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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Vinnie's Take On: Fraggle Rock Vol 2 #3 (of 3) From Archaia Entertainment!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


 Vinnie's Take On...
Fraggle Rock Vol. 2 #3 (of 3)
 From Archaia Entertainment!

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Above: Cover 'A' to Fraggle Rock Vol.2 #3 (of 3) illustrated by Katie Cook for Archaia Entertainment's final issue in this 2nd volume.  Cover 'B' (not shown) by Lindsay Cibos is part of a 50/50 print run split.



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3400:

I'm here with 'My Take On': Fraggle Rock Vol. 2 #3 of 3.

This comic was published by Archaia Entertainment, and it continues the stories of previous Fraggle Rock issues.

This comic is an anthology comic, meaning multiple stories, this one by different creative teams. Each story will be briefly reviewed separately. The promo issue I received was with Cover 'A', done by Katie Cook, (as seen at the top right of this blog).

Here is some information about the publication, provided by Archaia, before I get started on my review:

FRAGGLE ROCK VOL. 2 #3 (OF 3): (W) Katie Cook, Paul Morrissey and Katie Strickland (A) Nichol Ashworth, Katie Cook and Lindsay Cibos

(COV) Katie Cook and Lindsay Cibos (50/50 Split)

Ready to return to the Rock? Gobo, Red, Mokey, Wembley and Boober are ready to lead you on a new set of adventures and this time they're bringing some friends. Fan favorites Large Marvin and Cantus and the Minstrels make appearances in the third issue of our second volume of Fraggle Rock.  Expect songs, dances, games, competitions, exploration, Doozers, Gorgs, fur, hardhats, lucky walking sticks, semi-carnivorous pet plants and maybe a radish souffle or two! 

My Gift is My Song: This story had well-drawn art, and an interesting storyline with a good moral. It taught that presents shouldn't be boughten items, they should just come from the heart. The art was similar to the other volumes and issues, and it was in the style that I enjoy.  The story and art was by Katie Cook.

Sleeping with Silly Creatures: This portion was very short, but it included a funny story. Gobo had received another post card from his Uncle Traveling Matt, who goes on adventures in 'space'.  The 'space' he is referring to is the land that humans inhabit!  The story took place at a laundromat, but Uncle Matt hadn't realized that.  It told of his adventures of people throwing old clothes into deep pits where beasts would eat the clothes, and this happened to just be washing machines.  The same fantasies were about drying machines, which were supposedly magical caves where they could get new clothes.  The are was more on the 'realistic' style, which changed it up a bit. The art was illustrated by Lindsay Cibos.

Red's Chomp-A-Thon: This story had an art style in the middle of 'cartoony' and 'realistic'.  The story was fairly good, and contained a good moral. The art looked like what I would associate with Fraggle Rock, just because of the style.  The story began with a problem, and Red decided to host an eating competition.  In the final stretch, Boober forfeited himself, and Large Marvin took his place.  (SPOILER ALERT!!) He eventually won, which caused Red to feel even more of a loser. That is when her friends told her about the memories they will have of the competition, and that winning isn't everything.  Although they all lost, they still had fun, and that was all that mattered. (END SPOILER ALERT...)

Overall, Fraggle Rock Vol. 2 #3 of 3 was a good anthology. It had great art, great stories and good morals and life lessons!

My Review Rating for this publication is a NEAR MINT MINUS (NM-) 9.2 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. 

Retail Price: $3.95 U.S.  - Page count: 32 pages

Format: staple bound, 8" x 8", full color.

For:  All Ages.

Here is the Facebook Fan Page for Archaia Entertainment, which I suggest YOU 'Like' also to keep up with what this publisher is presenting next. Plus YOU can be interactive with them on the 'wall' of the Fan Page!


(Blog Publisher's Note from Michael: If YOU liked Vinnie's guest review blog today, you may also enjoy reading Vinnie's other reviews on: 2011 FCBD Edition Mouse Guard / The Dark Crystal Flip Book,  Classics Illustrated #142 - Abraham Lincoln - 8th EditionCelebrating Captain Rochester at the Aftercon PartyMortifera #3ConDor XVIII - Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention,  Kleeman and Mike #1Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock Vol 2 #2 of 3,  Fraggle Rock Vol 2 #1, Space Punks #2, Mouse Guard - The Black Axe #1 of 6Bear and Fox #2Space Punks #1The Daughters of Merlin #1Sea Ghost #1Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard #4 (of 4)Clutch Cargo DVD, The All New Super Friends Hour Season 1 DVDThe Ultimate Underdog Collection Volume 1Planet HulkCoraline, Ponyo, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Sonic the Hedgehog TPB Vol 1, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, The Possum #1 comic book, Vinnie's Take on Berona's War: Field Guide, just to name a recent few!)

My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,400 total posts in number!  I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!

BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app!  We currently have over 2,399 'Followers'!  Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! 

And for those of YOU that haven't yet... I would appreciate it if YOU would!!!

~ Michael D Hamersky


Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...!

If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at:  


Web Page Note:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards.  Chrome, Safari, Netscape, Firefox and the other browsers serve the page up differently, sorry about that!

The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768 on your laptop or desktop computer.

NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Comics Creators: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email or mail us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc., PO Box 130653, Carlsbad, CA 92013

 Also, if you are a Facebook member, I would have liked you to send me a 'Friend Request'. However, I have reached the maximum limit of 5,000 Facebook Friends and Fan pages already, so I've added a New 'Facebook Fan Page' so that even more of YOU can 'Like' what I am doing, and be interactive with me and others there.  Here is the link to that 'Facebook Fan Page': Michael D Hamersky On Comics! Please click the 'Like' button on that page! 
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 7:10 AM PDT
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Vinnie's Take On: The 2011 FCBD Edition - Mouse Guard / Dark Crystal Flip Book
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


 Vinnie's Take On...
The 2011 Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) Edition of
the Mouse Guard / Dark Crystal Flip Book
 From Archaia Entertainment!

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TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3399:

Welcome to 'My Take' On: the Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) 2011 Mouse Guard / Dark Crystal Flip Book!

This FCBD flip book, published by Archaia Entertainment, contains a never-before-seen story of 'Mouse Guard', and a prelude of the fourth series of the Dark Crystal. The promo information provided by Archaia is as follows:

MOUSE GUARD: (W, A, COV) David Petersen

THE DARK CRYSTAL: (Concepts, Art Direction, Cover) Brian Froud, (W) Brian Holguin, (A) Alex Sheikman and Lizzy John.

Archaia presents two, amazing, all-new stories in one fantastic flip book - David Petersen's Eisner Award winning MOUSE GUARD and Jim Hesnon's beloved THE DARK CRYTAL which share the spotlight on Free Comic Book Day!

On one side of the book, a brand-new tale of the fan-favorite Mouse Guard, elite warrior mice tasked with protecting common mice from predators, the elements and other dangers. It's the perfect introduction to Mouse Guard for new fans, and a rewarding treat for existing ones!

On the other side of the book, Archaia Entertainment and The Jim Henson Company are proud to present an exclusive prelude to its forthcoming series of the DARK CRYSTAL graphic novels, featuring covers, art directions and concepts by Brian Froud, conceptual designer of the original film! This prelude begins the epic creation story of the world of Thra, and explores the origins of the world of the Dark Crystal!

The Mouse Guard story was great, to put it simply. The art looks like the art from the regular issues, which I had liked as well. However, the story just blew the others I have read, out of the water!

This story contained action, adventure, and the use of thinking and being clever. It took the format of the other issues, meaning someone asks a question, and the question is answered by a story that has a hidden moral. The story was only eight pages, yet it showed so much!

There was a promo story, Season of the Dapper Men, which followed Mouse Guard. It was short, with only four pages, and I don't believe it had enough content to serve as a promotional item, but more as an advertisement. I haven't read the actual book, and I don't know any more about it, from reading this story, to put it bluntly.  But hey, it does let people know it's out there to check it out, and that's what these FCBD comics are for!

(Editor Michael's note:  Tina LoSasso has guest blogged on the earlier 'Return of the Dapper Men' book, as seen in this link.)

The next promo piece was information about an upcoming graphic novel called 'A Tale of Sand'.  Jim Henson had worked on it for six years, but had set it aside. Now, Archaia Entertainment is producing it in a 120 page graphic novel. It sounds interesting, so I will be watching for it when it comes out on Septemeber 20th of 2011, four day before what would have been Jim Henson's 75th birthday!

The final item was an origin story of The Dark Crystal. It gave quite a bit of  insight about the storyline, as I have been building interst in it due to seeing issues in the Archaia promotional packages.  It showed a lot about what the story was about, which is exactly what these FCBD edition comics should do.  Overall this portion of the FCBD comic had a great lead-in to the series, since this was part of the prelude to the comics already out.

All in all, this was very good FCBD edition comic!  Be sure to pick up a copy for yourself and a friend when you go to a FCBD event on Saturday, May 7th of 2011... Which is coming soon!!

My Review Rating for this FCBD Edition Comic is a NEAR MINT MINUS (NM-) 9.2 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. 

This FCBD edition comic is available on May 7th, for the 2011 Free Comic Book Day event, in comic book shops that are celebrating FCBD!  Yes, it's available For FREE!

Retail Price: Free (On FCBD) - Page count: 32 pages

Format: staple bound, 8" x 8", full color.

For:  All Ages.

If you aren't close to a Local Comic Book Shop, (LCBS), several of them, and online comic book dealers such as ourselves here at ComicBooksCircus.com, usually have them for a minimal charge plus shipping afterwards.

Here is the Facebook Fan Page for Archaia Entertainment, which I suggest YOU 'Like' also to keep up with what this publisher is presenting next.

(Note from Michael: If YOU liked Vinnie's guest review blog today, you may also enjoy reading Vinnie's other reviews on: Classics Illustrated #142 - Abraham Lincoln - 8th EditionCelebrating Captain Rochester at the Aftercon PartyMortifera #3ConDor XVIII - Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention,  Kleeman and Mike #1Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock Vol 2 #2 of 3,  Fraggle Rock Vol 2 #1, Space Punks #2, Mouse Guard - The Black Axe #1 of 6Bear and Fox #2Space Punks #1The Daughters of Merlin #1Sea Ghost #1Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard #4 (of 4)Clutch Cargo DVD, The All New Super Friends Hour Season 1 DVDThe Ultimate Underdog Collection Volume 1Planet HulkCoraline, Ponyo, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Sonic the Hedgehog TPB Vol 1, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, The Possum #1 comic book, Vinnie's Take on Berona's War: Field Guide, just to name a recent few!)

My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,399 total posts in number!  I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!

BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app!  We currently have over 2,396 'Followers'!  Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! 

And for those of YOU that haven't yet... I would appreciate it if YOU would!!!

~ Michael D Hamersky


Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...!

If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at:  


Web Page Note:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards.  Chrome, Safari, Netscape, Firefox and the other browsers serve the page up differently, sorry about that!

The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768 on your laptop or desktop computer.

NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Comics Creators: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email or mail us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc., PO Box 130653, Carlsbad, CA 92013

 Also, if you are a Facebook member, I would have liked you to send me a 'Friend Request'. However, I have reached the maximum limit of 5,000 Facebook Friends and Fan pages already, so I've added a New 'Facebook Fan Page' so that even more of YOU can 'Like' what I am doing, and be interactive with me and others there.  Here is the link to that 'Facebook Fan Page': Michael D Hamersky On Comics! Please click the 'Like' button on that page! 
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:24 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:13 AM PDT
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Monday, April 25, 2011
Photos & Recap From The 2011 Long Beach Comic Con Expo!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Cons


Michael D Hamersky On Comics Presents:

Photos From The 2011 Long Beach Comic Con Expo

Taken Saturday, April 23rd - Plus A Recap of the Expo!

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Click here to see the ITEMS FROM DIFFERENT COMIC CON we have in our online store for sale!
Topmost Above Photo: Opening Hour at the 2010 Long Beach Comic Con (LBCC) Expo. (L-R) Phil Lawrence, Martha Donato, Tom Pinchuk!
Above Photo: Phil Lawrence (background), Michael D Hamersky, and Bob Bretall before the Opening Hour. Bob is a podcaster and will be reviewing the LBCC Expo in an upcoming show.



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3398:

Okay... The 2011 Long Beach Comic Con Expo is NOW part of Comic Book History!

I have now attended all FOUR of the Long Beach Comic Con 3-Day Conventions and the Long Beach Comic Con 1-Day Expos, (as shown in my multiple blog posts from those cons & expos seen here, which have been 'picked up' by others re-posting and now number about 4,980 links in total on Google alone for all 4 shows!).

As mentioned in my earlier blog #3384, stating that this 2011 Expo would soon be here... Each of the Long Beach Comic Cons & the Expos have had their different guests, exhibitors, cosplayers, and attendees show up, but each has also had the same 'good time' feeling that makes me want to attend this con or expo each time!

My youngest son, Vinnie, and I arrived an hour before opening time. We saw a crowd already outside of the Long Beach Convention Center building itself, which turned out to be part of a group that was also inside. 

There was filming going on already, and both the inside and outside crowds were part of 'crowd shots' that the Knights of Good Productions, Inc. were filming for their webseries presently titled 'The Guild - Season 5'.

After watching the filming session going on briefly... Vinnie and I went down to the registration area that was located in the large inside lobby, yet still outside of the doors to get into the exhibition hall.  There was already a crowd there, mostly of those that had already picked up their entry badges and were talking with others.  The badge registration was going smoothly already, about 45 minutes before the doors to the hall were scheduled to open.

Martha Donato, one of the event's organizers came up to Vinnie and myself, and greeted us warmly!  She took the time to ask where my wife, Tina was at, and introduced herself to Vinnie.  Martha is well suited for organizing this type of event, a real people person! (Martha is pictured at the top right of this post.)

Tom Pinchuk, of 'Hybrid Bastards' fame as well other projects, came up to Vinnie and me, and re-introduced himself from an earlier con.  I wasn't aware that Tom was going to be giving the 'Opening Speech' before the exhibit halls opened in just a while.  His welcoming speech to those in attendance for the oening hour was a heartfelt one, and just added to the camaraderie that others felt in the crowd before and during the opening speech.  (Tom is also pictured in the top right photo of this blog post.)

Phil Lawrence, another of the event's organizers, came up to Vinnie and me and welcomed us, and thanked me for continuing to blog, and mobile Facebook on the LBCC's events.  (Phil is also pictured above in the same photo with Martha and Tom.)

I mentioned the camaraderie that I felt and saw at this Expo, before the Opening Ceremony.  It continued on inside shortly after 10AM when the doors opened.

There wasn't a mad rush to run in, instead, everyone was respectful of each other, and greeted those exhibitors inside with similar respect. Especially those creators that were in 'Artists Alley', which took up a big part of the Expo.

The 'Artists Alley' section was broken up into two blocks of 'Artists Alleys', plus there more creators along the sides of the hall.

I've started uploading some of the pics taken at this Expo already, starting on Sunday, so here is the link to that special photo album at my Facebook Fan page, titled:  2011 Long Beach Comic Con Expo

There were approximately 60 creators in attendance at this Expo.  About a third are Facebook Friends of mine.  So I stopped to say hello to those FB Friends, and centered in on meeting those that were 1st timers at this LBCC Expo / Con series of shows that I had not met before. 

I'll be review blogging several of those creators works in the near future, as several gave me copies for possible review in this blog.  Thanks to those that have previously done so, and who told others of my endeavors in this aspect of the comic book industry!  It's good to be known for a positive influence in the indie / indy comics field!

I took a quick look at a section of comic book dealers that were there, recognizing several of them, and at the same time remembering when I used to do that... Stand by or behind tables of comics / mags that I had brought to sell... That is hard work! 

It's much more rewarding and satisfying doing what I now do at cons, whether they be comic cons, sci-fi cons, or even anime cons!   I had several Facebook Friends who didn't have tables at this Expo, come up to me and greet me and my son, while others unkown to me came up to us and thanked me for writing this blog.  Again, a true sense of camaraderie!

As the morning wore on though, my son Vinnie, started feeling a pain in his abdomen area.  This continued for a while, and I suggested he sit down at a table in the lobby area for a while until he felt better.  He did, and re-joined me, being the 'official photographer' for this blog at the event.

However as the late morning wore on into the early afternoon, the pain he felt increased.  After calling his HMO's screening nurse service on the phone, it was decided that he should see an Urgent Care facility right away, as the screening nurse thought it was too close to appendicitis. 

Vinnie and I still had more panels that we both wanted to see, as the Expo lasted till 6PM, but unfortunately, Vinnie did not feel any better while I was making the phone call and we ended our stay at the Expo before closing time.

For those of YOU reading this blog, and didn't see us inside, or us stop by your table... That is the reason.  Sorry about that, but Vinnie didn't get out of the emergency room that I ended up taking him to... Until 11PM Saturday night!

However, he and I enjoyed what we were able to see at this LBCC Expo... and are looking forward to the upcoming Long Beach Comic AND HoRRoR Con that will be taking place on October 29th & 30th later this year!

In the meantime, please see this link to the 2011 LBCC Expo photo album at my Facebook Fan Page. I'll be uploading more pics in the days / weeks to follow. Vinnie and / or I took a couple hundred shots before we had to leave.

Also, feel free to come back to this Blog, as I'll be review blogging several of the publications / graphic novels / books that I was given at this Expo for possible review blogs.

My thanks to all of those named above that organized and presented the 2011 Long Beach Comic Con Expo, PLUS those that I didn't have a chance to meet this time that also help organize this Expo.  This LBCC Expo reminds me of the earliest SDCCs that I attended, (and sold at!) in the early 1970's. 

Where an attendee can rub shoulders with comics pros, pick up comic books that they are missing from comic dealers, and attend panels with good topics that are presented.  My kind of 'comic con', which I've now shared with Vinnie, and my wife, Tina.  I'm looking forward to next year's LBCC Expo, and of course the bigger scale Long Beach Comic Con later in October of this year!  

In closing... I've already shared a link to the 2011 LBCC Expo photos, so here's my special photo album on the 2010 LBCC Expo that I have already shared at my own Facebook Fan Page.  There are more to be uploaded from the hundreds of pics I took back then, but I rather place 'text copy' and links with each photo to the creators own websites, instead of just throwing them up.

Oh, and for those of YOU didn't get to go, or were able to attend but not see everything, here's the link to the Long Beach Comic Con Facebook Fan Page, where both the 3-Day Cons & 1-Day Expos are shown and talked about. Plus others' photos are linked there to their photo albums.

Not enough room in this blog to write about everything, so here's the link to the 2011 LBCC Expo event page on Facebook,  where you can find out more info on just this event.  More Facebook event pages for the LBCC Expo itself can be found in this link.

Lastly, here's the link to the Long Beach Comic Con's own web site, where there is even more info on where and how you can purchase tickets for the October 2011 Long Beach Comic & Horror Con... You won't want to miss that!!

Thanks again to the organizers, my Facebook Friends, the new creators that we met, and to the attendees for making this another great 1-day Long Beach Comic Con Expo!

My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,398 total posts in number!  I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!

BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app!  We currently have over 2,393 'Followers'!  Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! 

And for those of YOU that haven't yet... I would appreciate it if YOU would!!!

~ Michael D Hamersky


Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...!

If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at:  


Web Page Note:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards.  Chrome, Safari, Netscape, Firefox and the other browsers serve the page up differently, sorry about that!

The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768 on your laptop or desktop computer.

NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Comics Creators: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email or mail us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc., PO Box 130653, Carlsbad, CA 92013

 Also, if you are a Facebook member, I would have liked you to send me a 'Friend Request'. However, I have reached the maximum limit of 5,000 Facebook Friends and Fan pages already, so I've added a New 'Facebook Fan Page' so that even more of YOU can 'Like' what I am doing, and be interactive with me and others there.  Here is the link to that 'Facebook Fan Page': Michael D Hamersky On Comics! Please click the 'Like' button on that page! 
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:46 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, April 25, 2011 8:50 AM PDT
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Saturday, April 23, 2011
Kristen's Take On: The Action Bible from the Christian Comic Arts Society!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


Kristen Hamersky's Take On...

The Action Bible!

God's Redemptive Story... From the Christian Comic Arts Society!

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Above: The front cover to 'The Action Bible'!
Top Left: The Christian Comics Arts Society booth at the 2010 Long Beach Comic Con, where they were awarding 100 of these to winners during the three day con! BTW, the CCAS will be presenting a panel at the April 23rd 1-day LBCC Expo from 5Pm to 5:45 PM!



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3397:

I'm getting ready to leave Carlsbad, California to drive up to the 1-day Long Beach Comic Con Expo, that I've been blogging about and also mentioning at my Facebook Fan Page, 'Michael D Hamersky On Comics'.  My youngest son, Vinnie, will be going up with me to help photograph and mobile Facebook from the Long Beach Convention Center.

So I'm really pleased that my oldest child, Kristen Hamersky, is pinch hitting today for me, with a timely topic to blog about.  Plus the Christian Comic Arts Society is also presenting a panel at the LBCC Expo this very afternoon, from 5PM to 5:45 PM. Definitely a timely blog today!

Also... This is Kristen's first guest blog in this Blog... So please welcome her! 


Hello Blog Readers, I am Michael D Hamersky's daughter, Kristen Hamersky. I am an Avon Independent Sales Representative and you are invited to visit my site to purchase some great products, after reading this blog of course!

My father asked me to write a blog about The Action Bible: God's Redemptive Story, a bible of the Christian faith-in sequential art form. He has asked me to do this as the Easter Holiday is just around the corner, (tomorrow!).

The illustrations are by Sergio Cariello, and the text is by David Cook. The below contents of this blog include my thoughts on the artwork, storyline, who I would recommend it to and why. This blog comes from the point of view of an active Catholic.

The drawings and stories closely correlate to the stories from the bible. For example, the designs of the people in here are what you see on some of the older paintings - the same facial features, hair design and color, and it all looks exactly what you would imagine from reading the bible. The same is likewise for the stories. They are transferred flawlessly from the bible to the Action Bible without fail. I have seen no major differences when reading this graphic novel, that it is in fact a different book. The stories are so much alike, that this could be an exact substitute for reading the bible.

The artwork looks realistic, especially in the drawings of the people. The colors used were very vibrant. The scenery in the art makes the stories look like you're actually there in the book. It can also make you feel like you are "adventuring" to that time period. The art was very crisp and clean, and obviously time was spent to make such detailed works, and was definitely not rushed. It showed that the creators put a lot of thought into this before just jumping right to it and putting it out on the market.

The storyline in the book flows well. Some of the stories are based upon more than one section from the bible. Putting the stories together helps the book flow better because you can read about one bible character in a few sections of the novel. The story also is strongly based upon the bible, which allows for one to read this if they prefer fewer words with detailed pictures, rather than reading about every single detail. However, this can also be used to back up some information, such as if you are reading the bible and come across a section you don't quite understand. Just pull out the Action Bible, and read the section from there. You can now visualize the section better, allowing to understand it more.

This book will appeal to a graphic novel fan who wouldn't regularly be reading a bible. The stories are easy to understand and bibically correct. Im not usually a person who likes graphic novels but I found the artwork and the story to be targeted to someone who would like to learn more about the Bible through their favorite art format.

I would give this book to a friend that favors sequential art or believes in the Christian Faith or to those who don't, as this book can appeal to these three groups equally.

All in all, I find this story to be a great read, and I definitely would recommend this to people interested in reading the Christian bible in the form that comics are presented in, sequential art.

I give this hard cover publication a comic book grade of Very Fine Plus (VF+), an 8.5 out of a 10.0 grading scale. I thank you for reading my blog, and I hope you can find this to be a good book to read and cherish.

~Kristen Hamersky


Thanks Kristen for sending me this blog for the 'Weekend Edition' of my Blog! And it is rather timely for the Easter Weekend too!

Here's the links that YOU, the blog reader, should have:

The Action Bible - Where you can purchase it online - The Action Bible

The Christian Comic Arts Society - Facebook Fan Page

The Christian Comic Arts Society web site - For more info

My thanks to the Christian Comic Art Society for presenting me with a copy for possible review!

~Michael D Hamersky

My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,397 total posts in number!  I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!

BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app!  We currently have over 2,388 'Followers'!  Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! 

And for those of YOU that haven't yet... I would appreciate it if YOU would!!!

~ Michael D Hamersky


Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...!

If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at:  


Web Page Note:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards.  Chrome, Safari, Netscape, Firefox and the other browsers serve the page up differently, sorry about that!

The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768 on your laptop or desktop computer.

NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Comics Creators: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email or mail us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc., PO Box 130653, Carlsbad, CA 92013

 Also, if you are a Facebook member, I would have liked you to send me a 'Friend Request'. However, I have reached the maximum limit of 5,000 Facebook Friends and Fan pages already, so I've added a New 'Facebook Fan Page' so that even more of YOU can 'Like' what I am doing, and be interactive with me and others there.  Here is the link to that 'Facebook Fan Page': Michael D Hamersky On Comics! Please click the 'Like' button on that page! 
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, April 23, 2011 5:43 AM PDT
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Friday, April 22, 2011
My Take On: Sonambulo's STRANGE Tales!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


Michael D Hamersky On Comics Reviews:

Sonambulo's STRANGE Tales!

From Rafael Navarro*, Publisher - Ninth Circle Studios!

*Who is appearing on the Classic Horror Meets Modern Comics panel at the 2011 Long Beach Comic Con Expo, April 23rd, 2011!

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Above: The Front Cover To Sonambulo's STRANGE Tales!
Above Left: Publisher / Writer / Artist - Rafael Navarro Having His Picture Taken At His 2010 San Gabriel Valley Comic Book Festival Booth by Tina LoSasso!



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3396:

I had the pleasure of having an in-depth conversation with Rafael Navarro at the recent 2010 San Gabriel Valley Comic Book Festival, (SGV).

We had missed getting together at the previous 2010 Comic-Con International: San Diego, (aka SDCC), at his booth, after we had run into each other at a diferent booth.

At the SGV, Rafael introduced me to his World of Sonambulo, by presenting me with all of his then in stock comics. I've review blogged about a few of them, or mentioned them at my own Facebook Fan Page, (Michael D Hamersky On Comics), but not on this one, 'Sonambulo's STRANGE Tales'.

The reason I am mentioning / semi-reviewing this older work of Rafael's, is because he had the 4th story in the recently published, (and review blogged by me), in Bela Lugosi's Tales From The Grave #1, a brand new HoRRoR anthology comic book series from Monsterverse!

Here is the link to what I wrote about that story in my review blog on Bela Lugosi's Tales From The Grave #1.

So I was pleased to see that Rafael will be attending the 2011 Long Beach Comic Con Expo tomorrow, April 23rd, 2011.  Well... At least on the 'Classic Horror Meets Modern Comics' panel.  I don't see that he has a booth there this time.  (If he does, or is sharing one with someone else, I'll update it at my Facebook Fan Page.)

I saw some of what Rafael can do with a HoRRoR / MoNSTer comic book story in his own published works, especially 'Sonambulo's Strange Tales', which is pictured at the top right of this blog post.

That stand-alone issue had two illustrated stories in sequential artwork form, and one story with illustrations, which was placed in between the other two stories.

I found that Rafael's style of art fits the genre pretty darn good, especially in his printing of the stories in black & white format.

There are 48 pages in this comic book; the three stories, along with pin-ups by other artists, (including Dale Berry, Adam Huntley, Ty Smith, Sanyu, and others), which gave a different 'feel' for the main character, Sonambulo.

What can you expect in this issue, per the creator's promo blurb?

In the ring, I knew my opponents... Adversaries of flesh and bone.

And now, in the dead of night, as I walk these strets, I often face the unknown...

The unknown which lurks inside our dreams...

Dreams of promises, dreams of dread...

Dream that lie, concealed...

Behind my mask... Tell me your Dreams!

Which can be purchased from Rafael's own web site via PayPal or check or money order for only the $4.00 cover price plus $2.00 shipping to USA buyers, at:  Sonambulo's web store.

Which leads me to ask... Who is El Sonambulo?
SONAMBULO is a series of illustrated stories by animation and graphic illustrator RAFAEL NAVARRO. Winner of the XERIC FOUNDATION AWARD, SONAMBULO has now achieved cult status among enthusiasts of PULP NOVELS, MASKED MEXICAN WRESTLERS, B-MOVIES, and even SUPER HERO comic readers all around.

Like the world-weary street guys of Spillane and Hammet, SONAMBULO steps head on into danger, living in a world where werewolves still lurk in the streets and THE DAY of the DEAD can literally become a holiday for those who seek revenge from the grave.

Every story holds a dream-like bizarre quality, letting the reader know that the world of SONAMBULO is not the world of an ordinary guy. Depending on the case, or the subjects from whom he chooses to extract a dream in order to reveal some well-hidden clue, or as the case may be, their deepest, darkest secrets, SONAMBULO knows that at the dead of night, his day is just beginning….

I suggest you check out this stand-alone issue in the Sonambulo series of comics, AND if YOU are in the Los Angeles Metro Area tomorrow, April 23d of 2011, check out the Long Beach Comic Con Expo, and stay until 4PM when the special panel moderated by Monsterverse runs until 4:45 PM!

My review rating for this comic book series is a NEAR MINT  (NM) 9.4 out of a 10.0 possible comic book grading scale.

I have a LOT of links to share with YOU today:

Sonambulo.com - The web site for Rafael's series

Comics From the Monsterverse - Which is publishing Bela Lugosi's Tales From The Grave comic book series - This link is their Facebook Fan Page

Long Beach Comic Con - The Facebook Fan Page

Long Beach Comic Con web site - Where you can purchase tickets online for the 1 day Expo for April 23rd and / or tickets for the Halloween Weekend 3-day Convention later in the 2011 year

Sonambulo's Wikipedia entry - Where you can learn even more

Rafael Navarro - I don't see any Facebook Fan Page for Sonambulo, so I'm listing Rafael's personal profile page, as there are several persons with a similar name on Facebook, and approximately two dozen Fan Pages for Rafael Navarros!

Again... My thanks to Rafael Navarro for bringing his long running series to my attention at the SGV! 

I'll be seeing him, and the others mentioned above at the Long Beach Comic Con Expo tomorrow, as my youngest son and I will be attending the full day!  If YOU are reading this and are also attending the Expo... Feel free to stop me and say hello!


My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,395 total posts in number!  I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!

BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app!  We currently have over 2,388 'Followers'!  Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! 

And for those of YOU that haven't yet... I would appreciate it if YOU would!!!

~ Michael D Hamersky


Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...!

If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at:  


Web Page Note:  This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards.  Chrome, Safari, Netscape, Firefox and the other browsers serve the page up differently, sorry about that!

The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768 on your laptop or desktop computer.

NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.

Comics Creators: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email or mail us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works!

To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:

Make It So Marketing Inc., PO Box 130653, Carlsbad, CA 92013

 Also, if you are a Facebook member, I would have liked you to send me a 'Friend Request'. However, I have reached the maximum limit of 5,000 Facebook Friends and Fan pages already, so I've added a New 'Facebook Fan Page' so that even more of YOU can 'Like' what I am doing, and be interactive with me and others there.  Here is the link to that 'Facebook Fan Page': Michael D Hamersky On Comics! Please click the 'Like' button on that page! 
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, April 22, 2011 7:48 AM PDT
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