I've HAD IT With All Of These Changes! Last Night I could NO LONGER relist automatically in bulk from our expired store listings! This Morning I could NO LONGER bulk edit our active store listings to make changes! The culprit as to why I could NO LONGER do either of the above functions has been traced to the SHIPPING changes made this week by USPS and the shipping costs field by eBay and our having to adjust to those changes! We previously offered two ways of shipping our Non-CGC graded comic books and magazines domestically, standard flat rate and Priority Mail. We had had a third option, media mail that several of our competitors still use, but OUR local USPS Post Master informed us that comic books, either old collectible comics or the latest ones off the newstands contained 'advertising' and we could no longer do so, and his window clerks were informed not to accept any mail marked media from us without inspection, so that option was cut out a while back.... We also offered Flat Rate Priority Boxes for CGC graded encapsulated comic books that could only fit in the Priority Mail Box for protection while shipping and since USPS won't track those boxes to International Customers unless upgraded to MUCH HIGHER PRICED services, we did not ship CGC encapsulated comics outside of USA . We offered one shipping rate to Canada, and then arose the problem area, we had to use 'custom' shipping rates to choose selected countries that USPS would ship Global Flat Rate Priority Envelopes to! The USPS will not ship Global Flat Rate Envelopes to countries like Italy, etc... so we had to limit or 'customize' our shipping options! Thus We CANNOT bulk edit 'custom' shipping, each listing must be done INDIVIDUALLY ! We used to have 6,500+ listings in our eBay store until last summer when the store fee hikes went up from 2 cents a month to 5 or 10 cents a month.... we are now down to approx 2,000 or less at any one time now! And thank goodness we did that previously! We did set up an eBay Pro Store web site, but that is a different story for another time! NOW WE HAVE TO INDIVIDUALLY change each and every active and expired listing we have. I've had it with all these changes.... FROM NOW ON we have only rate, a flat rate that we can BULK EDIT when the next shipping change comes, (early 2008 is what is proposed) !!! A 'standard flat rate shipping' charge, and we will send the comics that are ordered whatever shipping service is best for our customer and stays within the shipping charge range. AND NO SHIPPING CHARGE listed for international buyers. The potential buyer will have to email us for their country's individual rate, or see our eBay store header for rates where I just edited the text within the character limits field. We will list the International rates anywhere that future changes can be changed by bulk edit or just ONE edit area like the store header! I would almost not mess with International shipments any more, because of eBay's previous changes, where eBay stores listings no longer are automatically on other eBay sites outside of eBay.com, our sales to our UK, Canada and Australia buyers have dropped dramatically since that change! And don't get me started on how eBay store listings can hardly be found on a normal search by a potential buyer! For those reading this blog post and thinking I am upset that is the right assumption to make! However I am rolling with the flow as always.... and changing our Business Plan once again! A Business Plan that has changed way toooo many times in the last three years with all the changes from eBay, and the USPS! Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! Michael | OUR NEW "STORE BANNER" 

OUR NEW IN-DEPTH SHIPPING RATES AS SEEN AT THE TOP OF OUR EBAY STORE HEADER:  We can MAKE IT SO for YOU on Shipping! We ship ONE or MORE Non-CGC Graded Comics to You for $4.99 USA Only. Ship 1-2 CGC Comics for $9.99 USA Only! Ship to CANADA 1-10 comic only for $9.99, to UK & AUSTRALIA 1-10 comics only for $11.99. We invite you to SUBMIT YOUR BEST OFFER on our listings! -------------------------------------------------- Also, off the topic of this post for a minute.... Don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly below ! 