
Topic: Comic Book History
Is our most looked at blog post this afternoon... I last blogged about her on April 25th, 2008 in the following blog post (click here). Anne was then recovering from her lung cancer treatment at that time. I just checked her web site for any updates, ( and see that there hasn't been any web site newsletter from her since October 2008 when she wrote: "God bless. I will write you next year".It may be that all of the blog readers finding our blog post this afternoon are trying to find out new info on Anne and / or her health. I do know that search engines pick up our archived blog posts and at times those posts are at the top of search engines results and that sends us more than normal sized traffic. At this time I know nothing more than what is on her official web site as shown above. Additionally there is currently nothing more in the current news online as I blog this... I posted the earlier blog post that bloggers are finding, because of her connection to comic book history with the TV Show series 'Honey West'. The comic was a one-shot publication, cover dated September 1966, as seen above at the top left of this blog post. For those of you not old enough to know, or haven't viewed the DVD Set of the TV Series... Honey West was actually a detective heroine originally created and written by Carl and Gloria Fickling. They had a series of spoofy mystery thrillers. The book series was adapted as a television show for ABC in the mid-Sixties, with Honey played by Anne Francis. Thanks to those that are coming to our blog to read about Anne Francis. Most mainstream readers are not aware of Anne's contribution to comic book history! The original April 2008 post will be updated to link to this post. Hopefully Anne Francis is still recovering and will be back to write on her web site to her fans soon. ~ Michael ADDENDUM - JANUARY 4TH, 2011 - I just got back in from our vacation, and see that this blog post is receiving a lot of views since Sunday, when Anne Francis passed away. At this time I'm Not planning on blogging any follow up blog, but you can read the earlier blogs I've posted about her via this link. My condolences to her family and friends...