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Monday, May 14, 2007
Transformers Could Be a SLEEPER Hit !
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Transformers Movie Which Is Due Out July 4th Weekend Could
Be A Sleeper Hit! 

It is getting a LOT OF BUZZ already. ... because Director Michael Bay is going to deliver a live-action theatrical film based on the 1980s cartoon about robotic aliens using Earth as a battleground!  
The movie is jam-packed with cool effects, action and Michael Bay's signature talent for blowing stuff up!

For those of you that are new to the Transformers Universe, it can be a complicated one to understand!

The Transformers toyline, cartoon series, comic books, and previous movie all owe their existence to the Japanese toyline, Microman. In 1980, the Microman spin off, Diaclone, was released. It featured inch-tall humanoid figures who were able to sit in the drivers' seats of scale model vehicles.  The vehichles could transform into humanoid robot bodies the drivers piloted... whew what a concept!!

My main interest is in the Marvel Comics comic book line. Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief at that time, Jim Shooter, produced a story concept for the series, creating the idea of the two warring factions of alien robots – the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons.

 Having the concept Shooter then called upon veteran comics editor Dennis O'Neil to create character names and profiles for the cast of characters. Unfortunately O’Neill’s work – for whatever reason – did not meet with Hasbro’s expectations, and they requested heavy revisions to the whole concept.

O’Neill declined to make the requested revisions, and the project was then turned down by several other writers and editors until editor Bob Budiansky accepted the daunting task. After a weekend's marathon of work, Budiansky’s new names and profiles were a hit with Hasbro, and thus production began on a bi-monthly four-issue comic book miniseries, and three-part television pilot! The Transformers TV show, toy line and comic book series went on to great success in the USA !

NOTE:  There was a previous Transformers movie before this new one due out in July....  In 1986 the summer release of  'The Transformers: The Movie' was released. However it was a critical and box-office flop. Hopefully this new movie will increase exposure to the Transformers Universe!

For those interested in 'Transformers' and other Toy based  comics we have several of those comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store and more in our eBay Pro Store !
Thanks for reading this blog post! Feel Free to Comment !!




The Above Picture Shows Michael Selling Comic Books at the  San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) in 1973! No Transformers as the series didn't start until 1984! 

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Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:58 PM PDT
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