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Thursday, July 12, 2007
No Kidding, Some Sellers Could Use This !
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: eBay Info



Are Selling THESE,




Then You Could Definitely Use THIS Guide!


( Yes, I'm Talking About Selling Comics AND It Could Be YOU Selling A Few Soon Yourself! )


This is Just One of The 

373 Reviews

In Our eBay Reviews Section!


Usually this blog post publishes our latest review on a movie out on DVD, but we also review books, which put us up to 373 total reviews which we feel are of value to you, our blog reader!

Currently we have 282 DVDs reviewed, plus 15 VHS, 7 Music CDs, and 69 books.
Yes, since our sales niche is "comic book, sci-fi and pop culture related", we do have a lot of comic book movies or books on comics reviewed.

This blog post is on a MOST important topic, that of grading comic books!  I see too many eBay sellers state their listing is for 'good condition comics' when 'Good' is sub-par condition and NOT what collectors are looking for!

No, I don't want you as a seller to list 'poor' condition comics as 'Near Mint' Comics, thus overgrading, but in all fairness You as a seller should get a fair amount for your comic(s) you are selling!

Not trying to list a comic with a grade or even worse, putting up a poor quality pic WITHOUT a scan of the comic, is just asking someone who is more knowledgeable in comics to come in and basically 'steal' them from you!

On the other hand, I have seen hundreds of listings with comics being listed and NOT sold because the seller thinks their comic(s) are old and thus 'rare' no matter what condition the comic is in!  Thus I see it re-listed and re-listed and only eBay makes any money from that activity!

So just click on the grading guide cover to the top right to be taken to the product info as to what you should be either buying or checking out at your local library to see if they have one!  And no, we don't have any for sale, sorry!  Consider this just a 'public service announcement post'!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and feel free to post your comment below or on the review itself that we posted!  
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You can check out our Reviews on DVDs, Books & Movies. Then you can Vote YES or NO on whether they were 'helpful' for you...just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly above to be taken to our 370+ Reviews !



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The Review !
As part of our eBay Blogs we are reading and reviewing books related to our sales niche....

We have been asked how we have such good feedback when dealing with collectibles where grading is of utmost importance! 

Well, I have been collecting comics since the 1960's, so it has been basically self-taught. However you can't learn thru osmosis thru this blog on how to grade comics, so what is there for you as a seller to use?   So the following review is for YOU as an eBay Seller!


When Selling on eBay, This Guide is very important to you!

In real estate the keywords are location, location, location.

In comic book collecting it is condition, condition, condition!

This book, 'Overstreet Comic Book Grading Guide', has multiple color examples of the different grades that are used in describing a comic book's condition.

This edition is a little more 'lax' in 'grading' in my opinion than the first edition.  However it is considered the 'standard' when comic book grades are discussed.

Comic book grading is NOT an objective science. It is a Subjective science. Why is that?  Well, a defect that one collector might think would make it not collectible for him/her may be perfectly acceptable to another collector!

Some collectors will not buy any comics that have a 'store stamp' stamped on the front cover. Others will see that as part of the comic's history and will buy it.

I have personally attended several 'Grading Panels' at the San Diego Comic Con International where of the five panel guests, you could get five different opinions of grading the same comic!  These included prominent dealers of good standing and length of time selling comics. These panels also included the main representative of CGC, who do most of the slabbing 'encapsulated' comic 3rd party grading.

Personally I don't like off center comics, yet after visiting a few local comic book stores that received back graded comics from CGC, found that off center comics are not downgraded that much! 

CGC has not to my knowledge published what their grading standards are, so for those that are selling, (or even buying), on eBay, this book is a MUST purchase!  A 'Good' condition comic is definitely NOT Good to collect after the year 1968 for example! 

Sellers, Learn your grades and purchase this book!  Or at least show a LARGE scan of the comic book you are attempting to sell, or you will LOSE money when selling!!



Welcome To Our World! See Our Inventory For Sale Here!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!

Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:48 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:54 AM PDT
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