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Monday, July 30, 2007
We're Back From the SDCC !!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Comic Cons

We're Back!


And We Have A Lot To Blog About! 


We left early on Wednesday July 25th.... to stand in line at the San Diego Convention Center to obtain our 4 day full membership badges.  We had to be there for the 'Preview Night' at the LARGEST North American Comic Book / Popular Arts Convention!

Starting Thursday morning, we had to arrive by 6:30 a.m. for a parking spot each day for us to obtain parking each day. Otherwise there would be no underground parking at the convention center for easy access to pack purchases in our vehicle!

The exhibit floor and the program rooms didn't open until 10:00 a.m. each day, but each year the undergrond parking structure gets filled earlier and earlier!

The photo to the top right is Tina and myself standing in front of a large banner that features the logo of the SDCC.

We actually attended more programs then ever before this year! For us to be able to attend the ones we REALLY wanted to see, we had to sit in one or more programs prior to the program we wanted to see.  The reason for this, is that the rooms were not cleared between programs!

The largest room, Room H, could only hold 7,000 persons at one time, and there were defintely over 125,000 attendees this year!!

As a matter of fact, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, The 4-day memberships were SOLD OUT before the Con started, the brand new 3-day memberships were also sold out as time progressed, AND the single day memberships for Friday, Saturday AND Sunday were ALL sold out!!!  Persons showing up for single day tickets were turned away!! This had never happened before, and I'm wondering what kind of bad press the Con received because of this...???

We of course bought our memberships for next year's 2008 Con in advance, but the cost of that is no longer half-price for buying a year early!!  This Comic-Con is getting to be a very large business concern, and possibly upping the price is the only way to cut back on over-crowding??!

This year we both attended different programs, and then attempted to join up for programs we both wanted to see where possible!

So there will be plenty of photos, (over 300 pics taken this year), and text in the upcoming blog posts from Make It So Marketing!

We will have blogs on several of our favorite TV shows, like 'Lost', 'Heroes', '24', 'Jericho' and more!

PLUS blogs on programs of new shows like 'Bionic Woman', etc.

AND, our thoughts on the upcoming movies like IRON MAN, Hulk '2', and a lot more!  Also this year we will be including blog posts  by my youngest son who is pictured with Tina and myself at the middle right!

Just wanted you all to know we were back safely, but tired!! PLUS, we have several SDCC items we obtained at the Comic Con that we will be listing!  We even stopped at the CGC booth to submit some for their third party grading!

Be sure to check back for our blog posts and our upcoming listings!

Michael (and Tina)


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!


We will be listing items purchased at the 2007 SDCC in our eBay Store Soon! 

Yes, that's Michael and Tina in the above picture at this year's  38th SDCC / San Diego Comic Con International !



We will back to thousands of listings shortly in our eBay Featured Store!
The SDCC / San Diego Comic-Con International is a Great Place to obtain photos with your favorite characters, whether they be real flesh and blood, or metallic, or made out of Legos!


For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Below! 

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 11:36 AM PDT
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