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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
TV Show Cowboys ...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows

TV Show Cowboys ...

and Comic Books!

I have posted previously about a few TV Shows that also had a one-shot comic book, or a comic book series...several of those comics were from the publisher, Dell Comics .

For example: 'Roy Rogers Comics' series ran for 145 issues from January 1948 to September 1961.

Additionally Roy Roger's horse Trigger received his own title running for 17 issues from September 1951 to June 1955.

Other TV Western Shows were as follows:

Bonanza was published by Gold Key Comics.

Maverick had a short run from Dell.

The Lone Ranger lasted for many issues, and his horse Silver had a short series.

Wagon Train was popular!

Johnny Yuma, the Rebel had an issue.

Have Gun Will Travel had several issues.

Buffalo Bill Jr was printed by Dell Comics.

Adventures of Jim Bowie was published.

Cheynne had a few issues.

Colt.45 had a few issues.

The Cisco Kid had several issues.

Dale Evans was featured in her own comic, Queen of the West!

Davy Crockett, tho technically not a true 'western' had a few comics based on the Walt Disney TV show.

Gunsmoke, the longest running western on TV lasted several years on the comic books stands.

Even the dog, Rin Tin Tin, had its' own series!!

Sugarfoot, (anyone remember that show?) had its' own comic.

Tales of Wells Fargo had a few issues.

Tombstone Territory had a one-shot issue!

Texas Rangers had a few issues also.

Surprisingly this list could go on and on, it seems that whenever comic book publisher found a good seller, others in the industry would copy that genre and print some of their own!

Sounds like the TV industry today, with new shows copying 'Lost' !

If I missed listing your favorite TV Western and you believe it had at least one comic book issue devoted to it, feel free to list it below in your comments!

For those interested in Western Comics we have several unslabbed comics listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 2:20 PM PDT
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