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Saturday, June 30, 2007
Secret Agent Man
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Another Secret Agent Man!

No, Not James Bond...

No, Not Maxwell Smart...but

David Hasselhoff as....

Nick Fury,  Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. ! 


Secret Agents were very big in the 1960's. Only one has continued on into this time period, and he has been re-invented recently, James Bond.

Well this blog post isn't about James Bond, but rather it is about Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD in the 1997 TV Movie,. 


This movie was made for TV before Marvel Comics started to make it big with Theatrical Movies of their super-heroes like Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, etc.

In my opinion this TV movie definitely was not up to par with the above named theatrical movies.

David Hasselhoff tried to portray Nick Fury in the movie, but he just didn't make it for me, too much of a caricature for me...

Lisa Rinna was the 'Contessa', but she didn't come across either for me. Come to think of it... none of the actors really portrayed the characters that have a long history in the comic books.

Unfortunately there was too much background info to give to the viewer all at once, and it just wasn't done right.  This is a poor example of a comic book movie, sad to say.

For those interested in 'Strange Tales' and 'Nick Fury' Marvel comic books, from which this Nick Fury TV Movie is derived, we have several listed in both our eBay Featured Store.   

Thanks for reading this pop culture / comic books blog post, and feel free to post your comment!




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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:50 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 1:57 PM PDT
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