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Sunday, May 13, 2007
Michael Chiklis ..... Rockin' Your Way June 15th !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies


Michael Chiklis....

 Rockin' Your Way June 15th !


Michael Chiklis was born 1963 in Lowell, Massachusetts and grew up in Andover Massachusetts. His Greek American paternal family was from the Greek island of Lesbos.

Michael Chiklis went to New York City early in his career, and is more widely known for starring in two popular, but highly different, police television series: The Commish (19911995) and The Shield (2002—).

In 2005 he starred in Fantastic Four comic book movie as The Thing and will be returning in 2007 for the sequel. A fan of the comic book series, he informed his brother Peter when he was 18, that if there was ever a movie made of the Fantastic Four, he would play Ben Grimm, who is the alter ego of the Thing.

I am a life long fan of the Fantastic Four, starting with issue #3 back in 1962. At one time I had a complete collection of the FF comics, including the other comic book series starring the individual members in solo series, such as the Human Torch in Strange Tales, the Thing in Marvel Two-In-One as shown at the bottom left picture, etc.  The Thing is my favorite comic book character and I closely identified with him in my formative years.

At the 2004 SDCC, (San Diego Comic Con International), I was privileged to attend the first public presentation of the newly signed actors that were to play the FF in the movie. 

I was delighted to see that Michael Chiklis was chosen to play the Thing. He definitely looked like Ben Grimm from the comics, and the audience was told that the Thing would not be CGI like the Incredible Hulk in the earlier Hulk movie. I figured the character of the Thing would be well presented.  I was pleased that the Thing costume was made to look like the early Thing of the 1960's, it looked better on Chiklis.

Don't get me into the choices of the other actors for the film!  I already covered the choice of Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman in an earlier blog!

I am looking forward to the 2007 FF movie, The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. In the teaser trailers the Surfer looks similiar to what we saw in the Terminator 2 movie, and looks good for the big screen.

 For those interested in the Marvel Two-In-One comic books just click on the comic book cover to the left, for Fantastic Four comics we have listed them in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.


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Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:

For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click  below to see what we have to say!

Spider-Man Movie!

Check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV Show in the photo below! 

  Save the Cheerleader....!

For Jack Bauer Fans.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:46 AM PDT
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
Our Take On the New Spider-Man 3 Movie !
Mood:  bright
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Spidey Collectible ComicsInexpensive Spidey ComicsMarvel Superheroes

Our Take On the New Spider-Man 3 Movie !

That's right, we were able to see it today with Michael's pre-teen son, Vinnie, after Michael recovered from food poisoning from last Friday !!

Here our thoughts on the movie with a SPOILER WARNING   If You have NOT yet seen the movie & Don't Want to Know the Plot or Ending, DON'T READ BELOW THIS! :



Vinnie's ( pre-teen comic fan ) thoughts 

Tina 's- mainstream viewer thoughts


Michael's  - Comic Book Geek 1960's thoughts


Best Scene

Eddie Brock Turns Into Venom 

When New Goblin & Spidey fight together at the end

The closeup scene at the end when Harry lays dying. The Love Triangle Closes.


Worst Scene

Bad Ending of movie at Jazz Club


Peter Parker starts dancing in jazz club to diss MJ

Bad Ending of the movie at the Jazz Club


Best Villain In This Movie





Worst Villain In This Movie

New Goblin  




Favorite Line In Movie

(Didn't Have One) 

Maitre' d at French Restaurant say 'Pecker' in lieu of 'Parker'

The little girl at crowd scene tells JJJ that the film is xtra after he paid $100 for her camera


Overall Grade

A-  had more villains than previous movies 

B+   Really BAD ending, but the battle scenes were much better than previous movies

B    Not as exhilarating as first two movies... didn't have the same 'feel' this time! PLUS really BAD ENDING... why didn't movie just stop at the funeral... why go back to the Jazz Club one MORE time??!!!




The above are our thoughts on this new Spidey comic book Film! 


Thank you for reading this popular culture blog post, and feel free to post your comments below !

         Vote Early & Vote Often!

New Poll !

Who Is YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain from All 3 Movies?

Just Click on the Easy Button Above!


Plus Don't Miss Out On These:

For OUR TAKE on the latest American Idol performances all you have to do is  click on the pic below!

Our Take on American Idol Performances!

For The Latest In the next Fantastic Four Movie..  Just click below! 

  Next FF Movie!

Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:40 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, May 12, 2007 5:43 PM PDT
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Get Ready for the NEXT Blockbuster !
Mood:  bright
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Get Ready



Blockbuster !!




Yes, It's the 'Rise of the Silver Surfer', he who is the herald for that world-eater named 'Galactus' ! 

Coming YOUR way June 15th in theaters near you ! 

For those that aren't familiar with the Surfer, to the right are two early appearances of the Silver Surfer in the Fantastic Four Comic Books, issues #49 & #55.

Yes, the Surfer is a creation during those crazy years of 1960's !

According to the multiple stories around the creation of the Surfer, Stan Lee wrote a plot about the most powerful being ever coming to Earth to consume it for energy.

Jack Kirby, the artist and co-plotter thought that such a being would have a herald, one who would search out planets for Galactus ahead of time.  Jack came up with the idea of the Silver Surfer, and Stan wrote the diaologue.


The Fantastic Four themselves were first written by Stan Lee and pencilled by co-creator Jack Kirby for their publisher Martin Goodman back in 1961.


For those interested in checking out the Fantastic Four comics run we have several unslabbed and CGC graded comics listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.

Thanks for viewing this comic book blog post.... and feel free to comment!

Plus don't forget to VOTE for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain in our NEW poll... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly on the bottom right!


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FF versus Galactus & Silver Surfer! 

Fantastic Four 55 Thing vs Silver Surfer! 

Stan Lee Movie Cameos! Memories of SDCC 1973! 

Vote Early & Vote Often!

NEW POLL !     Who is YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain?


You too can check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV show, just click on the photo of the cheerleader below!

Save the Cheerleader... again?!

Our Thoughts on the 'Jericho' TV Show Season Finale and the Genre in General! Just Click on the cast photo below! 

  American Idol ...Vote Often!


Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:57 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, May 12, 2007 8:07 AM PDT
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Jericho - TV Show's Season Finale 05-09-07
Mood:  sad
Topic: TV Shows
Jericho - TV Show

Season Finale 05-09-07

Out In A Blaze of Glory...!

Vote Early & Vote Often!

NEW POLL !     Who is YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain?


OK, I gotta admit it.... this was a TV show that I made Tina sit through the first few episodes before we both started liking it.  

I thought the premise was good, my family's roots are in Kansas, and that there was enough of a bond to a few early characters to carry us through the season.  

It did, even though the show went on one of those new 'hiatuses' where everything stops and then you have to pick up the pieces again. There were 11 episodes in the first part of the season. 

Unfortunately, it appears that the most of America that were watching the show didn't return after the hiatus! The show had a 'recapper' to bring those new to the show up to speed after returning, but that didn't help!

TV ratings hit a new low in early April, and I have not seen where it would be returning for a new season. The season finale ended with the town of Jericho being attacked by a neighboring town for its farmlands and salt mine.

This ending leaves with the thought that I personally am getting tired of being stranded at the end of these TV episodes, similiar to what happened to 'Invasion' TV show that ended last year. Add that to whatever happened to 'Surface' which went aired for 15 episodes and then went on hiatus for the 2006 Winter Olympics??!  It never came back....

Tina and I first discovered 'Lost' at the San Diego Comic Con at a special preview program, and immediately made mental note to follow it when it aired on TV that fall. TOO MANY TV shows are following the 'Lost' trend, but are too 'nichey' to succeed in the mainstream TV market. PLUS I have just about had it with 'Lost' this year... Thank God they finally agreed to the creators' requests to stop it after 5 years of airing! Maybe it can get back to  its' top form it had in the first season before losing its' way!


For those interested in TV shows like 'Jericho', 'Lost', 'Invasion', 'Surface', etc., we have several Movie and TV based comic books  or magazines in our eBay Featured  Store .  Just click on the link provided!


Thanks for viewing this pop culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below!
Plus don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR Favorite Spider-Man Movie Villain... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly to the left !




For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click  below to see what we have to say!


Spider-Man Movie Coming!

Check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV Show in the photo below! 

  Save the Cheerleader....!

For Jack Bauer Fans.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:06 AM PDT
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Friday, May 11, 2007
May 12th, 1998 - Nine Years Ago Tomorrow !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book History


"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"

Hammering Out the Web For You



Nine years ago, (tomorrow) I set up my first simple web page... a very basic one at that.

I had just learned how to do it from my children who had been dabbling in html at their local school. 

Soon I was placing articles up on the web,  from what was then my passion, 'genealogy' !

Right after that I posted my first comic book mail order lists that had previously only been in print form!


Shortly after that I would buy additional domain names, more as the years and competition drove domain name prices lower and lower!

January of 1999 I joined eBay to basically buy what I couldn't find locally for my collection.

I then put my dad's craft business on the web, his 'whirlbirds', and others' businesses that I grew to know from working out at craft shows in Southern California, so many that I built a 'CraftersMallOnLine' to give additional publicity to.

Additionally I built other websites, and learned to do SEO for those site and my own!

Meeting and marrying Tina has expanded those horizons, and we are having more and more fun in these endeavors. 

Today,  she and I blog on eBay and additionally these blog posts are copied to our new  blog web site, www.comicbookcollectorsblog.com, for additional distribution to the World Wide Web!



It's been a fun ride these past nine years on the www, and I want to thank my kids for getting me started!




Thanks for reading this popular culture blog post! Feel free to comment below !



Michael at Old Computer


The Below Picture Is An Example of a Cover Page of My Now Defunct Family Genealgocial Newsletter.



I Was Able to Combine Comics Books and the Internet Back in 1998 When I First Started Web Page Generating. Below is a Caricature Used On One of the Price Lists Generated !!

Today I Use The Web to Sell Comics, Create Blog Posts, and Run Polls Like the Below Newest Poll .... "Who Is YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain??  Just click on the pic below to enter your vote!

Vote Early & Vote Often!

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For our 'Heroes' TV Show Blog Posts, just click on the photo of the cheerleader below!

Save the Cheerleader... again?!

For  'Our Take'  on American Idol's performances each week just click below! 

  American Idol ...Vote Often!

For our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show just click on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 2:06 PM PDT
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