'Lost' TV Show 05-23-07 2 Hour Season Finale SPOILER WARNING! Do Not Read This If You Have Not Seen The Episode, Or You Do Not Want To Know The Ending! Opening Shot - Bearded Jack on Oceanic Flight that is landing in 20 minutes. Cut to Jack on a bridge, makes a cell phone call, gets out of vehichle, standing on a bridge, possibly to jump and we hear another vehichle behind him slamming into somtething. Tina wonders why Jack is bearded in this scene(?). Cut to the Island's beach where everyone is packing and leaving except for the three staying behind to trap the others that are coming! Those three are Sayid, Bernard and Jin. They are to shoot the dynamite that is hidden in the tents to kill the others that are expected to show up soon. Cut to the 'Looking Glass', the underwater tank outpost, where Charlie has been captured. Two of the others, Greta and Bonnie hurt him as they interogate him. The 'Others' group attacking the beach camp come in. Three tents are marked for them to kidnap the pregnant women. A gun battle ensues. Only two of the dynamite traps are set off, the third fails to explode. Tom of the Others reports in to Ben. Seven of the Others were killed during the gunbattle. Bernard under duress tells Tom where the Lost group had gone. Tina thought this would be highly unlikely as Bernard's wife was with that group! Cut to Ben's group - Ben plans to go to radio tower. Richard to take remainder of Others to the temple. Lost Group - Kate argues with Sawyer about going back for Sayid's group. Desmond wakes up on boat just before Michail shoots at him. He dives into water and reaches Charlie being held captive. Michail scuba dives to Looking Glass, finds out that the two Others are there, (Greta & Bonnie), and that Ben has lied to him and the Others. Locke wakes up in pit where Dharma group were thrown in to finish dying. Walt appears to him at top of pit. Ben and Alex intercept Jack's group an hour away from the radio tower. Ben tells Jack that the woman that parachuted onto island is a bad person. If Jack uses the phone she brought, her people will come and kill all the Others and Jack's Lost Group. Ben orders Tom to kill Jin, Bernard and Sayid if he doesn't call back in one minute. Jack says no, we hear shots over the walkie talkie Ben is holding. Jack proceeds to beat Ben up. Michail shoots Greta and Bonnie, Desmond spear guns Michail... Bonnie tells Charlie the code is the Beach Boys 'Good Vibrations' song. Ben tells Alex the Frenchwoman is her mother. Hurley attacks the camp with the old VW van, knocking down one Other, while Sayid kills the second Other with his feet. Tom is left alone. Tome gives up, but Sawyer shoots him for taking Walt off the raft like he had promised earlier. Charlie puts in code, then received incoming transmission from Penny. She says she doesn't know a Naomi. Charlie figures out what that means, just as Michail hurls a grenade from outside the 'Looking Glass'. With water pouring in, Charlie writes on his hand, 'Not Penny's Boat' which Desmond sees thru the glass separating him and Charlie. Charlie makes the sign of the cross and drowns. Now the jamming signal is off, but Naomi still can't use phone. French Woman's broadcast message is interferring. Ben is tied to tree outside of radio tower. Naomi tries to use the phone. Ben says Naomi making that call is the beginning of the end! (Continued top of next column) |
(Continued from bottom of first column) Locke shows up and throws his knife into Naomi's back. Jack answers the incoming call, figuring Locke won't kill him. Jack is thinking that answering call will lead to his group being rescued. Flashback again to bearded Jack... except it's NOT a flashback... It's in the future!!! Jack was calling Kate on his cell phone. Kat and Jack have survived... Oceanic has given them Gold Passes to fly anywhere Oceans has flights. Tina called it, (that the person Jack was calling was Kate). But who was in the coffin at the funeral home, why is Jack's dad considered to be alive at hospital that Jack works at... THIS WAS A COOL ENDING! Best season finale CLIFFHANGER this season on TV ! For those interested in TV shows like 'Lost', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store . Just click on the link provided! Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector, so some of this may be of a more general scope in nature! Of course not everything is given away for those that have not seen the episode yet! Also, don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly below! Michael
![Jennifer Starred in Alias Before the Elektra Movie](https://members.tripod.com/hamrman52/PICJENNIFERGARNERASELEKTRAFORBLOG.jpg) For JJ Abrams Fans, Jennifer Garner starred in the Alias TV Show also created by JJ. She went on to do the Elektra Movie (Movie Poster shown above!)