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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Mesage From Michael
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: TV Shows

To those of you checking our blog for 'Our Take' on American Idol,  '24' TV show, 'Heroes' TV Show, etc from this week...

There will be none this week, due to the fact that I have been sick since late last Thursday night and am still recovering.

At first I thought it was a flu bug, but after reaching 103.2 degree temperature and was getting worse, plus missing out on Free Comic Book Day and Spider-Man 3 on Saturday, (oh the horror of that!),  I was thinking it may be food poisioning instead as I had had two items that Tina had not eaten at the deli that I had picked up for myself.

Tina drove me to Urgent Care on Sunday where after an hour they thought I had diverticulitis. Urgent Care was not set up to handle that problem, so they had me go to ER where I spent nine hours getting a more complete exam with CT scan, etc, etc. 

I was diagnosed with colitis, and had drugs administred to me via IV.  Near the end of the night I was asked if I wanted to be admitted to the hospital or go home and rest.  I chose the latter as I know hospitals are not a place to get rest!
Yesterday afternoon my primary doctor called to tell me I had indeed had food poisioning, 'salmonealla', courtesy of my local supermarket's deli...
Have not felt like using the computer for days, stayed in bed, and up now to check emails and publish this blog post.  This is extra work, and does not get out the invoicing and shipping of items that have sold since last Thursday or answer Best Offers, or relist items, so will sign off for now and return hopefully this weekend or early next week. All I want to do right now is rest, which is totally unusual for me! 
Tune in again later, for updates on our favorite TV shows, and our review on Spider-Man 3 after we finally get to see it!
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You too can check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV show, just click on the photo below!


Save the Cheerleader... again?!

Check out our 'Our Take'  on American Idol's performances each week in the bottom middle photo! 

  American Idol ...Vote Often!


Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:45 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 9, 2007 8:58 AM PDT
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
This Is It ! No More Waiting !
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Comic Book Movies

May 4th - 

NEW Spider-Man Movie !

May 5th - FREE Comic Book Day !

Check with YOUR Local Movie Theater For Show Times!

& Then Check with YOUR Local Comic Book Store, (LCBS), to see what comic books they will be providing for FREE for the 2007 series! 

NOTE:    Pictured to the right is a sample of a previous years' FCBD selection!
NOTE:   Some LCBS may not be participating, or may have just a few of the Free Comics available.  Each LCBS is individually owned and operated and may participate to the exent that can afford to. These FREE comics do cost your LCBS money to distribute after all!
After you have whetted your reading appetite with those above FCBD comics, check out our  eBay Featured Comic Book Store and eBay Pro Store for older collectible comic books!

Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to comment!

Please don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite comic book Superhero for PRESIDENT in our poll below... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly on the bottom right !


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Click here for Marvel Superhero Comics!



You too can check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV show, just click on the photo below!


Save the Cheerleader... again?!

Check out our 'Our Take'  on American Idol's performances each week in the bottom middle photo! 

  American Idol ...Vote Often!


Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:04 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, May 3, 2007 4:07 PM PDT
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Wanted: Dead or Alive !
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows
No Longer A Contender...!


 WANTED:  Dead Or Alive !


' Chris Richardson '

OK, I gotta admit it.... Chris also was not one of my favorites on this season's American Idol.  

That said, I feel that his song choice for his last week was so fitting for the last performance!

He sang Bon Jovi's 'Wanted Dead Or Alive' for his song pick, and he was brought in by it!   The voters brought his role on American Idol to an end... He was No Longer Wanted !

As you can see by our previous blog posts on this Season's American Idol, Chris R landed usually in the lower half in performance rankings as judged by Tina and myself. 

However,  I felt there were occasions where Chris came out from under his Justin Timberlake looks and sang good, like his last performance this week. Unfortunately he usually had that nasaly sound that Tina just couldn't stand which placed him in her bottom half every week! 

(And by the way, I liked Justin Timberlake when he was with n' Sync, even went to one of their concerts with my daughter!)

For those interested in TV shows like 'American Idol', we have several Movie and TV based comic books  or magazines in our eBay Featured  Store .  Just click on the link provided!

Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below!
Also, please don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Super-hero for PRESIDENT in our poll... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly to the left !


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Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts Series:


For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click  below to see what we have to say!


Spider-Man Movie Coming!

Check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV Show in the photo below! 

  Save the Cheerleader....!


For Jack Bauer Fans.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 9:13 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 11:52 AM PST
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Out In A Blaze of Glory !
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows
Out In A Blaze of Glory...!


 Out In A Blaze Of Glory !


' Phil Stacey '

OK, I gotta admit it.... Phil was not my favorite on this season's American Idol.  

That said, I feel that his song choice for his last week was so fitting!

He sang Bon Jovi's Blaze of Glory for his song pick, and man did he go down in a 'Blaze of Glory'!   I was super impressed with his last performance and his gutsy singing it as his swan song last night!

As you can see by our previous blog posts on this Season's American Idol, Phil landed usually in the middle to the lower in performance rankings by Tina and myself. 

However, I was impressed with his country song choice during 'Country Week' and feel that just like Jordin in this week's 'Rock Week' that he was out of place in several of the previous weeks' themes.

Best of luck to you in the future Phil, you are a gutsy performer to have stayed in this long !

For those interested in TV shows like 'American Idol', we have several Movie and TV based comic books  or magazines in our eBay Featured  Store .  Just click on the link provided!

Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below!
Plus don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Super-hero for PRESIDENT in our poll... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly to the left !


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Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts Series:


For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click  below to see what we have to say!


Spider-Man Movie Coming!

Check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV Show in the photo below! 

  Save the Cheerleader....!

For Jack Bauer Fans.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:26 AM PDT
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Heroes TV Show - Chapter 20
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows
Save the Cheerleader...! 



 Heroes TV Show


' Chapter 20 '

I have been intentionally NOT posting blogs posts on this show as it has repeatedly been showing graphic violence with extreme gore in multiple scenes before the show went on hiatus.  

Monday night's show, Chapter 20, was the first show in many weeks that actually was able to tell the story, further the plot line and be entertaining all at the same time without using extreme gore for a change!

I was hoping to find that all the previous weeks worth of chapters would culminate in a big episode before the season ending finale, and it did with this chapter being set five years in the future and putting most of the pieces together!

And once again it's 'Save the Cheerleader... Save the World' time! 

So much has happened in this future, that it would take several blog posts just to fill you in.... which I may do after a few more weeks go by, don't want to ruin it for those of you that haven't seen it yet. We just viewed it last night, as we watch '24' and tape 'Heroes' !

For those interested in TV shows like 'Heroes', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store .  Just click on the link provided!

Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector, so some of this may be of a more introductory nature at first reading!

Plus don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Super-hero for PRESIDENT in our poll above... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly to the left !


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Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:


For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click on the comic book cover below to see what we have to say!


Spider-Man Movie Coming!

Check out our latest thoughts on American Idol's performances each week in the bottom middle photo! 

  American Idol ...Vote Often!

Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 3:38 PM PDT
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