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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Neil Gaiman And Guillermo del Toro Discuss 'The Demon' !
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Neil Gaiman

Wants To Write The Screenplay For

Jack Kirby's


Neil Gaiman brought this up at the Annual Jack Kirby Tribute...  

... that was held Sunday July 29th at the SDCC / Comic Con International in San Diego, California.

He disclosed the fact that he had a meal with the director of Hellboy 2, Guillermo del Toro, in Budapest recently.

The subject of Jack Kirby came up, and they compared thoughts on which Kirby creations they enjoyed the most.

Guillermo came up with 'The Demon' and voiced aloud that doing a movie on Jack's 'The Demon' would be a fine film to direct during this current period of interest in comic book movies.

Neil said that he would love to write the screenplay for that film should Guillermo direct it. In fact Neil stated that he told Guillermo he 'would kill anyone else that would be asked to do it'!  So this could be a possibility in the future!

Neil further went on and stated that he enjoyed 'The Demon' (and Mister Miracle) so much, that he included him in the 'Sandman' series that he wrote for DC Comics earlier in his career!

Thanks for reading this blog post and check back with us for additional 'finds' at this past week's Comic Con that we'll be sharing with you!


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Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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Neil Gaiman Has Written For the Upcoming BEOWULF Movie Film Now In Comic Book Format! 

Above is Neil Gaiman at the Jack Kirby Tribute Program held Sunday July 29th at the SDCC / Comic Con International in San Diego, California!  


Jack Kirby Comics! 
Above is an example of 'The Demon' Comic Book that was produced by Jack Kirby for DC Comics in the 1970's. This is the character that Neil Gaman talked about at the Program!  Just click on the comic book cover to see all the Jack Kirby comics we have listed for sale!

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Above! 


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:30 PM PDT
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Feedback WAS There !!
Mood:  a-ok

Feedback WAS There!

From Stan Lee's

 "Who Wants To Be A  SuperHero?"



Feedback was the host of the second part of the SCI-FI Friday Night Program that was held Friday July 27th at the SDCC / Comic Con International in San Diego, California.

He bounded upon the stage, thanked the fans for coming, and made sure that everyone knew that his new comic book should have been distributed to each attendee upon entering the large room.

Then the subject of the new season came up and he introduced two members of Season Two that were in attendance that night, Hyper-Strike and Hygena.

The next morning was going to be the special panel program introducing the new season's contestants, so tonight was just the showing of the first episode that had been aired on TV the night before for those that had missed it!

The early attendees of this joint TV show program had watched SCI-FI's other show first, "EUReKA", which was hosted by Colin Ferguson, and after that part of the program was shown, several of those fans left. (See that first part of the program on Tina's previous blog post by clicking here!)

So it was Great that only true fans, ( or those that wanted to check it out for the first time), of the show were remaining to watch the premiere!  That was fun to be in a group of fans of this show and share the high points of this episode!

Thanks for reading this blog post and check back with us for additional 'finds' at this past week's Comic Con that we'll be sharing with you each day!


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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Click Here For Previous Post on Stan Lee's Show! 

Above are (L to R) Hyper-Strike, Hygena, and FEEDBACK at the SCI-FI Friday Night Program held Friday July 27th at the SDCC / Comic Con International in San Diego, California!  


Yes, We Still Have Some Feedback Comics! 
Above is issue #1 of the 'Who Wants To Be A Superhero?" Feedback Comic Book that was distributed to those that attended the Program Friday night!  Just click on the comic book cover to see this issue and other Comic Con /SDCC comics we have listed for sale!

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Above! 


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 11:00 AM PDT
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Neil Gaiman Wants To Write The Screenplay For Jack Kirby's 'THE DEMON' !
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Neil Gaiman

Wants To Write The Screenplay For

Jack Kirby's


Neil Gaiman brought this up at the Annual Jack Kirby Tribute...  

... that was held Sunday July 29th at the SDCC / Comic Con International in San Diego, California.

He disclosed the fact that he had a meal with the director of Hellboy 2, Guillermo del Toro, in Budapest recently.

The subject of Jack Kirby came up, and they compared thoughts on which Kirby creations they enjoyed the most.

Guillermo came up with 'The Demon' and voiced aloud that doing a movie on Jack's 'The Demon' would be a fine film to direct during this current period of interest in comic book movies.

Neil said that he would love to write the screenplay for that film should Guillermo direct it. In fact Neil stated that he told Guillermo he 'would kill anyone else that would be asked to do it'!  So this could be a possibility in the future!

Neil further went on and stated that he enjoyed 'The Demon' (and Mister Miracle) so much, that he included him in the 'Sandman' series that he wrote for DC Comics earlier in his career!

Thanks for reading this blog post and check back with us for additional 'finds' at this past week's Comic Con that we'll be sharing with you!


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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Neil Gaiman Has Written For the Upcoming BEOWULF Movie Film Now In Comic Book Format! 

Above is Neil Gaiman at the Jack Kirby Tribute Program held Sunday July 29th at the SDCC / Comic Con International in San Diego, California!  


Jack Kirby Comics! 
Above is an example of 'The Demon' Comic Book that was produced by Jack Kirby for DC Comics in the 1970's. This is the character that Neil Gaman talked about at the Program!  Just click on the comic book cover to see all the Jack Kirby comics we have listed for sale!

  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Above! 


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:24 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 5:32 AM PDT
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Monday, July 30, 2007
Neil Gaiman Gets His Dream Cast For BEOWULF !
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Neil Gaiman Gets His Dream Cast For BEOWULF !

Neil Gaiman and director Roger Avery gave Comic Con fans...  

... a first look at a 2-D trailer for the upcoming movie 'Beowulf', (Paramount Pictures, November 16th, 2007)!

The digitally enhanced live action is their attempt to 'tell the oldest story in the English language', said Gaiman, 'with the technology we have today'.

To me it was a little creepy and alienating, but maybe Angelina Jolie just creeps me out...

Jolie's part of what Gaiman calls his 'bull---- casting'. Gaiman continues with 'You know the game we all play, who would you cast for...??'

Holed up in Mexico writing the screenplay and drinking too much beer Gaiman and Avery speculated on their dream cast; Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich and Crispen Glover.  They were amazed when everyone said yes!

Well, in November we'll see if the the movie is a dream or a nightmare...

Meanwhile, you can formulate your own thoughts on the movie by checking out the movie adaptation in comic book format.  Just click on the SDCC Comic Con comic book Exclusive at the top right corner of this blog post to see what we have available for sale right now!

Thanks for reading this blog post and check back with us for additional 'finds' at this past week's Comic Con that we'll be sharing with you!



Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!


Above is the SDCC Comic Con Exclusive Comic Book Adapation by Neil Gaman!  


  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Above! 
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 9:11 PM PDT
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EUReKA ! I Have Found EUReKA !
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: TV Shows


I Have Found EUReKA !


I caught a 'preview' showing of this Tuesday's (July 31st) episode at the San Diego Comic Con International...  

I Won't reveal any spoilers but I will tell you that I loved 'EUReKA' !

What A Show: playful, intelligent and appropriate for the whole family.

What a SDCC Comic Con find!

If you haven't seen EUReKA yet, check it out on Tuesday the 31st of July on the SCI-FI Channel.

If you're already a fan, you'll want a '2007 Summer Catalog' of productgs 'Made In EUReKA'.  This fun, faux catalog features pictures and descriptions for EUReKA inventions like the 'Cyro Kennel', Thought Messenger Earpiece', and 'Short Range Personality Scanner'. 


Thanks for reading this blog post and check back with us for additional 'finds' at this past week's Comic Con that we'll be sharing with you!



Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!
Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
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I Have Found EUReKA! 
Above is the 2007 Summer Catalog for products Made In EUReKA!  


  SDCC Comic-Con 2007 !

For more info on this past year's 2007 
just click on the Photo Above! 


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:14 PM PDT
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