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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Season Finale '24' Review
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows


Jack Bauer VERSUS Bart Simpson??!


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 24 TV Show Update... 05-21-07

The Season Finale - All 2 Hours !

( Spoiler Warning ! )

OK, we had a teaser on Sunday Night, (click on Simpsons poster middle left for details), and now we had the Season Finale!

Here are a few notes, comments, and questions from the 2 episodes strung together for the Season Finale! 

04:26 a.m. - Why did Jack & Bill Buchannan NOT take arms from CTU's SUV before taking off ????

At end of first hour - Chloe drops in front of Morris.  Besides Jack, Chloe is the only sacred cow... so this was a major development!

First few minutes of last hour - If Chloe is so dehydrated... where's the IV ??

05:10 a.m. - Bill and Jack hijack a copter to go to oil platform to save Jack's nephew Josh, amazing the skills that everyone has.  A desk jockey can pilot a helicopter!

05:26 a.m. - Attack on oil platform takes this long??  F-18s still have 4 minutes 30 seconds before they are in attack range ???

Shortly after 05:26 a.m. Josh shoots his grandfather... interesting storyline... seems to run in the family!

Jack jumps for the helicopter's ladder... reminding me of a Jackie Chan movie!!  Just in time as F-18s shoot missles at platform!!

Russia calls off the impending attack on the American Base, full withdrawal...

05:36 a.m. - Jack jumps off helicopter's ladder, because as Bill tells Josh, Jack's not ready to go back yet...

05:40 a.m. - China recalls their submarine from picking up their agents and Phillip Bauer, as oil platform was destroyed.

Shortly afterwards, Tom gets Karen Hayes & Bill Buchannan off so they can 'resign'. Tom then gives his tape incriminating the VP to the VP.

Morris tells Chloe that he loves her, and Chloe tells him she's pregnant, which is why she dropped to the floor in the first place!

In the meantime, Jack goes to see Audrey, confronts her father Secretary Heller first. Jack blames him for not trying harder to extract him from China. Jack demands to see Audrey, so as to take her with him. He sees Audrey laying in bed, still not recovered from her brainwashing, and realizes that he is at a crossroads. He realizes that the the best way to protect Audrey is .... to let her go....

Jack goes outside of the mansion to the cliff overlooking the ocean... and.... (fade out)!

Tina thought this was a fine ending for the 24 hours we spent watching this season... whereas I didn't feel the excitement like I did at the end of last season, where Jack had been kidnapped by the Chinese and was on a slow boat to China!  Man I was looking forward to the next season!  

This could be a good stopping point for the series, but we understand that it is scheduled to return next year! And we are glad it is!

For those interested in TV shows like '24', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store and eBay Pro Store.  

Thanks for viewing this popular culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below!



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 10:34 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:40 AM PDT
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Our Take On American Idol's Final 2 Performances!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows

Our Take


On American Idol's Show From Last Night

05-22-07    THE FINAL 2    "Battle Of the Sexes" 


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:26 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 7:33 AM PDT
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Shrek 3 Is Number 1
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies


Spider-Man Comics For Sale Starting at ONLY 99 CENTS!

But Spider-Man 3 Hangs In At #2 At The Theaters! !

( According to USA Today 05-21-07 ) 

Spider-Man 3 was still a top choice this past weekend with theater goers, coming in at #2 with $28.5 million estimated ticket sales dollars compared with Shrek 3's estimated ticket sales dollars at $122 million during it's debut weekend!

Shrek 3 has come in third in at all time debuts, compared to Spider-Man 3 at $151 million and Pirates of the Caribbean 2 at $135 million!

Spider-Man 3  has taken in $281.9 million in three weekends domestically and nearly $750 million worldwide!

This Friday another blockbuster enters the theater wars, Pirates of the Caribbean 3! We'll see how Spidey 3 and Shrek 3 fare this weekend, and we will report back to you then.... It is a great time to go the movies as we have a large choice of films that need to be seen on the BIG SCREEN to be appreciated!

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  American Idol ...Vote Often!


  Are YOU LOST Yet?!


   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



  Jericho R.I.P.!






  We Need A Hiro!



Fantastic Four Movie Coming!






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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:53 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 4:56 PM PDT
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What Type of Backing Boards Should You Use For Your Comics?
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book History

Place A Backing Board Behind Your Comic Book Collectible !!!

Earlier I posted that you need to bag and board your comic books, (click here for earlier post), to store them properly before you start to sell them. I stated I would go more in depth in a future blog post....

Backing Boards are sold in different thicknesses and different acid-free properties. You use a backing board for the basic purpose of giving the comic book some stiffness when storing, which helps keep the comic cover and pages from bending, creasing or wrinkling.

Additionally if you place a backing board in the center of the comic, the board will help protect the comic book spine from crushing when stored with other comics.

The second reason for using a backing board to protect a comic is its' potential to neutralize acid that is in the comic book paper. Seriously, acid in the paper that the comic is printed on can cause deterioration of the comic!

Using an acid-free backing board with your comic book can trap and neautralize the acid in the paper.

There are normally three types of comic book backing boards:

Economy Comic book backings, Standard Acid Free Comic book backing boards, and Archival comic book backing boards.

Economy comic book backing boards should be used only for short-term storage and stiffening purposes! These cheaper economy boards do contain acid and can contribute to the earlier breakdown of the comic book. The general eBay public and or dealers generally use these boards for quick sale items as they are the least expensive boards and do help protect during transit of the items.

Standard acid-free comic book backing boards are acid-free and can be used for long-term storage. The cost of these are a little higher, but collectors should consider using these for their personal collections!

The most expensive and best boards are archival comic backing boards which are acid-free and buffered with calcium carbonate. This will help keep your comic book in great condition for many additional years.

The next subject we will cover will be comic book bags which will be discussed in an upcoming blog post!



If however, you decide NOT to sell your comics, and find that you have been bitten by the 'collecting bug' then check out our eBay Featured Comic Book Store and eBay Pro Store for more comic related collectibles!



Thanks for viewing this comic book blog post.... and feel free to post your comment. This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the collector, so some of this may be of a more general nature at first reading!

BAG & BOARD Your Comics!  

Above is sample of comic book with bag and economy comic book board to minimally protect your comic!


BAG & BOARD Your Comic Books! 

Above is sample of a comic book with mylar and  acid-free backing board to best protect your comic!


Plus don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Superhero for PRESIDENT in our poll above... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly!


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  American Idol ...Vote Often!


  Are YOU LOST Yet?!



   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



The TRANSFORMERS Movie Is Coming!


  We Need A Hiro!



Fantastic Four Movie Coming!





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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:31 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 4:34 PM PDT
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Desperate Housewives Season 3 Finale !
Mood:  not sure
Topic: TV Shows


I have mentioned in prior blog posts that the reason I started watching this show was because of Teri Hatcher, who I enjoyed as Sam's girlfriend in 'Quantum Leap', and as Lois Lane in 'Lois & Clark'. 

This season's finale had a good ending for Teri's character, 'Susan', where she finally married Mike the plumber.  This made watching the third season finally fulfilling. 

However, the final scene of the season, was definitely not keeping in character!  For those not seeing the final show I will not mention what that scene was.  However both Tina and I thought that the character who took the action was NOT being written right, as that person has never been that way in three seasons!  

What a bummer to end the season on!

It's not even a cliff-hanger.... and is definitely not keeping us hanging on to see what happens start of next season... altho we will watch the show.

Other than that final scene, the series improved vastly from the second season, where it definitely lost its' way! 

For those interested in TV Show comic books or graphic novels, we carry several  in our eBay Featured Comics Store and eBay Pro StoreFor those interested in  Lois Lane comic books, just click on the comic cover to the right!



Thanks for viewing this popular culture / comic book blog post, and feel free to post YOUR comment below! 

We also have a poll running... 'Which superhero would make the Best President?' To vote just click on the easy button held by yours truly below!  Michael


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Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:




  American Idol ...Vote Often!


  Are YOU LOST Yet?!



   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!




The TRANSFORMERS Movie Is Coming!


  We Need A Hiro!



Fantastic Four Movie Coming! 



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:48 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 1:03 PM PDT
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