
Topic: Comic Book Movies
Only TWO More Weeks! With a Release Date of July 27th this movie will be all alone after the Big Blockbusters have already been released! (You know the BBs, Spider-Man 3, Shrek 3, Pirates 3, Fantastic Four 2, Transformers....) So should YOU be excited about the Simpsons Movie? We've only been waiting for a big-screen version of 'The Simpsons' for six years or so... and the producers have kept saying 'Seventeen Years In the Making' in their promos! The revealing teaser trailer with full frontal nudity of Bart had America talking about three weeks ago! Must have been a slow news week for that much publicity on Bart skateboarding naked on a dare from Homer ??? The movie will be released while we are at the SDCC, (San Diego Comic Con International), so we'll have to check it out afterwards as the Con runs for four days and nights! | ![]() For those interested in 'funnybooks' like the Simpsons comics we have several of those comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store ! Thanks for reading this pop culture / comics blog post! Feel Free to Comment Below !! Michael ----------------