Mood: a-ok
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3125: Just received my print (hard) copy of this magazine last night at my PO Box, when I was at the USPS shipping yesterday's orders from my own online store... WoW! It's even better than what I thought it would be holding it in hard copy format! Part 1 of this review blog series has already been posted (click here for Part 1), using a .pdf copy emailed to me. This perfect squarebound magazine is really beautiful and great to hold for a 'tactile' reader like myself! Plus there should be a longer 'shelf-life' in this squarebound format for LCBS that would want to carry this magazine. (Please Note: As of Comic Fan #6, (this issue), several of my review blog posts are being re-printed in the 'Spinner Rack' review section of this magazine. Thus I am considered a 'contributor' to this publication.). Okay... Time to calm down and continue with Part 2 of this reveiw of Comic Fan! #6. I left off at the article: Blast From The Past! - An Interview with John Byrne, conducted and transcribed by Rick Limacher. This was truly from the past, as it was from 1976! The next feature was 'The Spinner Rack' - a series of review columns by several persons, including myself for the first time here. 'Suspended Animation' Reviews by Mark Allen - 8 reviews. 'Barry's Comic Bin' - Reviews by Barry Southworth - 7 reviews. 'News From Home' - Matt Levin with 17 reviews and 5 'short takes'. 'Dennis Kinnigers's Komic Korner - by Dennis Kinninger - with 7 comics reviews and 3 manga reviews. 'Make It So Marketing' - by Michael D Hamersky - with 5 reviews. 'Funnybook City' - Reviews by Robert J Sodaro - 3 reviews. 'Midnight Fiction' - by Richard Krauss - with 20 reviews. Whew! What a selection of publications to choose from! I haven't seen this many reviews in one publication for quite a while! And I don't mean a tiny little paragraph for each review either! 'The Spinner Rack' feature ran from page 46 to page 69! Several titles there I've heard of before and / or read. Others were tottally 'foreign' to me! I only mentioned the numbers of reviews to give YOU an idea on how prolific these reviewers are in reading AND reviewing! The next feature was 'Comic Memories' - that ran from page 72 - 74, by Larry Tisch. 'Art that evokes memories of comics past'. This seemed more of a mental exercise / puzzle to me, as each one of the illustrations brought to mind memories of reading each of the comics illustrated by Larry. Take a look to see what I mean by that! It was fun for me! 'Sez Me!' by Sam Gafford - Interesting article by Sam, who's "a 60's fandom guy trying to find my way in Comic Book Fandom of 2010!". 'Captain George Henderson' - by Richard Krauss. A Tribute article. I didn't know of George's achievements or publications that he was involved in. With this well put together article, I do now... 'Golden Age Grotto' - by Lance 'Doc' Boucher. I haven't read these Wonder Man stories that are mentioned in this feature, but I did know of the history. Brief article, but to the point! 'My Top Five Favorite Alan Moore Comic Book Moments' - by Marc Haines was next. Interesting choices found here. I haven't read enough of Alan Moore's works to know all of these. Of cousrse I've read 'Watchmen', 'V For Vendetta', and 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen', but not these that were chosen. Good article for those that enjoy Alan Moore's works, and wanting to know more of them. 'Original Comic Art Gallery' - courtesy of Mike Burkey a.k.a. ''. Interesting choices of original art shown here. The inside back cover was done by Doc Bucher & Jeff Austin. Interesting one page spread featuring a comics legend that I've met several times before his passing... Back cover by Miguel Guerra - good illustration of Captain Marvel / Shazam! I'll say it again... I knew this was a quality publication when I first read it as a .pdf format. Yet to hold it in my hands made me appreciate this publication even more. It kind of reminded me of the feeling I got when reading the first series of 'Comic Book Marketplace' by Gary Carter...AND I loved those early issues! There was a LOT of effort put into this issue. It is a well put together publication, and I for one am pleased to recommend Comic Fan! #6 to Comic Fans out there! The price on each format and how to obtain it can be found in these links: Click here to view and order the Print Copy to be mailed to YOU! Click here to view and order the PDF version to be e-mailed! My thanks to to Publisher, Jim Main, for sending me both the .pdf format file as a preview copy for my earlier review. Plus sending me the hard copy just received last night, which is why I moved this review blog up in blogging about, as it was Part 2 in this mini-series. Plus my thanks to Jim for including my review column starting with this issue! AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,100 total posts in number!~ Michael D Hamersky @ Note: Besides blogging here, we also have comics, graphic novels, and fanzines similar to the ones mentioned above for sale at our own online store: