For the latest Fantastic Four Movie blog post... click on the Silver Surfer Poster below to see what we have to say!



Fantastic Four Movie Coming!


Check out what happened and our thoughts on this show by clicking the photo below! 


  American Idol ...Vote Often!



If you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 


   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



For the latest Transformers Movie blog post... click on the comic book cover below!



The TRANSFORMERS Movie Is Coming!


Update on the TV Show with our opinions! Just Click on Hiro of Heroes' photo below! 


  American Idol ...Vote Often!




Vote for YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain in our Poll & View more info on the movie below! 


   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:14 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, May 17, 2007 8:24 AM PDT
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Update on 'LOST' TV Show 05-16-07
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows
Lost Is Finding Its' Way! 



 'Lost' TV Show


' Greatest Hits '

'Greatest Hits' was the theme tonight... as written down on paper by Charlie during the whole show.  

Desmond tells Charlie that he visioned that Claire and her baby get into a helicopter and leave the island, but Charlie has to die first!

This time Desmond believes that he will not interfere with his vision and allow Charlie to do what he must to ensure that the Claire and the baby leave the island, even though Charlie will perish in doing so.

The Greatest Hits were actually Charlie's 5 best moments in his life, and the five scenes that make the list gives more insight into Charlie's past with flashbacks! 

As to the rest of the 'Lost' cast, they are surprised by a warning that the 'Others' are coming ahead of schedule, that night instead of the next morning when they would be more prepared to fend them off!

NEXT WEEK:  The Season Finale !

For those interested in TV shows like 'Lost', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store .  Just click on the link provided!

Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector, so some of this may be of a more general scope in nature!   Of course not everything is given away for those that have not seen the episode yet!

Also, don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly to the left !


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Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:




For the latest Fantastic Four Movie blog post... click on the Silver Surfer Poster below to see what we have to say!



Fantastic Four Movie Coming!


Check out Our Take  on American Idol's performances each week by clicking the photo below! 


  American Idol ...Vote Often!



If you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 


   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



For the latest Transformers Movie blog post... click on the comic book cover below!



The TRANSFORMERS Movie Is Coming!


Update on the TV Show with our opinions! Just Click on Hiro of Heroes' photo below! 


  American Idol ...Vote Often!




Vote for YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain in our Poll & View more info on the movie below! 


   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:53 AM PDT
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Update on 'HEROES' TV Show 05-14-07
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows
Hiro Makes Heroes Worth Watching! 



 Heroes TV Show


' Chapter 22 '

'Landslide' was the Chapter's Title tonight... and it was.  

Nathan wins the election for congressman by a manufactured 'landslide', caused by Micah who use his power to 'talk' to machines. Micah 'talks' to the computer in an election poll booth, which happens to be networked to all the others.  He influences the machines to vote for Nathan, causing the 'landslide' results for Nathan!

Nathan is aware that Linderman is pulling the strings but falls into the dark side when Linderman uses his own power to heal Nathan's wife who gets up from her wheelchair!

Hiro meets his dad again, (I love George Takei in the father role), when he goes to a swordman's shop to get his sword repaired.  Hiro's dad instructs him in the ways of truly using his sword.... that scene is very good! 

Note to those that are not comic book collectors.... the Silver Surfer #1 that Micah holds so badly in his hands that is bought for to pacify him until he is needed is currently worth anywhere between $125 to $320 (F to VF) condition.  Definitely not the way to hold a valuable comic book, but it is a TV show!  LOL !

For those interested in TV shows like 'Heroes', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store .  Just click on the link provided!

Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector, so some of this may be of a more general scope in nature!

Plus don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly to the left !


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Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:




For the latest Fantastic Four Movie blog post... click on the Silver Surfer Poster below to see what we have to say!


Fantastic Four Movie Coming!


 Check out our latest thoughts on American Idol's performances each week by clicking the photo below! 

  American Idol ...Vote Often!



If you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



For the latest Transformers Movie blog post... click on the comic book cover below!


The TRANSFORMERS Movie Is Coming!


Our Thoughts on the 'Jericho' TV Show Season Finale and the Genre in General! Just Click on photo below! 

  American Idol ...Vote Often!




Vote for YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain in our Poll & View more info on the movie below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:23 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:26 AM PDT
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Mark June 15th On Your Calendar !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies

For He Is Coming... Yes The One & Only Silver Surfer !!

Yes, the Silver Surfer who is the star of the next Fantastic Four Movie: 'Rise of the Silver Surfer'. He is the herald for that world-eater named 'Galactus' ! 

The Movie is coming YOUR way June 15th in theaters near you ! 

For those that aren't familiar with the Surfer, he first appeared in the Fantastic Four Comic Books, issues #48 thru #50 in what is known as the 'Galactus Trilogy' in 1966.

According to the multiple stories around the creation of the Surfer, Stan Lee wrote a synopsis about the most powerful being ever in the Universe coming to Earth to consume it for energy.

Jack Kirby, the artist and co-plotter thought that such a being would have a herald, one who would search out planets for Galactus ahead of time before he got hungry.  Jack came up with the idea of the Surfer, and Stan  added 'Silver' and wrote the dialogue of the Trilogy.


Note: The Fantastic Four themselves were first written by Stan Lee and pencilled by co-creator Jack Kirby for their publisher Martin Goodman back in 1961.


For those interested in checking out the Fantastic Four comics run we have several unslabbed and CGC graded comics listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.

Thanks for viewing this pop culture / comic book blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below regarding the movie/comics!

Plus don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain in our NEW poll... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly on the right!


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Featuring the Silver Surfer!



The Thing May Look Like A Monster, But He is a Real Man!




Vote Early & Vote Often!

NEW POLL !     Who is YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain?



You too can check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV show, just click on the photo of the cheerleader below!

Save the Cheerleader... again?!


Our Thoughts on the 'Jericho' TV Show Season Finale and the Genre in General! Just Click on the cast photo below! 

  American Idol ...Vote Often!



Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 3:28 PM PDT
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