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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Jericho TV Show R.I.P.
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: TV Shows

Jericho - TV Show R.I.P.  05-16-07


Updated Blog Post - CBS Officially Cancelled the TV Show on May 16th. For Those wanting to Voice their dismayal or for more info on the show, you can CLICK THIS LINK!


Out In A Blaze of Glory...!



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OK, I gotta admit it.... this was a TV show that I made Tina sit through the first few episodes before we both started liking it.  

I thought the premise was good, my family's roots are in Kansas, and that there was enough of a bond to a few early characters to carry us through the season.  

It did, even though the show went on one of those new 'hiatuses' where everything stops and then you have to pick up the pieces again. There were 11 episodes in the first part of the season. 

Unfortunately, it appears that the most of America that were watching the show didn't return after the hiatus! The show had a 'recapper' to bring those new to the show up to speed after returning, but that didn't help!

TV ratings hit a new low in early April, and I have not seen where it would be returning for a new season. The season finale ended with the town of Jericho being attacked by a neighboring town for its farmlands and salt mine.

This ending leaves with the thought that I personally am getting tired of being stranded at the end of these TV episodes, similiar to what happened to 'Invasion' TV show that ended last year. Add that to whatever happened to 'Surface' which went aired for 15 episodes and then went on hiatus for the 2006 Winter Olympics??!  It never came back....

Tina and I first discovered 'Lost' at the San Diego Comic Con at a special preview program, and immediately made mental note to follow it when it aired on TV that fall. TOO MANY TV shows are following the 'Lost' trend, but are too 'nichey' to succeed in the mainstream TV market. PLUS I have just about had it with 'Lost' this year... Thank God they finally agreed to the creators' requests to stop it after 5 years of airing! Maybe it can get back to  its' top form it had in the first season before losing its' way!



For those interested in TV shows like 'Jericho', 'Lost', 'Invasion', 'Surface', etc., we have several Movie and TV based comic books  or magazines in our eBay Featured  Store .  Just click on the link provided!


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:13 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, May 19, 2007 5:24 AM PDT
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