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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
You Buy It.. Run Home... And .... AAAARRRGGGHHH !
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Comic Book History

Why Are So Many Comic Books From the 1970's Cut Up??


If You own a Marvel comic book from the time period of 1974-1976, Your comic book may be incomplete !


Well back in March of 1974, Marvel Comics ran a campaign that enticed readers to cut out a certain portion of each comic!

Every month pictures of its' most popular characters, either heroes or villains, were printed onto the Letters Pages section of various comics.  The Letter Page would be where Stan Lee or others of the 'Bullpen' printed either editorials, coming attractions or fan mail.

The pictures appeared in the format of a numbered 'stamp'.  To the chagrin of today's collectors the readers of the comics were encouraged to both "clip 'em and collect 'em".  Yikes !! 

Ultimately there were 100 different stamps in the set and those first 100 are referred to as the 'Series A'  group. 


Later on that year, in-house ads were printed to entice the reader to send away for a Mighty Marvel Value Stamp Book to place their 'Value Stamps' in.  The cost of the book was just 50 cents.

Unfortunately for collectors, the campaign was so successful that in December of 1975 Marvel produced a second set, referred to as 'Series B'.  This group consisted of 100 value stamps too, but these were really different from the first set.  Each of the stamps was not of an individual character but a single piece that formed one full image, similar to a puzzle.

Once again, in-house printed ads in the comics offered another Mighty Marvel Value Stamp Book to paste them into for the same price of only 50 cents!

So coming to today, a Marvel Comic from this 1974 - 76 era with its Marvel Value Stamp clipped out loses most of its  value.  It is so necessary to stress when listing a comic with the stamp out, that when grading such a comic, there is a term specifically created to identify it, the 'Marvel Value Stamp Flaw'.

For those interested in Marvel comic books we have several thousand of their comics listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store!  Thanks for reading this comic book blog post! Feel free to comment!




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The above Marvel Value Stamp Books are the two culprits for why your Marvel Comic may be cut up! The Marvel Value Stamps that were cut out of the comics were placed in these two albums!!


The Above Picture is Showing Michael Selling Marvel Comic Books at the  San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) in 1973!  I Was a Marvel Zombie in Those Days !!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:44 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 1, 2007 4:49 PM PDT
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Yeah... We're Psyched... Even After Watching the Today Show!
Mood:  party time!
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Yeah... We're Psyched ! 

For  Spider-Man 3 !

Even after seeing the silly circus on the 'Today Show' on Monday !


Tobey Maguire should have showed up in the Black Costume!

Certainly the actress playing Gwen Stacy would have been better off if she'd worn it ! 

And, where was Kirsten Dunst??? Why was she relegated to the background ?!
We're looking forward to seeing the Movie this Saturday with Michael's son, who is a major Spidey comics fan!  We'll all be wearing Spidey T-shirts! Afterward, we'll be trolling the local comic books stores for Free Comic Book Day.
SPIDEY 3 ???
Thanks for viewing this popular culture blog post.... and feel free to comment!

Plus don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Superhero for PRESIDENT in our poll to the right... just click on the 'easy button' being held by Michael to the right!


We Do Have CGC Spideys!

Click here for Spider-Man Comics! Spidey 3 Stars VENOM, SANDMAN, GOBLIN & of course Peter & Mary Jane !


Of course YOU still have time to VOTE !

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:39 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 1, 2007 4:55 PM PDT
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24: You Don't Know Jack !
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: TV Shows
Jack's Back In Action!


 24 TV Show Update... 04-30-07

' You Don't Know Jack ! '

If you thought Jack wasn't going to break Audrey out - Well You Don't Know Jack! 

The real question is:  Is Audrey more annoying this season than in seasons' past?

Actually, wide-eyed, catatonic Audrey is a step up, mostly because she can't talk !

Best moment of the episode 1:00 A.M.  -  2:00 A.M. ???

Jack choke holds Ricky Schroeder! 

Of course for the males in the audience, it was probably when 'Invasion's' alien mom popped her top !!

For those interested in TV shows like '24', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store and eBay Pro Store.  Just click on the links provided!

Thanks for viewing this popular culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector, so some of this may be of a more introductory nature at first reading!

Plus don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Super-hero for PRESIDENT in our poll above... just click on the 'easy button' being held by my husband Michael to the left !


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 11:26 AM PDT
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Golden Records Are Desired...
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book History

GOLDEN RECORDS Are Desired By Both Record & Comic Collectors!

 Golden Records are Hard To Find!

The above Golden Records featuring Marvel Comics characters were originally issued in 1966 with a record and a REPRINT of the issue that the character(s) were originally featured in.

Too often the comic book is found without the record, and is either believed to be the original printing or is 'passed off' as being the original to non-collectors who think they have found a 'Great Deal'.

When looking just at the cover of the comic book, when pictured in an auction listing, the one BIG thing that will differentiate the reprint from the original is that the reprint will NOT have the cover price of either 10 cents or 12 cents on it. (Please see the Journey Into Mystery #83 with the intro of Thor at the top right for the ORIGINAL printing for example. It HAS the cover price of 12 cents printed.)

The above example is just one of the pitfalls of buying online from someone who is not normally a comic book seller, as how would they know without a Comic Book Price Guide? There have been other reprints throughout the years, but the above 'Golden Record' reprints look so close to the original until close-up inside the pages inspection, (as they also don't reprint the original ads as well as the cover price!). 

As a last note, the above 'Golden Records' and the reprint comics also do have value.... just that the reprint comics don't command the full value that the originals do!  A 'Fine' 6.0 graded reprint is 'price guided' at $42.00 while the original in 'Fine' 6.0 grade is 'price guided' at $1,455.00 !!!


Beware of Reprints Being Sold As Originals! 



For those interested in Marvel Comics, we have several thousand of that Publisher's comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store and eBay Pro Store.


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The M.M.M.S. Wanted YOU! 

Posted by makeitsomarketing at 11:08 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 1, 2007 11:12 AM PDT
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Your Blog Post May Show Up Differently In other Internet Browsers.......
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: eBay Info

Your Blog Post May Show Up Differently In other Internet Browsers.......


....if you use HTML script in your posts!

 When writing our blog posts, I free-hand write "HTML" script that is geared toward Microsoft's IE (Internet Explorer) Browser that fits easily into eBay's Blog Post Format !

Thus what looks good in an eBay post on an IE Browser, will not look the same to someone using the Netscape Browser, or the Mozilla Browser !

Additionally these blog posts are copied to our new  blog web site, www.comicbookcollectorsblog.com, for additional distribution to the World Wide Web!

Noted differences in appearance are as follows:

IE will show the hyper-links as the color of the text, as does Netscape, while Mozilla will show a different color underline.

The borders around the posts, when colored, will show up as the wanted colors in IE, but not in Netscape or Mozilla. Netscape will show totally grayed out, while Mozilla will show either all gray or gray/black tones.

The pictures inserted into the the blog posts will be spaced properly with clear pixel gifs to separate the pics and show up as wanted in the IE Browser, but the Netscape and Mozilla Browsers will have different configurations for the pics to show, thus looking a little uneven at times.  

This blog post was first written to explain to our readers why at times our blog post with the borders and pics may look a little off graphicly when viewing with a non-IE browser. The HTML will show up slightly different depending on what Browser you are viewing the post with. I cannot put a  comment to those using the Opera Browser, as I have not paid to download that browser !




Thanks for reading this popular culture blog post! Feel free to comment below !



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The Above Picture Shows Michael Selling Comic Books the 'old fashioned way' at the  San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) in 1973! 

Michael Was Able to Combine Comics Books and the Internet Back in 1998 When He First Started Web Page Generating !!

 Hammering Out the Web For You

"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th,1998!"

We Do Have CGC Spideys!

Tina with Comics Sold on eBay, the 'new way of selling'!



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 9:51 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 1, 2007 9:55 AM PDT
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