
Topic: Comic Book Movies
Part 2 - Tina's Review Of The New Film Now Showing! As blogged about previously in Part 1... we didn't get to see 'The Spirit' when it opened on Christmas Day in Sedona, Arizona where we were vacationing, as they did not have it showing in any of the 6 Theaters at the local Harkins! This blog post is written after a late-afternoon showing of it at a local theater near us. We wanted to see this film at the theater, as the previews we had seen at the San Diego Comic International had made us realize that if we were to view this at all, it would be best to see it on the Big Screen.... Here are Tina's thoughts, who should be considered more of a mainstream viewer even though she does attend many comic con and pop culture conventions: The Spirit is most notable for its' excellent casting, (especially the bodacious Eva Mendes!), great stylized look, art direction and costumes. I'd give it an 8.0 out of 10.0 on a rating scale. I can't quite put my finger on what I didn't like, except to say it was epitomized by the guy behind me snoring several times throughout the movie. These were the the same times I found myself nodding off. I thought it was just the after effects of New Year's Eve, but his snoring made me think maybe not! Suffice it to say, it was long and unduly outrageous in spots. I coudn't figure out if the Octopus was supposed to be funny, insane, or scary. He wasn't so scary, he was more just weird, and I kept wondering why Scarlett Johansson had hitched herself to him. She seemed to think he was nuts too. The Spirit's odes to his city got a little old for me, before he was done with his first one! I enjoyed all the comic book industry Easter Eggs and nudged Michael when I caught several - Ditko, Pfeiffer, Eiger St, etc. The best part of the movie for me was seeing Louis Lombardi, (Edgar from '24' TV Show) resurrected as the clones. He / they were one comic element in the movie that worked every time. If you are a '24' TV show fan like me and Michael, pay close attention to Sand Sharef's husband. You'll be rewarded by seeing 'Miles'! Gabriel Macht (Denny Colt / The Spirit), was surprisingly good. I was prepared to dislike him and even feared a big dissapointment ala the light weight Brandon Rausch in 'Superman Returns'. However, Macht carried the load - and what a great one. Frank Miller fans will delight in the film and in seeing Frank in the film also. Watch the first act carefully for Frank's appearance. He goes all out at times, he even loses his head! For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks for reading this blog post today, and please join us again for more! BTW, besides blogging, we have over 472 Reviews that Tina and I have placed in our eBay Reviews Section. Just click here to see our latest reviews! We were VERY pleased that our blog hit its' 300,000th visitor last week while we were on vacation in Sedona, Arizona... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! ~ Michael and Tina